Chapter 25

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I feel no pain as I remain still in the darkness I found myself in a few times before. I wait to see her face, a version of myself from long ago. I cannot recall how I got here or what events brought me here, all I can remember is who I am and what this place means.

Unlike before she does not emerge, I hear only silence instead of her soft voice. I can't even hear the beating of my own heart or the intake of my own breath. That is because my heart is not beating and I am not breathing.

The darkness around me slowly lightens until I find myself standing in a new but oddly familiar scene. I stand now in lush green grass a small river is to my right and a large empty space of land is to my left. I see a small village not too far away in the distance. Two figures stand in the middle of the empty section of land. A male and female who I instantly recognize. I move closer to the two figures so I can hear their exchange of words.

Ryker stands with his arms around me, holds my past self close to him as he speaks to her gently. "This will be ours soon Liara, we can finally live out the life we've both been wanting for so long." I look into my own eyes as she smiles up at Ryker. I notice what he does not, or refuses to notice. Though my smile is bright and genuine in this moment, though my heart still beats strongly and my breaths are even, I can see the slight drain in my eyes, a dulling of my once beautiful bright blue colour. This memory must be before Liara became deathly ill.

If I could feel my heart it would be aching. I'm overly relieved when the scene fades away and I am returned to the darkness that I much prefer over that heart wrenching scene.

I see her then, her pale outline slowly appears in the darkness. Before I can speak the darkness begins to lighten again and I enter another scene.

I find myself now standing in a dimly lit bedroom. A single candle burns on a bedside table. Though the details of this room are hard to make out it's as if I already know every inch of it. The flooring is dark wood with a fur rug in the center, the curtains hanging over the bed are a pale blue. I look around curiously trying to find my past self and Ryker. I see a figure standing on the open balcony, her long hair moving slightly in the soft breeze.

She releases a sad sigh as she slowly walks away from the balcony railing and enters the room. Slowly she shuts the glass doors that lead onto the balcony but she hesitates before about locking them. She shakes her head slightly and leaves the doors unlocked. As she nears the candle light I see her face. I know which life this was instantly, Hadley.

Hadley's life doesn't have a pleasant ending that much I can recall. She approaches her bed and slowly pulls back the blankets. She casts one final glance towards the balcony before letting herself fall asleep.

I see the dark figure as it enters through her unlocked balcony doors. The person quietly shuts the doors behind him as he enters. I cannot see his face as he walks towards Hadley's sleeping figure.

I scream for her to wake up but of course my voice goes unheard. I wait for the figure to attack her, to harm her, to steal from her... but he doesn't. Instead he climbs into bed beside her and places an arm around her. Hadley's eyes open sleepily before widening in alarm.

The man places his hand on the side of her face gently. "It's me," Ryker says softly. "I'm sorry I'm late..."

Hadley looks up at him in confusion before his voice registers in her mind. She sits up slightly as she looks down at him. "Ryker?" She asks as she rubs her eyes, "Where were you? I tried to wait up for you..."

"I know," He pulls her back down and moves her body closer to his. "I'm sorry, I just had some things to take care of." He looks at Hadley with a mix of pain and longing. Seeing my second life must have been hard for him after already losing me once... The way Hadley's life ends must have deeply wounded him.

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