Chapter 33: All Aboard for Revelation Station

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"Well, this has just been a banger of a day," Gareth sighed as we finished the grim debrief. "I need a stiff drink and a day alone to come up with anything resembling a counter plan. This makes us look pretty awful, all things considered."

Nobody argued with him, since everyone was already stewing in their own flavours of discontent.

"I'm in for whatever you come up with," I said firmly. "You can count on me." I took only a moment to reflect on the weird, irrevocable turn my life had taken.

"Oh, how I've dreamt of those words," Gareth allowed himself a smirk. "Somebody pinch me, please." When I didn't shoot back and only rolled my eyes, his smile became genuine. "It's an honour, really."

"I think we're all ride or die here," Seb spoke up, to nods across the board.

"Thank you, everyone. You are all true Superheroes. I'll call a team-wide meeting tomorrow. In the meantime, be on high alert. It should take Morgan a little time to get things underway, but we never know what else he might have up his sleeve."

The mood was sombre as we all left him in his office, with an assurance that it was the safest place for him, and dragged our weary bodies home.

Soon it was just Ewan, Seb and I walking along the dark, deserted street. A silence had descended on us, but it was only a matter of time before Seb broke it predictably.

"Alright, guys. What. The. Hell?"

"I'm not sure what to tell you, besides that we're sorry we didn't tell you sooner. There was just a lot going on, and we wanted to keep it to ourselves a little longer," I explained.

"How about you tell me how this even happened? How long have you known that Ewan is Enigma, Kenna? How long have you known about both of us, Ewan? It's a lot to process," he scowled at us.

"I honestly didn't figure it out until recently. Ewan's known about me ever since that night on the rooftop when you interrupted us, and he's known about you since we snatched you from the belly of the beast. If it's any comfort to you, I'm not sure Ewan was ever going to tell me." I flashed Ewan a sardonic look.

He spoke for the first time in the interrogation. "Look, Seb, you know as well as I do what a tricky thing it is to tell anyone about your Super side, and I'm a coward. I'm truly sorry that I dragged it out with both of you, but I spent a long time caught in a trap of my own making and it took a little bravery from Kenna's vast resources to pull me into the light at last. I'll spare you the gory details, but let me be clear that I've known for awhile that there was nobody for me but Kenna. I'm sorry if that's weird for you, I really am."

I felt every part of my heart constrict in a frightening and beautiful way, and for a moment was unable to do anything but squeeze his hand.

There was another silence, and then Seb groaned, running a hand over his face.

"Okay. It's gross, but I'll survive. You guys both deserve to be happy. Don't screw this up, either of you. I don't know what I'd do."

I laughed and dragged him into a hug, ruffling his hair affectionately while Ewan threw an arm around his shoulders.

"Well, the world might be burning, but we've still got each other," I quipped, holding them both tight.

The next day I had to readjust to the concept of normal life, and show up for a meeting with Grace at her office.

When I arrived, I found both Grace and Jackson waiting for me in the meeting room.

"Hey babe, this is Jackson's last week of shadowing, so I'll be signing off on him to be a fully fledged agent and I thought what better way to do so than with his favourite author? Not that either of us have a favourite, of course," she grinned.

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