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Dedicated to @Scarlett-Moreau
So I have been getting messages from a few readers and to say they make me happy would be an understatement. I mean like I really love them. So to the three readers who sent me those messages, thank you once again. And because of the wonderful thing you did, you are getting a chapter dedicated to you. I love you lots.
I also love all my readers though.

WHEN Katherine walked into the Williams mansion the first thing she saw was a devastated Ellie being comforted by Sophia.
"This is you fault. If you hadn't made those Americans angry, Ellie would be here with us!" Sophia accused Katherine once she saw her.
"You shut up." Katherine said to Sophia "You tell me where Christian is so I can save your child." She told Ellie.
"He's in his office." Ellie replied in between tears.
Katherine walked to Christian's office and found him pacing around it. He immediately stopped when he saw Katherine.
"Where can I talk to him?" She asked getting straight to business because she wanted to avoid the topic about them.
"He is on video in your office's TV." Christian answered.
"Let's go talk to him then." She instructed as she fixed her leather jacket.
"He wants to speak to you only."
"Oh." Katherine mumbled. She was about to leave the office when a question popped in her head. "After I was kidnapped weren't you supposed to up your security?"
"We did. But Kayla was taken at school by a teacher who gave her to Nail." Christian explained.
"Have you found that teacher?"
"And I'm assuming he's dead already." Guessed Katherine.
"I first asked him about Kayla's whereabouts but since Nail has already called and shown me Kayla, the bastard is going to slowly die in a few minutes."
"I would ask to come with you but as you know I have to save a little girl."
"But can you save her?" Asked Christian.
"I got through the dad, I'm sure the son is going to be easier. Plus Nail has a few secrets he wouldn't want anyone to know."
Katherine said with a smile before leaving his office and going to her own.

"WELL if it isn't sluty Katherine?" Nail taunted her once he saw Katherine enter her office and lean against the desk.
"Cut the bullshit, you asshole. Give me the child." Commanded Katherine which made Nail laugh.
"I really thought it was going to be fun. Like you begging me to give her back to you. Maybe cry a bit. But I will get straight to the point. I will return the child if I get something in return."
"Which is?"
"You." Nail replied with a smile.
"It's quite simple really. I want you in exchange for sweet little Kayla."
"You really asking me why? Okay, I will explain. You see, father is still very angry at you for leaving, especially for drugging him. So, like the sweet son I am, I will surprise father by coming home with the woman he has been looking for for days." Explained Nail and Katherine laughed
"Ah Nail, always looking for you father's approval and for him to be proud of you. Now Nail, the only problem with your plan is that you are going to return Kayla to me and leave without me."
"And why would I do that?"
"Because if you don't I will tell Theo."
"Tell my dad what?"
Katherine laughed at his question and went to pour herself a drink and sat behind her desk.
"How you weren't able to keep it in your pants and how that Tiffany slut wasn't able to keep her legs shut." Katherine explained while taking a sip of her drink and watched with a smirk as she saw Nail's face pale.
"What?" He asked in disbelief
"I will tell Theo about your little affair with Tiffany." Replied Katherine
"But how?"
"The next time you want to talk to Tiffany about the secrets you share, check  if the door is closed. You might never know who is listening." Advised Katherine
"You don't have any evidence." Accused Nail.
"That I don't have. But knowing Theo, all he needs is for a little birdie to whisper a little something in his ear and he will be suspicious, no proof needed."
"Father won't believe you." Hissed Nail
"Then I will give him two other reasons to."
"Which are?"
"The first would be the fact that the child in Tiffany's belly is not his but yours." Katherine stated.
She had once thought a person could go pale to some point but Nail had just gone paler than she thought possible.
"The second one, well would make Theo kill you on the spot if he knew it. You have been stealing all the passwords to your father's accounts. You only needed a few more passwords before you could clean your father's accounts and run away with Tiffany. Even if your father kidnapped me I have to say, that's harsh coming from his son and wife. It's betrayal at its best." Katherine said will shaking her head in disapproval.
It just showed that you couldn't trust a person, even your own offspring.
"Fine. You can have the kid back. But you need to come to America to get her because we are already here." Nail instructed.
Katherine laughed at how Nail thought she was stupid.
"I'm not an idiot Nail. You are still in London. I can see Big Benny behind you." Katherine said referring to Big Ben which she could see over Nail's shoulder.
"Bitch." Nail hissed.
"You got that right. I'm a ruthless bitch who doesn't like those she loves to be in danger. I will contact you to organise where you will hand Kayla to me. It's a pity your plan didn't work out. You just messed with the wrong woman."
Katherine watched as Nail leaned over and was about to press the button that would disconnect the video.
"Oh and Nail." She began and saw Nail pause. "If I find a single scratch on that little girl, I will give your father little hints that will tell him of your betrayal for every scratch she has." Katherine said with a smile.
Nail gave her a deadly look then disconnected their call. Katherine poured herself another drink, filling the glass this time, and went back to her seat. After drinking half of the glass, she laid her head on the desk. Part of her didn't trust Nail but with what was at stake for him, she was certain he would come through. What was one girl's life compared to his life, his child's life and the woman he possibly loved? After finishing her drink, Katherine went to Christian's office and told him everything. He thanked her and suddenly kissed her. Katherine couldn't help but respond.
"You should probably change your shirt before going to the wives." Suggested Katherine referring to the bloodstained shirt Christian had on.
"Yeah I should." Christian agreed and walked to a little cupboard and took a shirt from it.
"Bastard's dead?" She asked referring to the man who took Kayla, while Christian took off his shirt.
"Yeah. Although he was a disappointment. Couldn't handle the torture. Died after I chopped off his arm." Christian stated and Katherine chuckled.
"The ones who can't handle it have always irritated me. The fun ends so quickly." She agreed which made Christian pause from buttoning his shirt.
"You have tortured people?"
"It's part of being a queen pin. Some people just won't talk when you ask them nicely." Katherine answered with a shrug.
"I learn something everyday when it comes to you. Maybe I will let you handle one of our prisoners."
"I would love nothing more than that."
"I better get going. I love you." Christian said as he gave her a peck and walked to the door.
"I love you too." Katherine said before she could stop herself.

