Chapter 8-

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"I have a pass for you." Mrs. Miller tells me as I walk into class with Mike.
Talk about discreet.
I look down at the slip. It is an orange piece of paper instructing me to report to the guidance office during lunchtime.
"What's that about?" Mike asks.
I shake my head.
"My mom signed me up for the "Buddy Program", stupid huh?" I say making quotes with my fingers as I say Buddy Program.
Mike raises his eyebrows.
I nod.
"I know, that's just my mom. She loves to be overprotective." I laugh.
"Oh." Mike responds.
"Have you ever done it?" I ask.
"Ugh..I was a mentor for this kid back in freshman year."
I nod.
"How was it?"
Mike shrugs.
Why is he reacting like that?
Is there something about this I don't realize?...
"Ok, class. Take out your copies of The Scarlet Letter. We will have ten minutes of independent reading and then we will discuss."
I sigh...
This book is so annoying.
I try to read, but in such a quiet room I put more energy into controlling my tics than actually reading.
Sniff sniff sniff blink blink wink
Mike looks over at me, and then back to his book.
Focus, Asher.
I try to focus on Hester, Pearl and everyone else in this stupid book...
I try to tap my foot instead.
I try to close my eyes.
This is so stressful...
I just start thinking about basketball and other things instead.....
"You look very interested and intrigued in the novel, Asher."
I look up.
"Uh, yeah. It is a great read." I smile and give a thumbs up. Great read?
"Really? I'm glad you think that. You know many people would beg to differ. What makes you believe it is great?"
"Uh..well...Hester wears the scarlet A, right? I feel like everyone has their own invisible scarlet letters too. Everyone has something that makes them stand out."
You know the slow teacher nod where they nod around four or five times...yep, just got that from Mrs. Miller.
"Interesting point there."
I smile.
"Any other interpretations. Mike?"
Mike turns to me and I shrug.
"I guess I'm one of those people who would beg to differ."
Mrs. Miller frowns.
"We will work to fix that, Michael."

The rest of the day is pretty much vanilla. Until my dreaded lunch period rolls around.

I sigh as I enter the guidance department .
"Hi, I'm here for the buddy program. My name is Asher Westman." I explain.
"Ok, let me check you off, Hon. Then you can head right on back." The older skinny woman at the desk tells me.
She looks down at my name and draws a check mark.
"Ok, Asher! Have a wonderful day!" Her whole tone changes. That's strange.
"You too..."
I head on back and enter a colorful room.
What is going on?
There are around ten teacher aides in here and four students who look kind of out of it.
"Hello! My name is Mr. Edwards. I am the guidance counselor in charge of the buddy program!" A young guy with slick black hair, blue eyes, hipster glasses, a yellow dress shirt and a blue and purple tie greets me.
"Hi, I'm Asher." I say.
"Pleasure to meet you!" He shakes my hand.
One of the kids already in the room eyes me down.
"You're new." He states.
"Yeah. I'm Asher."
He narrows his eyes.
"Autism or Aspergers?"
"His name is James!" One of the aides tells me.
I smile.
"Autism or Aspergers?!"
My eyes widen as James semi screams at me.
"Oh, it doesn't matter, Sweetie." The aide tells him.
"Sorry I'm late!" A girl with a long dark brown braid announces as she runs in the room.
"No worries, Aly!" Mr. Edwards says.
She has chocolaty eyes, some freckles, and she is wearing skinny jeans, a white shirt with cherries on it, black boots, and she is holding a coffee.
But she doesn't sit down, she stands against the wall.
A few more kids shuffle in, and one of them in crying.
"What's wrong, Sara?" Aly asks her.
The boy shakes his head and he sits next to me.
"My mom forgot to pack me chocolate pudding!" Sara yells.
"It's ok, Sara. You can have mine." Aly responds.
A ginger boy enters the room with another boy and they stand up next to Aly.
The three of them start chatting quietly, and I so desperately want to know what they are discussing.

After a few people enter the room, the kids in the front nod to each other.
"Alright, everyone! My name is Aly Roth, and I am the president of the Buddy Program here at Clifftown High School. So this is our orientation, and most of our sessions will be after school. Everyone will be assigned a buddy today. Your buddy will be your guide, your rock...someone to turn to at school." Aly turns to the others and smiles.
"Anything else?" She asks them.
They all shake their heads.
A girl with curly hair who kind of resembles Zoey walks next to Aly and she holds a piece of paper.
"Should I read the list?"
Aly nods.
I listen intently as they slowly go down the list, pair by pair.
"Asher Westman and Aly Roth."
Finally my name!
Wait, I'm with that Aly girl?!
"Let's go get to know each other!" Aly walks toward me.
She knows my name?..
Aly walks me to the room next door where there is more space to sit and talk.
"Hi.." Man, she is really pretty!
"Well, I'm Asher. I just moved here from Philadelpia. I love basketball. Wow, I'm pretty boring."
Aly giggles.
"Stop!" She smiles. "Trust me, I'm the boring one!"
"No, you aren't boring." I shake my head.
Blink blink
Sniff sniff
"So..are you facing any challenges with school starting?" Aly says softly.
I shrug.
"I mean, I guess trying to make the basketball team." I admit.
"Aw. Yeah that's intense. I used to do cheer so I saw all of that." Aly sighs.
"I don't mean to be awkward but what made you sign up for this?" She asks.
"My mom just told me she signed me up and that I'm doing it." I laugh.
"Really? That's interesting."
"You can be honest." I blurt. "What are you thinking?"
"Well...This is technically a club for students with disabilities.."
"Wait. What? What did my mom do to me!"
"It is actually a really nice place to be. You don't have to tell me your disability if you don't feel comfortable. But you should feel comfortable, this is a safe place, Asher." Aly tells me.
"Alright. Well I have Tourette you're the first person I've told since I came here."
"Wow really! I've actually never met someone who has Tourette Syndrome. It seems kind of fascinating."
I shake my head.
"It's not that big of a deal...but it still sucks." I sigh. "And I don't know what people will think of it here."
"Clifftown is a very small town. But trust me, we accept all disabilities here at the Buddy Program." Aly states.
"Ok. So what do we do here?" I ask as my neck twitches.
"We talk. Also, I am here for you all day everyday, Asher. If you need me, I'm here to be your friend."
I kinda laugh in my head because we would never have this kind of relationship in my old neighborhood.
"Thank you, Aly."

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