Chapter 4: Life Amongst the Four Stooges

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"So I met a new Super tonight," I said as casually as I could once I was through the door, shrugging off my hoodie. All of that running had made me hot.

Seb looked at me like I'd sprouted a second head. I supposed that actually wouldn't be all that unusual in our world.

"What?" Was all he could manage.

"Have you heard of or talked to a Super called Enigma?" I picked at my nails, reflecting that a manicure might be nice.

When I looked back at Seb, his brow was furrowed. "Umm ... yeah, I think I might have heard about him joining up. What's he look like?"

"Surprisingly distinct, considering he only wears one colour. All black, with a hood. Black mask, but with these weirdly golden eyes that kind of ... shine and swirl when he looks at you." Seb raised his eyebrow at that last part, and I defended myself. "Okay, you can't not notice them. It's not like that! You know as well as anyone that I'm the last person to get breathless over a Super these days. No, it's that they are actually gold, like liquid metal. It's not exactly a normal eye colour."

Seb laughed. "I didn't say anything! I actually do know who you're talking about, I've seen him at the back of a few meetings and he did have strange eyes. I'll get a better look at him next time. But that's hardly the point here. Why did you meet him?"

I looked at my nails again. "Well, some jerk with a little knife thought he could mug me or assault me, and-"

"Uhh, what?" Seb broke in angrily. "I told you it wasn't safe!"

"If you'll let me finish," I said pointedly. "He thought he could do that, but we both know he stood no chance. He was just a regular, human creep with a weapon he suddenly had no control over." I smirked, thinking of the look on the guy's face when his knife stuck in the air. "Anyway, he startled me at first since I obviously wasn't expecting to turn around and see him standing there, so I screamed. I was handling things, ready to send him out on his criminal ass, but then this Super, Enigma, showed up and knocked him out. He didn't even listen to me at first when I told him I didn't need his help."

"Funny, that. And I bet you said it reeeal nicely," Seb interrupted, grinning despite himself.

Glaring at him, I said, "Well obviously I was pretty fed up with Super stuff for the night, what with Gareth nosing around earlier. So yes, I was ruder than your average Super rescue. But this guy turned out to be cooler than your average Super. Besides you, of course, brother dear," I pinched his cheeks annoyingly. "I dunno though, I think he might actually be in it to save people and look after the city."

"Did he say how he found you?" Seb rubbed his cheeks gingerly.

"You know, I asked that exact question because I was curious about it too. He said he knew that I screamed, and I sounded scared, so he came."

"Huh." He looked thoughtful. "I think I might like to talk to this guy. I also think, from the point of view of another Super, that you were a bit unfair on him. If you don't want anyone to know about your powers, then he's obviously going to think you do need the help to deal with a crazy knife wielding dude. It's not his fault that you're an, ahem, unique situation and have an axe to grind with the Super team."

I knew he was right but I wasn't going to admit that out loud. I settled for a non-committal grumble, and said, "Well you'll be happy to know that I did say thank you in the end, sort of. And I was on much better behaviour later."

He still looked sceptical. "Right. But seriously, Kenna, remember that there might be a Villain out there who can hide what they are from you. And weapons still hurt, even wielded by ordinary humans. It's not always so bad to have backup sometimes."

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