Another Update?!

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4/23/18 update- planning on adding a cast to the story. I am curious to know if there is any celebrity you imagined any of the characters to look like. Feel free to picturing them however you want, but I realized that Luke Bilyk looks a lot how I imagined Asher to look! Comment any suggestions :) 

Ok hi. So I know I promised a sequel. I know I've mentioned this said sequel (or hinted at it) several times. So here's the deal. I wrote the first few chapters BUT I am waiting to release parts once I am absolutely happy with where the plot is heading. For Beyond Average I published each part as I wrote it, but I want the sequel to be the absolute best it can be.

That being said...
I promise I am in the process of writing the entire book so this isn't just talk, THIS IS HAPPENING!!!

Ok, also I asked if you guys wanted a character Q and A, and I got a few questions in my inbox!! Yay!!!
So here there are:

Q: Aly, why were you ever friends with Maya? She's so mean!

A: hi there. I met Maya when we were really young and I thought she was nice then. It's not that easy to cut off a friendship until you have a good reason. Once she started being a real bully, I cut her off from my life. Have a great day!
-Aly :)

Q: Evan- I need to know, are you weird because Asher is weird, is he weird because you're weird, or is it something else?..
A: Lol. Nice. We feed off each other and are naturally both kind of goofy. But in different ways. If you ever meet Ash, be prepared to laugh. That kid is so funny, he'd be a comedian if he weren't good at basketball.

Q: Hi Champ613. This question is for Zoey.
What was it like growing up with as a sibling of somebody with Tourette's?

A: Hii. That's a good question. I was in second grade when we found out Asher has TS. He always has been really fidgety, made noises, and twitched. I always asked my parents why but they didn't really think anything of it. Eventually he developed a sniffing tic, but we thought he had a cold that wouldn't go away. We took him to the doctor and that is when he was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome! I've always just loved Asher for who he is. The only time it really would effect me is if a kid made fun of my brother, an adult questioned it, or if Asher was having a bad tic day and he felt really sick. That made me feel so bad. I have other stories I can tell but I don't want this to be too long and I don't want to embarrass Asher.

I HOPE YOU CHECK OUT ALY-OOPS!! It's going to be great 😊

Update 6/11/17: Hi there again. Just a few more announcements, I promise!

-Aly-Oops updates every Friday! The plot is going to get juicy I promise :)

-I wanted to acknowledge that is is Tourette awareness month (May 15-June) because as you all know this is the condition Asher has! <3 

Beyond Average [COMPLETED]✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora