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So I discovered that I actually like writing in third POV so this chapter is going to be in third POV. If you guys don't like it, then leave a comment and for the next chapter I'll go back to the original POV.

IF it was up to Katherine she would have stayed in bed. If it was up to her, she would have drowned her sorrows in a bottle or two of booze but it wasn't up to her. Katherine smoothed the nonexistent wrinkles off her dress,fixed her jacket, grabbed her purse and grimly walked downstairs. The house was eerie,non of the workers even dared to laugh or even talk loudly. The boss was in a bad mood and his third wife in even a worse mood. It was after all,the burial of the boss' mother today. Katherine walked down the stairs and into the kitchen with an expressionless, cold face. Laura placed a plate of food in front to Katherine but she pushed it away knowing that she couldn't digest anything. She gave Laura a fake smile, even though she was slowly dying inside, she still had manners.
"Come Katherine, it's time to go." Said Nick as he entered the kitchen.
Katherine nodded and walked to the door with Nick not far behind. She opened the door and the smell of rain hit her. It was funny, she met Mari on a rainy day and now she had to say goodbye to her on a rainy day. Nick silently handed her an umbrella and grabbed one of his own. Katherine slowly walked the Nick's car, loving the sound of the rain on her umbrella. Nick opened the door for her and she got in. They silently drove to the cemetery. Mari was a very private woman,who requested a simple funeral before she died. There would be no church service just all those close to her going to the cemetery and saying their final goodbyes.

NICK parked right behind Christian's car at the cemetery. He too had to say goodbye to someone who was literally was a mother to him. She bailed him out of jail one too many times, took his parents' role when they were too busy for him and the thing Nick was grateful the most for, the fact that Mari never told his parents about his little adventures in jail. Nick had also lost someone he dearly loved, but at the moment it wasn't about him, it was about the woman sitting next to him, slowing shattering into a thousand pieces, the woman he always considered strong was falling apart, was becoming weak and he wanted to help her. Katherine was his closest friend and he didn't like seeing her that way.
"Kat, you ready?" He asked her. She turned to look at him and he could already see the tears threatening to shed.
"No, I'm not ready Nick. I'm just not ready to say goodbye." She answered quietly.
Nick gently grabbed her hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze.
"How about after this we go get drunk?" He asked
She gave him a small smile then answered
"I'm still recovering from the hangover that I got when I got drunk with Christian. My hangover hurt like a bitch on steroids."
"Really, a bitch on steroids?" He asked with a chuckle
"What? It makes sense." She tried to defended herself but ended up also quietly laughing at herself.
"Come we have to go, it's starting." Stated Nick as he gave Katherine one last reassuring squeeze, then they got their umbrellas and got out. It was time to say goodbye, a thing they both didn't want to do.

GOODBYES were said,tears were shed and Mari was laid to rest. The little girls were in a terrible state, saying goodbye to their grandmother was horrible.
"Daddy can I go see my other grandma?" Asked Anna.
Sophia picked Anna up, careful not to get her wet, and looked at Christian.
"I'll take them to my parents house. Ellie let's go." Stated Sophia and walked to Christian's car.
"Nick can you please take them. I just need to get home. Take my car, I'll take yours" Said Christian.
Ellie picked up Kayla and went to the car after Sophia. Nick sped off and Christian was about to go to to the car when he realised that Katherine had to ride with him. He walked to Katherine who was still at Mari's grave.
"Katherine we need to go." Christian declared.
Katherine didn't put up a fight and walked to the car. She got in and waited for Christian who said his final goodbyes to his mother and got in the car. They drove in silence,neither not knowing what to say. Christian decided to take a secluded route, he wanted to take his mind off things. The road was empty, not a single car in sight. Katherine's phone rang. She looked at the  caller ID and saw that it was one of her friends, Brandon. A lot of her friends had been calling her. She answered the call with a very curious Christian besides her
"Hy Brandon"
"Hy Katy. How are you?" He asked with concern
"I'm a bit better. You?"
"I'm fine. I just wanted to check up on you. "
"That's sweet Brandon, thanks. I won't be jumping off a bridge any time soon" Katherine said with a laugh. A laugh that Christian had not heard in days. Another man made her laugh. Not him
"That's good. The guys say hi and send their condolences"
"Tell them that I will see them as soon as I can."
"Sure. Bye Kat"
"Bye Brandon" Katherine ended the call.
Christian parked the car at the side of the road leaving Katherine very confused
"Why did you stop?" She asked
"Who were you talking to?" He asked
"Are you fucking doing this again?" She asked in disbelief
"Answer the fucking question!" Christian demanded.
"I'm not doing this with you again. It's getting irritating!" Katherine shouted in anger. She laid her head on the window, her back to Christian and watched the rain outside.
"Please drive. I want to get home" She said softly, attempting to suppress her growing anger at the idiot next to her.
Christian grabbed her hand and forced her to look at him
"I'm not starting the car until you understand something. I have had enough of you getting calls from guys. You are my wife. I will not have you receiving calls from males other than me."
Katherine removed his hand from hers.
"Would you fucking stop this bullshit Christian. I'm honestly tired of this. You are getting on my last fucking nerve. I don't know if you are jealous or something, but just fucking stop it. I have a lot of guys friends Christian. They are all part of my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. You better get used to it or stay away from me."
Katherine opened the car door and got out. She didn't care about the rain roughly hitting her face, getting her hair wet and causing her dress to stick onto her skin. She was glad she didn't put on make-up today or she would look horrible. Katherine leaned against the side of the car. She closed her eyes and tried to recollect her thoughts but no success since they went back to her somewhat jealous husband. She heard the car door open and she opened her eyes. Katherine watched as her already soaked husband walk towards her. With his blazer gone, his wet,white shirt clung onto his skin, showing off his toned body. Christian ran his fingers through his hair and stood in front of Katherine. He stepped closer to her and his body pushed her against the car, trapping her. Christian cupped her wet face, his eyes searching hers.
"That's the problem Katherine, I just can't stay away." He said
Christian didn't give Katherine a chance to answer, he slowly lowered his face and passionately captured her lips. She responded. He tried deepening the kiss when she pushed him away.
"No Christian. I would love to say that I also can't stay away, but I can't. You and I both know that those lips..." She ran her finger on his bottom lip" kissed Sophia and Ellie a few hours ago."
"So? I'm kissing you now" He said
"But after this you will kiss them again. Christian let's get one thing straight, I don't share."
Christian put his arm around her wet waist and pulled her closer to him. He whispered in her ear
"Not even for me?"
"Not even for you." She responded
"Let's go home." Katherine said as she stepped away from him.
"Katherine." He called her as she entered the car.
"Christian let's go home. Get in the car, you are going to get sick" She said and closed her door.
Christian got in the car and they continued their journey in silence.

