A Thousand Healing Cracks

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People will do many things for love, this can result in both good and bad events happening. Their life has not been easy, they have each lost and gained so many things, they have hated and loved one another. Now once again they stand side by side. A beautiful grave stone was finely made for someone they both cared for deeply, a friend who had fallen so the two could be together, a friend who will never be forgotten.

With their Kingdoms now joined and the dark forces that tried to separate them now gone, Amaya and Ryker can finally be within each other's embrace. For the moment nothing can come between them. But their life is not one of fairy tales. Darkness will always try to consume Light, and Light will always try to shine brighter. Amaya and Ryker will face Darkness again, their love will be tested, but together they will fight until the very end.

No love is perfect because no human or any other creature can be.

Memories help shape the person we become, they prepare us for what is to come. Keep them close, learn from them, grow from them. Past mistakes cannot be changed but future ones may be avoided.

Though the outside forces of the world try to keep them apart, they are also fighting inner battles with the creatures they are. The only thing they need to control the darkness that will always linger inside of them is each other's light.

Amaya and Ryker's pasts have been revealed but their futures remain untold...


I would like to thank everyone who read this story, who supported it and me. I love the world and characters I have created, and I love everyone who has read until the end. I'm well aware this ending is coming rather late but as many of you know I've been dealing with many issues. I hope someday everything will turn out okay, and I have a strong hope they will!

As many of you know I was born with a visual impairment known as Optic Nerve Hypoplasia (ONH) my vision has gotten worse within the last year and it's scary. Currently the doctors aren't sure what's causing it or if they can stop it. I've also been dealing with a lot of personal issues with some people in my life.

Today felt like the perfect day to finish this lovely story I have created. I thank you all so much for reading. I'm sorry this took me so long to do, I just wasn't ready until now.

Cirra_Jewels hernandez12297 xBrokenPiece Thank you for helping me get started on Wattpad and being my first true friends.MartyCameron for always making me laugh. Thank you to megp1999luv for strengthening my anime obsession. Thank you to everyone who has stood by me! And of course thank you to my lovely siblings emgosse and pokemonryan I love you guys!!<3

Thank you to @GalaxyDragon2 for the lovely cover and kind words!

And thank you to my mind for creating this story.

Thank you to the internet for allowing me to share my creativity. Thank you to all of you who follow and read my novels, I consider you all friends. I'm going to stop saying thank you now...

Right after this!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!

I love you all!!!!!


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