Chapter 28

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Jordyn POV

I woke up and noticed Paige was not in bed. I had this feeling in my stomach that everything is different now. I don't know why or what the feeling meant.

Where did Paige go? Did she really get up and go back to her apartment without saying goodbye?

I get out of bed and go downstairs.

When I get down there I see my mom is up and dressed for work. It's Sunday, what is she doing? My mom holds her cup of coffee staring at me.

"You need to get ready for school." She says with a monotone voice.

I stare at her. School? I'm done until graduation. "I don't have school." I told her.

My mom walks over to me and puts her hand on my forehead. "You don't feel warm. Go upstairs and get ready. You don't have much time."

I turn around and head for the stairs. As I walked up to them, I saw Alexis coming down. I stop and stare at her.

"Stop staring you creep." She says as she walks by me. Alexis stops at the end of the steps and looks at me. "Try not to embarrass me this year." She then walks out and slams the front door.

My mom comes into the foyer and looks at me. "Will you two ever get along?" Her voice was hopeless as she quickly disappeared again.

I walk up the stairs slowly as I try to process what is going on. I look around my room and see I have jean shorts and a shirt pulled out sitting on my desk. I walk over the clothes. This is what I wore at the start of my junior year.

This can't be, can it?

I put the clothes on and brush through my hair.

When I was finished getting ready, I heard a honk outside. I go down the stairs and see Callie in her car. I walk to her vehicle still very confused as to what is going on.

I got in and unlike last time junior year started, she was very perky.

"Are you excited?" She asks with a huge smile on her face.

I stare at her not knowing what she is talking about.

Callie rolls her eyes at me as she backs out of my driveway.

"Everyone will get to see Derek and you together."

This must be a dream. I close my eyes and slam my head against the window to try to wake myself up. When I opened my eyes back up, I was still in Callie's car with her looking at me with a concerned look.

"What are you doing Jordyn?" She questions.

I shook my head and didn't respond. I have no idea what I'm doing. I have no idea what is even happening.

I walk into school, and everything feels like Déjà Vu. I walked with Derek who was with his friends. I remember the first day, I thought he was going to ignore me once school started.

He waves me over.

I look at Callie. "Why is your boyfriend telling me to come over to him?"

Callie almost fell to the ground laughing. "How hard did you hit your head in my car? Derek is your boyfriend not mine. I mean I wouldn't mind if he was." She winks.

I walk towards him. Is it possible that everything I thought was real life was all a dream? Maybe nothing ever happened. Maybe I was asleep for eight hours and it felt like almost two years.

"Good morning, babe." Derek smiles at me as he gives me a quick kiss.

My body froze when his lips touched mine. It doesn't feel right.

"I will see you later, I have to find my locker." I say quickly.

He nods his head and gives me another quick kiss.

When I turn around, I see Alexis rolling her eyes at me. Paige was next to her staring at me.

I froze there as I stared back at Paige. She looks young compared to what she looks like now. I was completely zoned out on her until some rams me in the shoulder.

I look at Alexis who is the one who hit my shoulder. "Stop staring. I'm starting to think you are a lesbian."

Alexis and Paige walked off. I guess everything has changed. It's my worst nightmare. I watched as both walked down the hall.

Paige ends up turning her head back and looking at me. She gives me a small smile.

I went to first hour, which was the way I remember it. If everything is happening the way it did before, that means I'm about to get hurt. I'm walking to geography. If I remember right Paige runs into me.

Should I stop walking and wait so I don't get hurt? If I do, will that change everything that happens after that? What if running into each other right here is how everything started?

I walk to geography and right on cue someone smashes me in the back. I fall to the ground smacking my chin. I turned to see who it was and it was Paige. She rushes over to my side and tries to help me.

I'm on the ground staring at her as she is hovering over me. The smell of the perfume she used to wear is intoxicating. The concern on her face makes me want to hug her and tell her I'm okay.

The things I was feeling right now were broken up when Derek came over.

"What happened babe?" He asks, sounding concerned.

I get off the ground as Paige stands there.

"I slipped." I told him.

After Derek gave me a hug, I went into the classroom. I take a seat in the back. When Paige walks in, I see her scan the room. The only seat that is left is by me. I couldn't help but smile this time.

Paige turns her head to me after taking a seat. "You didn't have to do that."

I put my hand on hers without thinking about it. She looks down at it and then back at me. "It was no big deal." I tell her. "You look good today." I compliment her and turn to the front of the class.

I look out the corner of my eye as Paige is still staring at me. She finally turns in her desk. I can see a smile on her face.

The teacher starts to talk. "I hope you like where you are sitting. That spot is your seat for the whole year."

I was mouthing what he was saying. I remember this day a lot more than I thought. When we walked out of the classroom something changed.

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