Chapter 23

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Paige POV

"Well Callie and I are actually friends with him again."

I walk into the living room where Jordyn is telling Jake and Alexis, she is friends with Christian again.

I stood there completely shocked.

"WHAT?" I yell out.

Jordyn's head turns in my direction.

The look on her face shows me she wasn't planning on telling me. She walks up to me.

I backed away from her. "You are full of secrets now, aren't you?"

How can she even consider being friends with someone who abused her best friend? He hit me. Not to mention, how he came to her sister's wedding and made a scene.

I go into my room. I grab some clothes to change into. As I expected, Jordyn walks in.

"Where are you going?" She asks me as I am putting socks and my boots on.

"Don't worry about it. I mean, it's not like we tell each other everything." My voice was harsh, but that was the point.

I never thought our relationship would be based on secrets.

Jordyn finds out who her father is and not telling me was a stretch, but I understood it when she explained why she didn't tell me right away. This I don't understand.

I put on a sweatshirt and my heavy coat knowing it was going to be cold. I also grabbed my stocking hat. I walked past Jordyn then through the apartment. I see Alexis and Jake staring at me, but neither one of them says a word. This was a good thing because I would
snap on them right now. I don't know how they didn't snap on Jordyn for being friends with that kid.

I slam the door to the apartment as I go outside. The snow is about a foot deep, but I don't care. I walk through it as I need to get away from Jordyn. Anger is filling my body and I don't like it. I don't want to feel anger towards the person I love. It isn't supposed to be like this. We aren't supposed to be like this.

The wind was howling as it blew heavily. It probably isn't wise being outside with how cold it is. The joy of living in Washington is the long winters. I don't know how people don't like the snow.

I turn around when I think I hear someone. As I turn, I get clobbered in the eye by a flying white object. I fall to my knees as I'm holding my eye. The snow that hit me had a piece of ice in it.

Instantly I see a shadow hovering over me. As I'm looking down at the snow, I see gloves fall to the ground. I look up and see Jordyn's bare hands going to my face.

"Paige I'm so sorry. I didn't know that it had ice in it! I didn't think you were going to turn around."

She brings her hand away from my cheek. I noticed some blood on it. She got me good, didn't she?

"Why are you throwing a snowball at me anyways? Is that your way of trying to apologize?"

I hand Jordyn her gloves for her to put back on. It was too cold for her to not wear them.

"You were walking too fast. I was trying to get you to stop. I was afraid if I yelled your name you would walk even faster away from me." Jordyn's blue eyes were sparking with the reflection of the snow and the sun hitting them.

Her eyes make me so weak even when I'm angry. I hate it because they can make me easily forgive her.

"Maybe we aren't best for each other anymore Jordyn."

Jordyn scoops up more snow and throws it at my arm.

"What the hell is that for?"

"For saying that! For trying to break up with me again!" Jordyn's nose was flaring out as her eyes narrowed at me.

I went from my knees to my back as I let my body fall back. I'm not trying to break up with her or want to. I just want her to be honest with me and talk to me. Maybe this is all my fault. Maybe this is what I get from trying to be a full-time student with a full-time job and trying to juggle a relationship.

"Jordyn. I don't want this." Of course Jordyn cut me off before I could finish.

I can't see Jordyn as I'm lying on the ground looking at the sky, but I can feel her kneel down by my feet.

"You always do this Paige. You push me away just like you did at the beginning of the school year."

I guess someone is about to get their anger out they have been holding in. "Anything else Jordyn?" She might as well get everything out.

I hear her let out a big breath. "I just want you to love me."

I lean up on my elbows as I watch Jordyn stand up. Here she goes running away.

I lunge my foot behind her leg forcing her body to fall on me. She puts her hands out and catches herself in the snow as her body is over mine.

"Jordyn you didn't let me finish. I was trying to say I don't want this if you aren't going to be honest with me. I don't want to be worried that you are out with that Christian kid, and something bad happens to you. I can't control who you are friends with, but I can state my opinion and my feelings."

Jordyn rests her body on top of mine which causes me to sink more in the snow.

"It's not like I'm trying to hide things. It is hard when we don't talk until late at night. There is something I forgot to tell you."

I look at Jordyn knowing that part of what she just said is true, but part of it isn't.

"Jordyn. Christian isn't something you forgot to tell me."

"I know. That was something I was trying to avoid. Callie sees something good in him. I told him we would never be around him alone." Jordyn explains.

I don't want to fight over Christian. "Okay, but you better tell me if something happens. I worry about you."

Jordyn's cold lips hit mine. "I know you do, and I love that about you."

I wrap my arms around Jordyn and flip her over so now she is in the snow.

"What else do you love?"

She bites down on her lower lip with a grin on her face. "I love how aggressive you are."

"Me? I'm pretty sure you were the one who handcuffed me to the bed." I say as I warm my lips up with hers.

As I kiss Jordyn's lips she starts laughing while kissing me back.

Jordyn POV

Paige gets off me and helps me up. We walked hand in hand to her apartment. The last twenty-four hours have been an emotional rollercoaster. I'm glad that we talked and hatched it out. I should thank Paige for knowing that I was about to run. Also, I'm glad that this time when she walked away, I followed her. I just wish I didn't clobber her in the face with an ice ball.

We get back to the apartment and Alexis and Jake are still on the couch like they were when we left. Watching the way Alexis looks at Paige, I can see their relationship is almost ruined. I say almost because of the way that Alexis looks at Paige.

The way she looks at Paige tells it all. Paige has been her best friend forever. Paige is the one thing that Alexis would never let anyone mess with. She never stays mad at her for long. That's why I'm surprised their feud has been this long.

Paige went straight to her room, so I followed.

"You can take a shower first." She offered it to me.