One week later

"I'M downstairs already, would you harry your fucking ass up" Demanded Samantha as she waited for Katherine to finish getting ready so they could go out. In all honesty, she was worried about her best friend. Mari's death hit her hard. Katherine threw herself in her work, partying and liquor. Her best friend wasn't a drunk, she knew that but she was worried about her. Samantha knew that Katherine would finally put Mari's death behind her, she just didn't know when and until then she was stuck with the numb reckless and workaholic Katherine.
Samantha was knocked out of her thoughts when she saw Christian walk into the lounge.
"Hello Samantha"
"Hi Christian. How are you?"
"I'm getting better. My mother's death hit me hard." He answered.
Samantha was surprised that he was so open with her.
"And Katherine?" She asked.
"I'm not sure but I think she's getting better too."
"I'm just glad she hasn't made any mistakes." She said in relief
"She tends to make mistakes when she is like this. Just make sure she doesn't make one Christian" She said, remembering the last time Katherine was deeply hurt.
"How do I do that?" He asked
"I don't know Christian. Just make sure it doesn't happen."
He was about to answer when his phone rang. Christian looked at the caller ID and saw that it was one of his men. He was probably calling to tell Christian that the drugs have arrived at the headquarters.
"Williams." Said Christian as he answered the phone. He gave Samantha a smile and walked to his office.
Katherine walked downstairs wearing a red, short dress.
"Come on, let's go." She said and dragged Samantha out of the house.

Later that night

KATHERINE walked into the house drunk. She found Christian in the lounge, on the sofa and drunk himself.
"Hy Christian." She said and walked to him.
"Hy Katherine. How was the club?" He asked, clearly intoxicated.
"It was fun. I'm tired though,I'm going to bed." Katherine said and  she was about to walk away when Christian grabbed her by her waist and dropped her on the sofa he was sitting on.
"Do you really think I will let you get away when you are wearing that dress?" He asked as he hovered above her.
"Maybe. Now that we are in this position, what are you going to do?" She asked.
In the back of her head she knew that she was flat out drunk or she would have pushed Christian away by now.
"After that kiss a week ago, I don't only want those lips anymore, I want more, much more." He said
"Then let me give you more." Katherine said and pulled him in for a kiss.
She knew she was drunk, she knew this was against her morals, she knew that she was playing with fire but she also knew that she wanted this man. Katherine had her chance to have Christian and she was not going to let that chance slip right through her hands.
And she used that chance as she drunkly dragged Christian to his room,pushed him onto his bed and straddled him.

And like the good little,drunk wife that she was, she gave her husband more.


Not much to say...

Thank you, thank you for all the reads, comments and votes. They just send me over the moon hence the early update.
We have reached #110 in romance -last time I checked.
I think I'm going to continue writing in the third POV, I like it.
I will only be able to update next week because this week I have to write six exam papers, so I'm kinda swamped.

And have a fucking awesome day

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