Chapter 16

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Paige POV

We are on the plane heading back to Washington. I would rather drive forty hours than be on this plane for nine and half. Not that I don't appreciate what Mr. & Mrs. C has done, but they could have picked somewhere not so far away. My fear of flying almost made me give my ticket up to Callie or someone, but I researched online, and they spent a lot of money on these tickets. I wouldn't be able to live with that, especially with them so kindly opening their homes to me.

If I wouldn't have come, I would have missed out on a lot. I met two amazing people in Courtney and Kyla. It was nice to meet a couple who are so comfortable with each other. Not that I had doubts that I wanted to get back with Jordyn, but it did help.

The plane starts to take off. I clinch the arm rest. Deep breaths, I keep telling myself.

I feel a hand grab mine. "Relax babe." Jordyn's voice was soft and sweet, but it didn't calm me down.

"I can't." I admit hopelessly.

She turns my face to hers and pulls me in for a kiss. I gladly kissed her back.

When we break the kiss, I look past her to see Jake and Alexis staring at us from across the aisle.

"Are you two back together yet?" Alexis asks with fake annoyance.

Jordyn and I look at each other, both of us smiling.

"OMG! Why didn't you two tell me?" Alexis frowns at us.

"Maybe because you have been MIA this whole trip." I tell her honestly.

I wasn't upset about it. I was just telling a fact.

Jordyn POV

We got picked up from the airport by my mom. Right away I could tell something was off. She was excited to see us, but something is missing.

On the way home, Paige slept on my shoulder. My attempts to calm her on the plane failed. She again was one edge the whole time. When we unloaded, I was surprised she didn't drop to the ground and start hugging it.

I could see my mom's eyes in the mirror questioning us. She obviously doesn't know we are back together. I didn't want to text her or call her on the phone to let her know. I don't even know if I should tell her right away.

We finally arrived at our house. Right away I noticed my dad's car wasn't there. Paige and I grab our stuff out of the car then head to the door.

As we walked in, I mentioned my off feeling. "Something's wrong."

Paige looks at me and by the look on her face, she is thinking the same thing. We walk in and that's when I notice. A lot of items are missing. The items that happen to be my fathers.

I quickly turned my attention to my mother. "Where is dad?"

Alexis and Jake walk in. Alexis stands by me.

"Where is dad? "She asks the same question as I did.

My mom looks at us with the same expression. "We will talk about it in the morning. You all need to get some rest."

Alexis and I look at each other. Alexis then cut in. "No, tell us now. Where is dad?"

My mom waives for us to go to the living room. I grab on to Paige's hand worried about what she is going to say. Of course, this got my mom's attention.

"Do not tell me you two are back together." Why did she say it like that?

I was about to tell her we were, but Paige talked first. "No, we aren't."

I look up at Paige who gives me the look that she will explain later.

We all take a seat. My mom is stalling. This was pissing Alexis off.

"Where is dad?" Alexis demands an answer for the third time.

My mom clears her throat. "Your father has moved out. We are separating. "Alexis stands up and immediately storms out.

I sat there in complete shock. How can this be happening? They were so in love, right?


My mom looks me straight in the eye.

"Sometimes two people fall out of love. We grew apart." With that my mom gets up leaving the room.

My heart felt like it was going to snap. I don't have a perfect life by far, but at least I had two parents to go home to. Now I don't. I don't even know where my dad is currently. I understand I will, but it's not the same.

Paige keeps a hold of my hand as I sit there.

It feels like the walls in the room were closing in. All the thoughts swirling around in my head were getting to me. My vision was getting blurry. My heart was pounding fast.

"Relax Jordyn. Just breathe." Paige says, trying to calm me down.

"Why did you tell my mom we weren't dating?" I want to know what the reason was.

"Because I knew she was about to tell you something important and I didn't want the attention to go on us." She tells me.

I lean in and kiss her real fast.

We get up and go upstairs. I don't care if she is supposed to sleep in the basement. I don't want to be alone tonight.

When we get up there, I see Alexis and Jake getting ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" I ask in confusion.

My mom walks out of her room to see what is going on.

Alexis looks over and glares at her. "We will be at dad's until we move into the apartment." With that she walks right out.

Paige and I walk into my room. I get dressed and lay on the bed. Paige gets in and snuggles up to me.

So much for a smooth sailing the last half of school. I didn't want to, but I had no control, tears started streaming out of my eyes. As I felt like life was getting great again, there is something to bring it back down.

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