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If you can, listen to Let Me Love You(Fifty Shades Darker Version) By Justin Bieber.
It's not related to the chapter or anything, the song just adds that something to the chapter though( Well for me)

KATHERINE had pulled a large black pillow from her bedroom and had settled next to the large glass wall, overlooking London. When she arrived at her penthouse, she finally allowed herself to cry. Even though she felt like an idiot doing so, she couldn't help it. She cried because of her ordeal and also cried because of Christian. Katherine didn't know why the situation with Christian made her cry at first, but after drowning her tears she finally realised that it was because she was a loyal woman. Even though her reasons for sleeping with Theo were valid, she still felt horrible for cheating on Christian. Her boss gave her some time of a few days ago and advised her to go to a therapist, to which Katherine refused, claiming what she went through with Theo was a ball compared to what she had been through before. Nick and all her friends had come to visit a day ago and made her drink away all her sorrows away because it was the best way they could. Luckily Nick told Katherine that he advised Christian not to see her just yet which was good because all the guilt had disappeared and now she was just angry at him for being inconsiderate and kicking her out.
Soft music filled Katherine's penthouse as she watched the busy people of London go on with their day. She jumped up from her seat when she heard someone unlocking the door. Sam and Nick had keys to her penthouse but they would have called before they showed up. That meant it could only be Christian. The door swung open and Christian walked in.
"What are you doing here?" Katherine asked once he closed the door.
"I came to talk."
"I think you said all you needed to say the day I returned. Now please kindly get out." Katherine said and walked passed him and opened her door.
Christian walked to the door but instead of leaving he pushed Katherine into the wall and kissed her.
"Get away from me Christian." Katherine said as she pushed him away
"Oh so you prefer being kissed by that bastard Theo huh?" Christian accused her which made scoff
"Are you fucking serious? If I liked his kisses so much what am I doing here?"
Christian ran his hand through his hair and walked back to the lounge
"You don't understand how hard this is for me Katherine." Christian admitted.
"What makes it so hard for you?" She asked as she walked into the lounge
"I keep asking myself why you slept with him. I can't get over the fact that another man slept with you. Why did you have to do that?" He asked which made Katherine angry
"You want to know why I did it? Fine! I waited for you for over a month, hoping that would burst through that door, be my knight in shining armor and save me. But when you couldn't do that I had to be my own knight in shining armor. I saved myself because you didn't care enough about me to do it."
"You are being inconsiderate Katherine." Christian claimed
"Inconsiderate? Inconsiderate really? You were the one who was inconsiderate the other day, kicking me out and now when I tell you the truth I'm suddenly inconsiderate."
"I wasn't inconsiderate Katherine, I just had to process it all." He explained
"And your processing including kicking me out?"
"Dammit Katherine! Don't you understand how hard it is to know that the woman you love slept with another man?"
"You think you are the only one who had it hard in this entire situation. Do you know how hard it was for me to even think about my plan? The fact that I was planning to sleep with another man other than you disgusted me." Katherine began as she hugged herself and walked to the glass wall which she stared out of. "How hard it was for me to even touch him or pretend to like his touch? How hard it was for me to push you to the back of my mind so I couldn't stop with the plan? Do you know how hard it was for me to have another man kissing me, a man who wasn't you? To have another man take me to bed? To have to fake my moans and orgasm because I wasn't in bed with you? How hard it was for me to look myself in the mirror, knowing that I had slept with a man who wasn't you? How hard it was to smile and pretend I liked everything he did to me so I could go home, come back to you?" Katherine wiped the uninvited tears away.
"No Christian. Don't Katherine me. When I got home, all I wanted was for you to hug me, hold me and tell me that everything was finally okay. That it was finally over and that you would do everything in your power to make sure that Theo wouldn't touch me. But instead you kicked me out. I have had a harsher past than you Christian and I'm a surviver. When I have to survive, I do anything I can. Sacrifices had to be made so I could get out."
"But why such huge sacrifices?"
"I also made sacrifices for us. Let you get your dick wet by other women, let you love them and always let you come back to me. Those were huge sacrifices. But for the sake of us being possible I made those sacrifices and I understood why I had to make them. But you just can't just understand this one sacrifice. You are being unfair"
"Katherine please forgive me. I finally understand why you did it. So I'm asking you to forgive me for not saving you and for kicking you out." Christian plead.
"Forgive you? How many times must I forgive you? How many times must you fuck up and have me swallow my pride and forgive you? Because at this point I'm honesty tired of forgiving you."
"Katherine please." He begged.
"You know Christian, it's at times like these I wish I hated you."
"You don't mean that Katherine." Christian argued while he gripped her arms.
"I do." Katherine began as she got herself out of his grip. "It's at times like this where I wish I never fell for you. I wish I never fought for you. Times where I wish I never forgave you numerous times and let you back in. It's at times like these where I never kissed you or even slept with you. I wish I never stopped seeing you as a fucking asshole and started seeing how great of a man you are under all that exterior. It's at times like these where I wish there was never an us. It is at times like these where I honestly regret loving you." Katherine told him with tears in her eyes.
"Katherine say you don't mean that. I know I fuck up sometimes and I'm very harsh but please don't say that to me." Christian begged with urgency in his eyes.
"Please get out." Katherine whispered
"Christian I said get out."
Christian sighed,cupped her face and gave her a soft kiss. He understood how much he fucked up and how much he hurt her. He was just afraid that this time she wouldn't forgive him.
"I love you. Remember that." He said
"I love you too." Katherine replied and watched him leave her penthouse in defeat. "Unfortunately."

THE following morning Katherine woken up by her ringing phone. She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Christian. Not ready to talk to him, she let the phone ring and danced to the song. Her phone rang again and this time it was Nick. Katherine answered the call and she heard Christian's voice.
"I knew you would answer his call." He stated.
"What do you want before I end this call?" She asked in annoyance
"Nail has kidnapped Kayla and is demanding to talk to you."

Short chapter, I know

Has Katherine finally had enough?

I have bad news.
Tomorrow(the 11th of January) I am going back to the worst hell hole ever known to men, I mean school. That's right people motherfucking school. *Wipes away tears*
My holiday is over as it is for every other South African kid out there.
Hence the reason why update will be SUPER slow. Maybe one update in one or two weeks.
Pray for me readers, I might not make it out of that hell hole.
When are you going back to school?( If you haven't already.)

STMB has just read 100k reads. Awesome!!!!😁😁😁
Thanks for all the support.

And have a fuckin awesome day. (I sure won't😥😧😭😭)

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