Chapter 2

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True loyalty takes years to build

And only seconds to destroy

-quote of the chapter-

The room temperature in that cabin began to drop slightly once more. Now everything inside of it was starting to freeze. Ice began popping up everywhere the eye can see. Percy stood up from the ground, the wind then started spinning around him creating a snow storm.

A massive snow storm.

''Destroy the camp" Percy whispered so slightly.

The snow storm began to move around him and started doing what it has been told to do. The snow storm went around the camp destroying everything in its path. It started with the cabins, the big house, the fields, creating craters of ice everywhere at camp.

The only thing it had not destroyed was the Poseidon cabin; which Percy was standing on, and the Hades cabin; which because his uncle and Nico was the only one in camp that still cared for him. Well, believed it or not, it was true. Only Hades, Hestia, Hera (surprisingly), Artemis (major surprise again), was the only people that still cared for him.

Percy looked at the frozen demigods in front of him, wondering what he should do with them. Should he just a) killed them right there and angered the gods? Or should he b) spare them and watched them crawled back and begged to him when they needed his help once more?

He scratches his chin while thinking about this. Sure killing them right there was very tempting, but to watch them crawled back to him? Oh, that was the icing in the cake. Plus it would not be wise to anger the gods at this point, seeing that he still couldn't control his power easily.

So, he decided that he would choose option b) Spare them and watched them crawled back and begged to him to him when they needed his help once more. The only thing standing between him and seeing his former friends crawled and begged to him for his help was time. But do not worry, because he was a very patient man. He already had immortality that was given to him by the gods, so the only thing to do now was wait - wait - and wait for that special day to come.

Percy shoved his way from the frozen demigods and exited his cabin. The sky was clouded because of the snow storm Percy had created. Percy had never felt coldness before, but it feels rather nice to be cold. Yes it feels pretty nice to be cold, pretty nice.

'It feels nice doesn't it?' the voice asked 'to be cold?'

'Yeah' Percy agreed 'it doesn't feel half bad'

'Now, remember Percy,' the voice mentally paused 'You are the controller of your fate and you are the captain of your soul, NEVER forget that'

Percy didn't say anything after that. For a couple of minutes, he just stood there in silent as he tried to comprehend all of this feeling that is mixed up inside of him

Never in his life has he felt so much negative feelings in one day, so much anger, so much pain, so much hatred. He started to feel like a son of Hades rather than a son of Poseidon. After what felt like hours - even though it was just a couple of minutes- he went inside to his cabin again. He shoved his way through the frozen demigods again as he moved his feet towards his bedroom. He climbed the screeching stairs as he dragged his feet while his head hang down in his neck.


All of these feelings that were buried deep within him finally had came to the surface.

'No more....' He thought 'No more of this ......'

For every step he took, he whispers:

''No more pain'' he said as he climbed the stairs.

''No more loyalty'' he said as he walks through the hallway to his room.

''No more suffering" he stood outside of his bedroom door.

"And n o more god damn love...." he said with hatred raging inside of him.

He reached out his right hand from the side of his body, his hand trembling as the flood of memories came like a running marathon to him. He remembers when he was twelve, when he went to camp for the first time, when he met her, when he goes to his first quest, when he met his father, when he defeated Kronos, and when he became their hero.

Such good memories, such good friends, and such a good life.

But also, such a very- very- very good lie.

The door in front of him screeches as he pushes it to opens, revealing a messed up room, a tiny bunk bed, and a lot of pictures scrambled up in the walls. He kneeled in front of the bed; his had hanged down in shame.

"Was I really that dumb?" he whispers to himself "Was I really that clueless?" tears came trickling down his face as he asked this two simple questions.

'Apparently...' the voice answered for him 'Yes....'

He pulled his right hand up into the air and slammed it directly into the wooden floor.

"Why?!" he punched the floor once.

"Must I?!" he punched the floor again.

"Be so..." he punched the floor again and again

"STUPID?!?!" that was when he couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't take the pain, the hurt, and mostly he couldn't take their betrayal.

Because of that, he did the only logical thing someone would do in his position: He let it all out.

He slammed his fist into the wooden floor tiles with so much force that the whole cabin rumbles and shakes; he slammed his fist again and again and again. He doesn't even know how much time he spent slamming and punching his fist against the floor, until he was out of breath. But not even this physical pain can even compare slightly to what the betrayal felt like.

He slammed his fist into the floor one more time before collapsing because of tiredness. He felt it all, the anger, the pain, the hatred. But most of all, he felt the coldness. The coldness of being alone, the coldness that stirs within him, the coldness that changes him.

His breath hitched unevenly, his head still hang down in his neck, and his fist started to bleed. Coldness flows into him, running in his veins. Finally, he began to accept it, to be cold...

As he accepted this new experience, the ice circled around him. Meaning that the changing process has begun. The ice then started flowing into his body, into his mind, and into his soul. His hair turned bluish; like the color of the pure sky above the shining sea, his breath hitch in coldness leaving no more warmth in it, and parts of his body wrapped up with a thin layer of ice; like another piece of clothing.

But what makes really different than what he used to be was neither his hair nor his body, what makes him really-really-really different was....

His eyes.

His eyes were no longer filled with the color sea -green on it. But instead, it was now changed into a glacier blue color. There are so many ways to describe his now bluish eyes. No, his eyes were not sky-blue like a son of Zeus would have. It was rather an icy blue; like a snowflake.

If people could name his eyes with just one word, it would be: Captivating

His now glacier-blue eyes were so much more captivating than his sea-green ones. It held more power into it, more honor, and a little bit more danger.

Now the only thing that was missing was a crown, a land, and a kingdom, and Ta-Da he would be a king.

'Rise Perseus Achilles Jackson, Bane of immortals, Champion of Lord Boreas, wilder of ice, and ......King of the North' The voice spoke.

Well, scratch that.... He was already a king.

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