Chapter 19-

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"Asher! What are you doing!"
Zoey comes running into my room after hearing the loud bang.
"Relax, I just knocked over my lamp with my arm."
Zoey cocks her head at me.
"It's because you ticked, didn't you?"
" You know I can't help it, and you know that's what I do. I would hope by now-"
"Asher, you only knock stuff over when you're very upset."
"I'm not upset!" I protest.
"Oh please!" Zoey rolls her eyes.
I stare at the floor.
"SHE HATES ME! Ok! Happy?!"
I dart out of the room and slam the door.
Sometimes when you have Tourette's, you over think A LOT and act VERY irrational. They always say, tics are just the tip of the iceberg.
"COME BACK HERE YOU!" Zoey wiggles her little finger signaling me to come back over to her.
"Who is this girl, and why do you say that?."
"Same girl, Aly. She talks to..forget it.."
I roll my eyes.
"And what? You think she doesn't like you? Because she likes someone else?"
I don't utter a word. Because I really don't know.
"Asher, I know you better than anyone else. I know that you have had a long journey, you know what bumps in the road are like. Just, whatever you do, do not go bonkers on me. This move has us all upside down and inside out. So please, we need your sanity."
"Are you sure you're the younger sib?" I ask as I chuckle. Grunt grunt grunt.
"You're stressed." Zoey says, disregarding my comment.
"Take your meds."
Ok, she's concerned about me.
"No. never." I shake my head.
"Asher, pinky promise you will be alright at school? No throwing things, alright? You hear me?"
"Asher, I'm serious."
I roll my eyes.
Zoey hands me a prescription bottle.
"What the FRICK, I dumped these all down the-nevermind."
These are the dopamine blockers I used to have to take every friggin day..
She wasn't supposed to know that!
"You dumped your pills?! You know that our insurance didn't cover those. Mom spent-"
"Stop guilting me! I'm already..."
At this point I just dart out of the house and run straight to school on my own. I'm tired of the guilt, embarrassment, shame...
I slowly approach the building. Great, right on cue. Who else but Aly pulls into a spot.
My eyes roll.
I spot her look up at me, but she quickly looks away.
Screw her. I'm not her charity case.
I'm not anybody's charity case.
A zillion thoughts race my mind, but I can't catch a single one.
Aly glances up at me.
"Asher? What are you doing here this early?" She asks sounding concerned about something.
Does she not want to see me? Is she sympathetic that I am about to find out everything she told me thus far is just a lie? A big pitiful lie, and that she does think I'm the weird kid after all and just feels bad for guys with "special needs" and that she wants to be with a guy like Matt from yesterday afternoon and not me and, and, and....
I blink a few times.
I open my mouth but I don't know what to say so I start to walk away.
"Coming in?" A girl asks, holding open the door as she walks inside the school.
"Yeah, thanks." I smile as I accept the offer and walk in.
"I'm Asher." I say with a smile.
The girl looks back over her shoulder and reciprocates a small smile.
"I'm Taylor. You must be new here?"
"Why does everyone know that! Yea."
"Because I heard the new guy is good at basketball and has a hot build."
I feel myself blush.
"That's..that's very nice of you to think that."
She giggles.
"Soo.. I heard some things about you."
"Is that a good thing?."
Wink wink.
"Uhh...I I don't know." She laughs.
I look over my shoulder and Aly looks so indescribable right now. I really hope she's jealous.

She better be jealous.

"Want to walk me to class?" She asks.
"Uh. Ok." I smile.
"Where to?"
"Just up the stairs."
We walk upstairs, and right on cue there's Maya and her posse. Come on really?!
"Hey there, loser! Found a new girl to flirt with besides me I see?" Maya laughs.
I feel myself blush.
Don't react...don't react...
Wink wink wink
"Oh my gosh, he did it again, Maya! Such a player!" Some girl laughs and looks at Maya.
"You know what?! I have had it with your ignorance!" I yell.
"Maya. I am not winking at you. I am winking because my stupid brain is making me do that."
"What?" Taylor asks.
"Oh my gosh...I have Tourette Syndrome!" I huff.
"Wait actually though? That's hilarious!" Maya starts laughing hysterically, followed by strings of four letter words.
I roll my eyes and just walk away.
"Wait! Asher! That was genius! Way to make her think you never liked her by making up some condition!" Taylor runs after me.
"You pretended you have a disease and weren't flirting"
Holy crap....
"Um Taylor, that wasn't made up.."
"What? That's a real thing?"
"Yeah. I have this medical condition where my body twitches and shakes and stuff like that. I can't control it at all. It sucks so bad.." I try to explain. But as the words keep running out, the expression running on Taylor's face just does not match what I am used to..."
"You mean?...umm..."
"It's not like what you see on television."
" I'm going to go to class now. Thanks for walking me..I guess? Bye?"
Man I feel completely humiliated. I just keep replaying it over and over and over and over in my head and thinking why did I agree to walk her to class and see Maya...or come early..or why did I ever meet her or feel confident..or give up on Aly...
I slowly walk to the library because I don't want to go to class early. Gross.
I plop down at a table and pretend I am sleeping on the tabletop yet I'm actually crying.
Tears stream my face. What has gotten into me? Ever since this move my mind has just betrayed me. I've officially gone nuts. The crazy part is I don't know if I'm all irritable, racing thought, psycho because of TS or worse..what if I am love sick? Is that a thing? Love sick over ALY! Is that a thing???

"Are you ok?"
I look up at a voice.
"You seem really distressed. Would you like to talk?"
"I'm not! I don't!" Look I'm sorry, I'm just going through a lot and..."
"It's ok. You're Asher Westman?"
I nod slowly.
"I'm from the guidance department. You're thirty minutes late to class so your teacher could not give you this urgent note."
What?.. thirty minutes late..have I really been here that long?!
"Uh. Ok..."
I accept the blue slip of paper. It says: be at the library by 2 pm.
That's odd. I mean it's from guidance so it shouldn't be anything too serious. Serious meaning nobody is trying to kill me, I could be in deep shit with the school. Sorry for cursing, I'm just losing my mind....

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