"HE sure is busy." Katherine said to Nick before she bit into the sandwich Nick had made for them. They were currently seated at the top of the staircase as they watched Christian brief his men about what was going to happen when Nail returned Kayla. Katherine had called him an hour ago, told him where they would meet and when. The return was going to happen the following day at an abandoned intersection.
"This is nothing compared to when you went missing." Stated Nick
"What?" Asked Katherine in disbelief. She honestly thought Christian didn't bother looking for her.
"The time you went missing, he was an absolute mess. A week after you went missing he had already fired ten men because they promised they would find you but failed. His only focus was finding you. He ignored the wives and,sadly,the girls. It got so bad that I had to handle the business. Although he acted like a dick when you got back he really did miss you."
"I honesty thought he didn't care about me. I had lost hope in him three weeks in that hell hole." She admitted
"He cares about you. He loves you more than you will ever know."
"Loves me more than the wives?"
Nick let out a nervous laugh before answering, "I'm not sure about that but I do know that the love you have with him is different than his with the wives."
"From what I know, the love he has with the wives is predictable, safe but what he has when he is with you, from what I have seen and what he has told me, it's wonderful, unpredictable, dangerous and exhilarating. The type of love a mafia king and queen would have. I heard about what happened yesterday, don't give up on what you have. He might be a harsh and judgemental asshole but he loves you."
"But is his love for me enough?" Katherine asked as she watched Nick get up.
"With what you guys have, it's more than enough." Nick said before jogging down the stairs, leaving Katherine to her thoughts.

THE following day, Katherine and Christian were seated in the backseat of the car while Nick was seated in front with one of Christian's men. The couple had been getting their guns ready while they waited for Nail to arrive. Five of Christian's cars, filled with his men, were parked in a line
"He's here." Announced Nick once he saw three cars park on the other side of the intersection.
"Tell the men to get out of the cars." Instructed Christian
Nick and the man got out of the car.
"You're ready?" Asked Christian while his hand squeezed her thigh.
"Yeah." Assured Katherine.
A few minutes later,Nick opened the car door and popped his head in.
"Let's go." They got out of the car and walked past all the cars to where Nail was standing.
"Give her to me." Demanded Katherine.
"You will regret this." Warned Nail.
"Just give me the kid Nail or things could get ugly."
"How so?"
"My husband has your father on speed dial."
Nail glared at her before snapping his fingers and one of his men opening a car door. Little Kayla got out of the car and her  face brightened once she saw her father and Katherine.
"It was a pleasure doing business with you Nail." Katherine said while Kayla ran to Christian.
Katherine turned around and followed Christian, who was carrying Kayla, back to the car.
"Thank you Katherine." Christian said once they were driving back home.
"Anything for you." Replied Katherine, deciding that she loved this man more than anything.

Update. Yay.

So due to how much time that hell hole is taking, I can only update on Sunday night(depends on how long it takes to write the chapter). Hence the reason why my homework will be done on Friday night(I highly doubt it) or Sunday night(which is what I'm going to do right now).
So please bear with me.

Not confident with the last part of the chapter but hey.

And have a fucking awesome day

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