Chapter 7: Night at the Museum Take One

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"Remind me why we're about to go into a stuffy museum on a beautiful sunny day, again?" Lexa complained, as we stood at the base of the stairs up to the grand, neoclassical building that housed the museum.

"That is a really good question," Seb frowned up at the shaded doorway and exchanged a grumpy look with Lexa.

"Okay guys, first of all, Ewan is our friend, and he probably wouldn't ever say it but this sounds really important for him, and second of all, Lexa, you didn't have to come, you just had nothing better to do!" I looked at her pointedly, knowing exactly why she was here. She and Seb were so alike sometimes.

"I hate you when you're right," she muttered, giving me a fake glare. We practised tough love on each other.

"You must always hate me then," I joked. "Neither of you has to come in, anyway! Look, there's ice cream over there. If you want to be whiners you can go do that, and Grace, Stu and I will go in by ourselves and support Ewan and be cultured, sophisticated people." I waved at Grace and her husband, whom I'd spotted approaching from not far away.

Lexa glanced slyly at Seb, obviously considering the idea of getting some time with him, but to what must have been her utmost disappointment, he groaned loudly and rolled his eyes.

"Fiiiiine. Half an hour!" He grumbled.

Lexa frowned, I smothered a smile. Clueless.

"Well you're barely going to have the option of more than half an hour because you dragged your feet so long that the museum closes that soon!" I turned to give the new arrivals hugs.

"Hey Kenna! I hear that Grace is using you to train the new guy at the agency," Stu said mildly, but his brown eyes twinkled.

"Yes, and as you know she's a consummate professional," I sniped, giving her an evil look.

"I can't help how cute you are!" Grace pinched my cheeks, hard.

"What are you talking about," Seb asked with a crinkled nose.

"Definitely nothing," I said firmly, shooting looks at both Stu and Grace, who laughed.

"Let's go then!" Lexa urged, clearly wanting to get it over with.

"You excited, Lexa?" Grace asked. 

"You could say that," I smirked.

Hate you, Lexa mouthed at me.

"Lexa's right though, we should go before we have no time to enjoy ourselves!" I said brightly.

"Couldn't have said it better myself," Lexa muttered under her breath.

As we went up the stairs, I admired the building for the thousandth time, with its smooth, cool marble and the wide, fluted columns that supported the front portico. It was a building designed for housing beautiful and interesting things.

Inside, the sun still found its way into the entrance hall, beaming down through a glass dome that capped the magnificently high ceiling. Stained glass decorated the edge of the dome, throwing the light into a rainbow of colours that danced on the tile floors. It was one of my favourite things about the museum, even before you got into the exhibits.

Ewan happened to be walking across the hall when we came in, and for a moment all the rainbow light dappled across him, painting a coloured mosaic on his skin and hair. I thought about telling him he looked like he belonged in an exhibit but I wasn't sure how he'd take that. Curators get tetchy when they're cooped up with their objects all day.

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