I nod and go to take a shower. The hot water feels amazing on my body. I keep the shower short though. I know Paige was outside longer, so I know she needs to warm more than I do. When I got out, I went to the living room.

When I made sure that Paige was in the shower, I started talking to Alexis.

"When are you going to fix things?"

Alexis plays stupid. "What are you talking about?"

"When are you going to fix your relationship with Paige?" I questioned.

Alexis looks at Jake. Jake didn't say anything. "She is the one who has a problem. I haven't done anything." Alexis was quick to play the innocent card.

"Alexis." Jake says, staring at her. I was a little shocked he stepped in to be honest. "Paige and you have been friends forever. There is obviously an issue if she shuts you out."

I watch Alexis try to talk but when she realizes he was right she just sits there.

"What am I supposed to do? Sorry isn't going to be enough."

Paige walks out the bathroom which caused us all to jump a little. She eyes us.

"What is going on?"

I jump off the couch and take her into the bedroom. I don't want to say anything because that wouldn't be honest.

"Let's go out. I want to take you to dinner."

Paige dries her hair with the towel that was wrapped around it.

"Dinner? It's only like one."

I point to the time. "It's four. We woke up around one. Then we went outside and showered. So, get ready and I will get ready."

Without hearing her answer, I went to the bathroom and started to do my hair.

I blow dried it so I wouldn't get sick. Luckily for me my hair dries straight. I put a small braid towards the front and pin it back leaving the rest of my hair down. I put some eyeliner and mascara on. When I was finished, I let Paige use the bathroom as I got different clothes on.

"I will meet you in the car." I tell Paige as we go to the front door.

I watch her walk out and shut the door.

I look at Alexis and Jake.

"I'm taking her out to eat. You need to think of something. She needs you more than you think." I say to Alexis.

I walk out of the apartment and go to my car. I see Paige standing outside the car.

"You could at least have unlocked it before you sent me out here to freeze." She pretends to be angry.

"I'm so sorry." I need to use my head more.

We both get in the car, and I turn it on, so it starts to warm up. I should have started it before we even came out here. Hell, we should take Paige's vehicle with the snow.

"Where do you want to go?"

"I thought you were in control." Paige says with a wink. "The place I work has good food, but I don't want you to go ape shit on Amanda."

I roll my eyes at her. "Look at you protecting her."

"I'm not protecting her Jordyn." Paige didn't see that I was just trying to make a joke.

I put my hands on hers. "Babe, calm down. I was joking. We can go there. I pinky promise I will be good."

Paige puts her pinky in the air, and I link it.

"We are lame." She comments while laughing.

"At least we are lame together." I lean in and give Paige a kiss.

I was only expecting a small kiss, but she quickly intensified it by sliding her tongue into my mouth.

After a couple of minutes of intensely making out, I push Paige back slightly.

"I thought we could entertain ourselves while your vehicle heated up." She winked at me then buckled up.

I shake my head smiling as I start to drive to the restaurant. When we get there, I spot Amanda right away. The girl in the front leads us to our booth.

"Amanda will be your server." She says politely.

I try my hardest not to react to it knowing Paige was watching me.

Briefly after we sit, Amanda comes over.

"Hey Paige." She says with a flirtatious voice as she shuns me out. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"I would like a lemonade." Paige responds then turns her eyes to me.

Amanda looks at me, giving me a glare. I look at Paige to see if she notices.

"I'll have just water."

"You are one of those girls." She says rudely.

"If you mean amazing, then yes she is." Paige cuts in.

Amanda rolls her eyes and walks away.

I look at Paige with a smile. It might have been something simple, but I'm glad she cut in there. This girl obviously doesn't like me because I'm with the girl she wants, so to have Paige stick up for me was nice.

"So, you never told me what is going to happen with Mr. Hartley and you." Paige strikes up a conversation.

Before I respond, Amanda takes our order. After she walks away, I start to tell her about it.

"He says he wants me to get to know him, but doesn't want me to feel pressured to. Basically, he says it's my decision."

"What are you going to do?" She asks me.

I take a drink of my water. I then start to play with the straw.

"When I first found out, I didn't want to get to know him. This was before he knew. The Monday when I confronted him about it changed my whole perspective. After that I almost fainted."

Right when I said fainted Paige's eyes got big.


"I was fine. I got overwhelmed. Anyways, when I was laying in the nurse's office, I heard him and my mom in his office. The sound of his voice and what he was saying was all I needed. I knew that he wanted me to know the whole time he did. He wanted to be part of my life, but it was my mom's fault that he wasn't."

Paige reaches for my hand. "You are so strong, you know that?" She says to me.

I shake my head. "I am not strong."

"Yes, you are babe. There aren't many people who can handle things you've been through."

We stay talking throughout dinner. Amanda didn't say anything else to Paige.

We left the restaurant and headed back to the apartment.

When we got there, I noticed Jake and Alexis watching a movie. When Alexis didn't get up or anything when we walked in, I was a little disappointed. Paige went to her room.

I look at Alexis. "I thought you were going to fix this."

Moments later I hear a scream. I go into Paige's room with Alexis following me. On Paige's bed there was a printout of concert tickets.

"Oh my god." Paige turns to Alexis. "How did you know I wanted to see them?"

"I can hear you listening to them nonstop when you are home." Alexis laughs. "It's my way to tell you I'm sorry for everything." Alexis says as she walks closer to Paige.

Paige gives Alexis a hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Alexis says back to her.

I look over at Jake who is in the hallway. He gave me a thumbs up.

Who knew concert tickets would be the answer to end their fight?

"We rented some movies if you guys want to watch them with us." Alexis offers.

I look at Paige. She nods her head. We all went to the living room.

Paige and I sit on the couch. Paige leans her body into mine as I put my arm around her.

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