➳ Chapter One

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"You want me to what?" you ask your boss, Mycroft Holmes.

"Come on, (Y/N). I wouldn't ask this of you if it weren't important," Mycroft replies.

You run a hand down your face and let out an exaggerated sigh. "Tell me again why I have to do this."

"My brother faked his suicide last year, thus leaving no one to solve the cases because of the rubbish policemen at Scotland Yard. I need you to take over for him and become Sherlock Holmes," he clarifies.

"Mycroft, I'm not as good as Sherlock. I solve crimes with the British Government, not minimal city jobs."

Mycroft slouches in his chair and taps his fingers on the desk. "You're the closest thing we have and someone needs to do his job. We need you to shift the attention from Sherlock to you and show people that there's still a person out there to depend on."

"Then why can't you bring him back and let him do his own bloody job?" you demand angrily.

"Because he's on an important assignment. I'll pay you twice as much as I am now if you become Sherlock Holmes."

You mentally smirk. Lately, you've been rather bored with the undercover assignments and security jobs Mycroft has specifically requested you on. In all truth, you had followed the media before Sherlock's impending suicide and were quite impressed with his skills. You may even say you're a fan of his.

Now, you're nowhere near as clever as him, but you have a set of skills yourself. Mycroft is offering you the opportunity to become Sherlock. Move into his vacant flat, take over his cases, do everything he does. How can you possibly decline?


Mycroft grits his teeth and sits up to fold his hands together. "Fine. As long as you get to 221B Baker Street before the end of the day."

"Done. Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Holmes," you say, turning and exiting the office with a skip in your step.

You walk through the mansion, snatching your coat from the rack as you exit the foyer. Mycroft's guards close the large wooden doors as you descend the steps and the back door to an SUV is opened then closed after you slide into the seat.

"Still 221B Baker Street," you direct.

"I guess you weren't wrong about Mr. Holmes asking you to become Sherlock," the driver chuckles.

"Of course. I knew he would ask eventually since Scotland Yard's workload has been piling up because they're all idiots," you reply smugly.

"You're quite excited, aren't you?" he questions.

"The cases Sherlock has received in the past are far more fun than anything I've done. Getting the opportunity to go out and find more of those is something I couldn't pass up, if that answers your question."

"I see," the driver simply replies.

You sit back in your seat and enjoy the scenery that whizzes past until you arrive, approximately one hour later, at the infamous flat that has now become yours.

The driver parks and steps out to open your door. You immediately head over to the chipped door and straighten the crooked knocker before banging three times. The door creeks open to reveal your very perky landlady.

"Hello, Mrs. Hudson," you greet, bringing her in for a hug.

"Hello, (Y/N). Are you finally ready to take up the flat?" she asks, stepping aside for you to enter as you wave goodbye to the driver.

"Yes. Mycroft finally asked, so here I am. Oh, and don't worry. I promise I won't change anything. I know how much you cared about Sherlock," you say sympathetically.

"I wasn't going to rent it out again incase John ever came back, but I know you'll take good care of it," Mrs. Hudson responds with sadness in her eyes as memories of the duo flash through her mind.

"Thank you, and I would've used my key, but I don't want Mycroft to know I've already been living here for a week."

"It's no problem, dear. I understand," she says.

You give her another hug before trudging up the staircase until coming to the door and throwing it open. You waltz into the main room where there is barely anything on the shelves as Scotland Yard boxed all of Sherlock's belongings up and you moved them to his bedroom while you took up John's empty one upstairs.

You managed to get all the dust and cobwebs cleaned up and the place actually looks livable now. A large cardboard box rests on top of the coffee table and you excitedly rush open and flip it open. Inside are the unsolved cases from Scotland Yard and you've been itching to start one, but the question is, which will be good enough to pursue?

Yeah, that makes me sound like a member of the Holmes family.

You've known Mycroft for almost four years when you managed to hack into the British Government's security network for information on a missing person you suspected to have been kidnapped by them, but unfortunately, you were caught. Instead of sending you to prison, Mycroft offered you a job.

You, of course, excepted the offer and have flown all around the world for missions, but they were more international matters where you're better at solving mysteries. On the bright side, you did manage to find that missing person somewhere in Thailand.

Throughout your life, you've been good at hiding your abilities by always working solo. Mycroft would always compare you to his brother, which you suspected was an insult until you read some stories about him.

You hope, perhaps, he'll return so you can get a proper read on him and maybe a little deduction. But for now, your main focus is solving these cases.

You bring out the first file and flip through the documents. It starts mentioning the disappearances of people all over London that happened on the same day... at the exact same time. As if they vanished into thin air.

You smirk. Perfect.

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