|Chapter 6|

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"All things from the north are devilish"

The kingdom of the north is a vast plane of frosted winter. No other season has succeed in sneaking its way in. All around the rigid bolders of ice were mountains of snow stack into a pile of tilting round edges that gives the eye an illusion of rounded white hills.

A castle was placed in the utmost center of the plane. Its high structure bearing to the grounds below. White glass ice pillars supports the foundation and the walls were made of dark white diamonds.

Percy could tell by the looks of it much effort has been made to build the magnificent structure.

"Beautiful, no?" The voice asked as Percy spent the time to take in its beauty "And to think they wanted to destroy it"

Percy nodded his head at lost for words to describe the feeling stuffing his chest. It was enourmous and overbearing whilst still containing elegance inside it.

"I spent a lot of time making it myself. It started of as a little fort to be used for battle, but then i see its potential, so i thought it'll be a waste to just leave it as a fort."

"Perhaps a mobilize fort is better." Percy said, facing the huge castle doors of ice that reflects his reflection "At least, you wouldn't be scared to ruin it"

"HA! You thought i made this for show only? Go to the inner chambers and dungeons, boy! You will see the reason it still stands over the ruins." The god of winter spoke haughtely. It seems to be certain that the fragileness of its exterior were no more than illusions.

However, Percy wasn't too sure of it. He traced the ice with his hand and marvel at the smoothness of it. Very smooth and no hard edges could be felt from the tip of his finggers as if a soft touch could break the ice into tiny little pieces.

"You need to move, Percy." The god politely reminded him "You can marvel at its beauty countless more times in the future. But now perhaps you need to come inside."

"Need?" Percy asked. Something was troubling him with the way the god spoke today. It was unusual for the god to assure him that he needed to hurry up and went in

"Indeed." He answered "Someone is waiting for you to arrive."

"Who?" Percy asked back, his hands still gliding on the surface of the ice doors.

The god sighed. He knew the question would come. He had hoped to postpone the meeting between them. But his daughter's clever mind were taken for granted. She knew his plan the moment the monsters on the border reported an unknown arrival to the kingdom.

"...My daughter.." he relented "Has been waiting to meet you"

An image popped into his head of frozen sculptures of demigods on a frozen mountain that Leo talked about. She was beautiful, he said. But cold.

Percy had read the greek myths together with his mother when he was little so he knew the basics of their familly tree.

Boreas was the god of north wind and winter and he'd fallen in love with Oritheya. They had three children. Khione the oldest and she has two younger brother named Zethes and Calais.

Knowing her, the stories he heard were not good ones. Jason told him she had claim to overthrow her father and the other gods. Her brothers also helped her in ressurecting Gaea, so that wouldn't be good.

"She isn't contained?" Percy asked back. The crimes she comitted were not minor ones. The least of punishments would be exilement or restriction. The worst would be Tartarus.

"My daughter...is severely punish for her crimes. The thought of overthrownment by my own blood has never cross my mind at least once. However, i had underestimated her greed. She has been stripped out of her titles and powers. No longer shall she be the queen of the north after my wife's passing." The god mournfully said.

"Alas, she is still my child. And i, her father. Her faults are mine to bare as i had raised her to be what she is now. No matter how much i was wronged, i couldn't exile her as my daughter."
In his head, Percy could picture the god softly shaking his head.

It isn't his fault, though. The bond between blood are strong ones. So strong that it couldn't be cut by the sharpest betrayals. However, that doesn't mean the god's actions in giving her mercy was right either.

"Your too soft, old god." Percy replies "If i were you, she would have been exiled right from the very start"

"If i did so, what would she do next?! Aim for my head? Whisper lies in places i couldn't hear to make my people turn againts me?" The god harshly spoke "This is the only place i could keep watching her movements. I could not take the risk of a thorn that i couldn't pull in time."

"Then what of her brothers?" Percy's hand stopped touching the ice doors and retreated to his side "Did you punish them with the same punishments?"

"I was pushed to take the same course of action" he grumbled.

Percy scoffed "That is the reason you stayed as a minor god, Boreas"
He placed a hand on the handle of his sword and traced the carvings, the greek symbol of a ruler flows seemingly from the handle towards the blade. A king. An emperor. A monarch. Different words with the same meaning. Boreas sacrificed his chance for a daughter. He sacrificed his chance for a friend. How simillar their fate was with each other.

"Hold your tounge, boy." The god warned. "Blood may be stretched thinner than water, but it is still what kept us alive."

"Or what kills us first." Percy added. His tone low and threatning.

"Perhaps, so."
Being betrayed by his own blood, the god doesn't have the strength to refute his words.

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