Chapter 10-

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"Ayyy, look who decided to show up!" Chris laughs as I plop down at my seat in health class. It's the one class all the guys have with me, but I was almost late today because I had to take a pill on the way to class. Sometimes when my tics act up a lot, particularly at school, I take this pill to help me focus as well as reduce some tics.
"Now you can relax, the prince showed up!" I laugh.
I look over my shoulder and realize that Aly is in this class. I can't believe I never realized that! I mean, I did only meet her yesterday...
"Hi, Mr. Axman? I got my schedule switched, so now I am in this class!"
"Well, I guess the class can't be complete without Maya Logan."
"Nope! it can't!" She exclaims, sipping an iced coffee.
I guess now Im with Maya, too...
"Eww, it's MAaaayaaa!" Todd laughs.
"Ew, get away you creeper!"
I start blinking and kicking my leg. Oh yeah, update on my knee. It turned into an UGLY black and blue, and I'm limping a bit. But it should be fine by the end of the week.
"Ooh guess you're doing that flirty thing again!" Maya laughs.
Aly's eyes widen as she watches this whole thing go down.
I sigh.
"No, Maya. I'm not flirting. I have this thing-"
"CLASS CALM DOWN! We are starting our lesson on reproduction today!"
I keep ticcing away, and Maya won't stop staring at me. And Aly keeps looking over at me. I really would have wanted to sit with her, but I didn't know her or that she was in this class at the time I chose to sit with the other boys.
I grunt really load and people look over at me.
Then, my biggest fear. My word tic comes back. I haven't had this since I was eleven.
"Babies-" I blurt involuntarily under my breath.
"What was that?" Maya smiles seductively at me.
I ignore her and all of a sudden
"BABIES!" I turn clown nose red and stare at the floor.
The class erupts in laughter. But not Aly.
"Everyone stop it!" Aly yells.
"I'm trying to learn!"
"Learn? Why, Aly? You expecting soon!" Maya teases.
"Ms. Logan! That's enough!" Mr. Axman scolds.
The class continues on, and I put all my effort into holding back my tics and not paying attention to the lesson.
Brrring! The bell!!! Finally, my best subject: gym!
"CATCH YA LATER, BABY MAKER!" Maya yells as she winks.
I blush like crazy, and look over at Aly. But she isn't looking at me...
"Aly!" I call after her.
"You don't need to thank me. We have a meeting after school today."
What's that about? I told her about my condition. She should know that...
I get to the gym, and automatically pick up a basketball and start shooting hoops.
I run my hand through my wavy, spiked hair as more boys come over and join me.
It's hard to explain, but basketball is like therapy to me. I don't need to pay attention, I just do. It works well for me.
"Come here." The teacher tells me, motioning with his finger for me to come over.
"What's your name, kid?"
"Asher. Asher Westman."
"Asher, you are a great manipulator of the ball. We can use you on the team."
"Oh really? I played varsity for the past two years at my old school.." I explain.
" planning on trying out next Wednesday?"
Wink wink wink...
"Uh..well, I can't on Wednesday." I admit.
The coach just looks at me.
"It's a holiday."
"Oh really? Then we ought to pick a date to have you try out you know our team captain, Todd?"
"Yeah. He's my neighbor."
"Great. So speak to him and we will work something out for you."
I smile.
"Thank you.."
All my classes are over so now it is time to go to the Buddy Program...
Still don't know how I feel about that.
I walk in the room and there is a boy sitting there who I don't remember from last time.
"Hi, I'm Jack." He extends his hand.
"Hi..I'm Asher." I shake his hand.
"You forced to this too?" I ask.
"I was back in freshman year. But I'm a senior now and decided to be a mentor instead."
"I wish my mom made me a mentor..I feel so weird being a buddy.." I admit.
"What's your story?" He asks.
"I moved here from Philly, I play basketball, and I have Tourette Syndrome. That's basically it." I laugh.
Jack smiles.
"You're not alone.." He smiles.
"I moved here in eighth grade. I get it, your parents are worried about how people will react to your differences. Yeah, I get stares, I get questions, but that's just life."
"Why would people stare at you?" I ask as my arm twitches.
Jack sticks out his legs and reveals a prosthetic to me.
"Oh." I respond.
"Yep." Jack giggles.
"Hey, Aly."
I look up as soon as I hear her name.
"Hey. I found your buddy." Aly greets as a very young looking boy enters the room behind her.
"Hey, Aaron!" Jack greets him.
"Where is everyone?" I ask.
"People get lost a lot." Aly explains.
"Hello, hello!" Mr. Edwards walks in with a wet umbrella.
Aly lets out a small smirk.
"I like when it rains."
"Calm yourself!" Mr. Edwards laughs.
"We are still waiting for a few more people. For now, get to know your buddy with this questioner. Feel free to spread yourselves out."
"Library?" Aly suggests.
We leave the guidance department and walk toward the library.
"Fancy seeing you before." Aly tells me.
"Yeah right?!"
We continue to walk in silence as we pass a group of annoyed looking girls holding umbrellas and hoodies.
"Are you friends with them?" She asks.
"Are you friends with Maya?"
I pause.
"I don't know. I don't think so."
I smirk, but it is kind of half tic half real.
Aly smiles.
I look up and notice two other girls pass by.
"The library is right here." She explains
We sit down at the first table.
"First question. What is your favorite color and why?"
"Mm." I say, but then wink which makes me look extremely seductive and we both burst into laughter.
"He has a sense of humor." I joke between laughs.
That makes Aly smile.
"Yeah, it makes me feel less possessed to treat it like a person."
"I suppose you named it too?"
I look down and hold back the laughter as I tell her I used to call my disorder Fred..
"This is why I like yellow. Yellow has a personality." Aly explains.
"I like dark green. I just always have. But I also like baby blue because Villanova.."
I burst into laughter again.
"What's funny this time?"
"I sound so basic right now."
Aly giggles.
"You're not basic."
I smile as I glance at the paper for the next question.
Aly raises her eyebrows.
"Peeking much?"
"Hey, I'm not the average buddy." I giggle.
"You're beyond." She mumbles, but blushes and quickly proceeds to the next question.
"Ok, what's your favorite movie?"
"Ahh, you're doing it to me!" I laugh as I bury my head in my hands.
"Ughhh, twenty one jump street." I shake my head.
Aly smiles.
"I think I like 500 Days of Summer."
"Chic flic?" I ask.
"Well..yes. But I like Joseph Gordon-Levitt...he's a..a nice Jewish boy."
"Nice Jewish Boy eh? You know who else is?"
Aly locks eyes with me.
"Me.." I scrunch my nose, oh yeah, involuntarily. I keep forgetting I have to tell you if it's a tic or not haha.
"You're Jewish?"
"Yep." I smile.
"Me too..."
Awkward silence.
We continue going through questions for a good 15 minutes, and I tic less and less as the time moves along.

I guess you can say I may or may not have a thing for Aly...

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