➳ Chapter Fifteen

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The ceremony goes fairly quick, considering your sole attention was focused on Sherlock who stood rigidly next to John since he doesn't enjoy being in front of crowds.

Sherlock knew you were watching him of course, which made him relax a little. But what he didn't notice was you keeping an eye on the bridesmaids as well who kept staring at what is yours.

After the ceremony, everyone goes outside of the church to take pictures and you stand away from the horde while watching in amusement as Sherlock poses like a freaking statue in every picture. Your personal favorite is when he inches away from the bridesmaids, only going noticed by you.

"(Y/N)!" you hear Mary call your name. "Come take some pictures."

"I'm fine," you reply, waving her off.

Mary walks over and stands in front of you. "(Y/N), we both know the way all the women here are eyeballing your boyfriend. Now come take a picture with me, John, and Sherlock then one with just Sherlock. Show your dominance!"

You laugh at her choice of words and decide that it won't kill you. Mary grabs your hand and drags you to the front of the church just as Sherlock and John get done taking a picture together. Mary takes the lead and positions the two men away from each other and puts you and herself in the middle.

John wraps an arm around Mary's waist and Sherlock finally looks down, realizing its you and not another annoying bridesmaid. He gives you a dazzling smile before putting an arm around your waist as well just as the photo is snapped.

"Just them now," Mary says, pulling John from the shot. "I want a lovely picture of you guys."

You roll your eyes and reach over to take the top hat from Sherlock's hands, putting it on your head and grinning up at him. He looks adoringly into your eyes as the picture is taken and you give yourself a mental note to ask Mary for it later to get it framed.

The women who hoped to score with the seemingly available best man are now pissed off and heading to the open bar. The reception soon begins and you stand outside of the building with Sherlock (at his request), John, and Mary to greet the guests.

You know Sherlock decided he needed to interview a few of the guests, but you were only there for the one with a little boy because of some business with Mycroft.

"David," Mary greets a man cheerfully and goes in for a hug, but he nervously pushes her away.

"Mary, congratulations. You look, um, very nice," he hesitantly compliments.


"John, congratulations. You're a lucky man," David says, shaking his hand.

"Thanks," John replies.

"David, this is Sherlock and (Y/N)," Mary introduces.

"Um, yeah, we've, um... We've met," David stammers as Sherlock nearly stares him down, which you admit makes Sherlock look pretty damn hot.

You lightly jab Sherlock's side and he grins as David scurries away. Out of nowhere, a little boy runs up and tightly hugs Sherlock.

"Yes, um, well-done in the service, Archie," Sherlock awkwardly says and you snicker at how much Archie reminds you of Sherlock himself.

"He's really come out of his shell. I don't know how you did it. He said you had some pictures for him as a treat," Archie's mother says.

"Er, yes, if he's good," Sherlock replies, tapping Archie on the head.

"Beheadings," Archie says and your eyes widen.

"Lovely little village," Sherlock rushes out, gently prying Archie off his waist.

"Nice cover," you mumble as his mother takes him inside.

"You let it happen," Sherlock mutters back.

"I told you not to show him the pictures," you retort.

"You still let me."

"Which was a mistake."

You glare at each other, but easily crack smiles. You guys would never be able to actually fight because it would surely go on forever.


During the reception, you and Sherlock stand around with your arm looped through his as you wait for the food to be ready for the guests.

"Fancy a game of deductions?" Sherlock asks.

"I suppose, but I'll win," you say confidently.

"We'll see about that."

"The waiter," you say as he passes by.

"Traces of two leading brands of deodorant, both advertised for their strengths. Suggestive of a chronic body odor problem manifesting under stress. What about the friend?"

"Long-term relationship. Compulsive cheater. Waterproof cover on the smartphone, yet his complexion doesn't indicate outdoor work. Suggests he's in the habit of taking his phone into the shower with him, which means he often receives texts and emails he'd rather went unseen."

"Really?" Sherlock questions.


"Red-headed woman." Sherlock subtly gestures as she takes another swig of what looks like scotch.

"Not her natural hair color, constantly dyed. Obviously she's trying to retain her youth and the red is a failed attempt at getting her distant husband's attention. More wrinkles for her age suggests incredible stress and the scotch is to drown her sorrows while having an excuse since we're at a wedding. Her husband?"

"Man with the horribly obvious wig and he's not distant, he's cheating with his wife's possible sister. They're continuously sharing glances that are less than innocent and the angle of the wig suggests they've already had a bit of an intimate moment today."

You laugh while resting your forehead on Sherlock's shoulder before lifting your head to look into his sparkling eyes. "I'll give you this one."

"Darling, you didn't really have a choice," he replies with a smirk.

"Please, we know I'm the more dominant one."

Sherlock raises an eyebrow and moves down to whisper in your ear, "That's not what I remember from last night."

"Don't play with me, Sherlock. We still have five hours of this thing left and I won't hesitate to drag you upstairs and have my way with you," you whisper threateningly.

"I love when you're feisty."

"I love when you're flirty."

You give him a smug smile before both of you simultaneously look toward the door to see someone in an official uniform walk in.

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