Chapter 4

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Hi everyone again...

Sorry for the wait, but I have presented to you all the chapter number four.

Okay without furder adue!
Read on my child!Read!


"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear
and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"

-quote of the chapter-

Thalia swears she had never experience a headache this HUGE. It's like her brain was banging through her thick skull wanting to be let out. She fell down, clutching her head while screaming from the top of her voice.

"AAAAAaaaaaaa " her voice pierced into the air, followed by tons of other voices screaming from behind her.

Thalia was very confused.

A whole lot of questions came jumbling into her head 'what kind of thing could produce this much pain? What was causing all of this? What is wrong with me?' she tried to focus on her surrounding, focusing to remember what had happened earlier. She tried to stand up, but her leg was too weak to carry her body weight.

Actually, it was a bit funny. The day started all dandy and fine, Thalia excuse herself from the hunt to check on her favorite cousins, and she was greeted with a mad crying Annabeth barging out from The Poseidon's cabin. Yelling curses and a very colourful sets of words.

Maybe, in the future, she would remember this and laugh. She would laugh so hard about this.

The Poseidon's cabin....


That was when it hit her, Percy....

"Annabeth...Percy...Cold.... And black" she whispers to herself, her eyes slightly widen at the statement. Her feet wobbles a bit as she tried to stand once more, only causing her to fall brutally to the wooden floor (once more).

Thalia then had the sudden urge to vomit (or throw up) at the cabin's floor, but she pushed it down by reminding herself that she needs to get her head straight first (P.S. it's only an expression). She shakes her head, attempting to lessen the pain of the HUGE headache happening inside her head. But only to result more pain and more screaming happening.

'It's okay...' Thalia said to herself 'everything is fine, all i need to do is find Percy and ask him...'

"What the hell is going on?!!?" A gruff old voice yelled

Everyone knew who that voice belong to:

''Dionysus'' they muttered under their breaths.

"I leave for ten minutes to attend a very important meeting," everyone rolled their eyes at this statement "And viola, the camp is full of holes, the cabins destroyed, and the whole ******* campers yelling like little ******* babies and throwing up !" Dionysus pauses massaging his temples

"And you know the WORST thing about all of this," He gestured his hand making a circle in the air " ALL OF THIS IS SOUPOSSED TO BE MY FAULT, THIS ******* THING IS MY ******* FAULT AND MY ******* FATHER WILL ******* BLAME ME FOR ALL OF ******* THIS"

The next few minutes was filled with the god of wine yelling curses and muttering stuff about "Stupid father...", "Why me?!?!"

If this was just another regular day at camp, the whole campers would laugh so hard with this sight in front of them. the sight of the god of wine himself fuming, yelling and cursing. it is such a wonderful sight to see...

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