Chapter 6

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King Corden sits atop his throne, deep in thought. Maids and guards stand around the room, no one daring to utter a sound. When Corden has first heard of his sister's disappearance, he is livid. He instantly knows who had taken her from him.

Even thinking the name of that blasted King angers Corden. He quickly stands from his throne, ignoring all eyes that turn in his direction. "Don't follow," He commands as he storms from the grand room. He enters his office and allows the door to slam with a loud bang.

He knocks papers from his desk, knocks over a glass that he had been sipping blood from earlier. The shattered pieces remind him of his family. Blood spilled, everything broken. So much work to get something, only to have it taken from you. He releases an angered roar as he throws a book at the wall, knocking over a painting.

After everything his entire father had gone through! After all Corden had gone through to acquire that girl! Just so Ryker can take her away?

Corden's father has married a human, the sister of a witch. His father has done everything to make sure they had that pathetic child! Corden takes a deep breath to steady his own self as he sits in his chair. His mind recalls all that has led up to this point.

When Corden's mother has been killed, his father is furious. His patients with the King and Queen of ShadowBrook are wearing thin. His father learns of the Queen's visions, and he knew that this could be the weapon that destroyed Ryker once and for all. His father knows that the Queen was human; he also knows that she was reincarnated each time she died. If only he could find a way to make sure that she is reincarnated onto his side, into his family.

His father seeks out the aid of a witch; a witch who has managed to keep herself young all through the years of time. She claims to be as old as King Ryker himself. She is the one who informed Corden's father that she could insure that Ryker's love is reincarnated into his family, if he could find someone to deliver the child.

The witch arranges for one of her decedents and Corden's father to marry. The woman is human, which the old Witch had insisted on. She explains how their child would be born as a rare creature. Corden's father soon married the human woman for the Witch's spell to work two things needed to happen. The human woman named Faya would need to be pregnant, and Ryker's love would need to be dead for her soul to be reincarnated.

Corden has been given the task of ending the Queen of ShadowBrook's life. He is proud of the plan he had come up with at the time, he still is. The Queen is pregnant and was due to give birth to her child in a matter of days. He sends people from his side to pose as Doctors who would be there when she would give birth. He himself has gone under cover.

The day of the Queen's delivery, Corden and his accomplices has gone into the room. Ryker stands by his Love's side, holding tightly to her hand. He has someone fact a distraction, warning the King of an incoming attack. Ryker has rushed from the room. Corden and his men are left alone with the queen.

"Guard the door," Corden calls to the others.

"What's happening?" The queen asks in a frightened tone.

Corden smirks as he draws his hidden weapon. "The baby will not be the soul that is given life today," he says before slashing the Queen's throat. The plan iss for Corden to escape and the others would protect him. Corden is the only one to escape from ShadowBrook that day.

Soon enough, Faya becomes pregnant, and Amaya's soul is placed into Faya's body. Nine months later

, he has a new sister.

A lot is done in order for his family to get that girl, and Corden intends to get back what he risked his life for.

He doesn't care what the cost is.

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