Chapter 3

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When Karma comes back to punch you in the face,

I wanna be there.......

Just in case it needs help

-quote of the chapter-

For your information, Perseus Achilles Jackson was not a dumb person. In fact, he was actually rather smart.

He just pretended to be dumb so that everyone would underestimate him.

You must be thinking "What's the point in that?" Well, believed it or not, in certain occasions it actually pays off.

Now is one of the times of those so-called 'certain occasions'. Those certain occasion that involved running, fighting an enemy, or taking a risk. And this situation involved all of them.

Luckily, Percy had been an expert in making decisions. People may have thought that his decision is based on reckless thinking, and irresponsible behavior (Wow, for once in my life, I'm literally talking like a doctor. COOL).

But sadly they were wrong; his decisions were not made because he was irresponsible or stupid, his decisions were made because of a short-time notice, and logical thinking, risk taking attitude, and also a head-on behavior (Again, COOL).

Luckily, as i said again, Percy had been an expert on decision making tactics. So, he already had a decision of what he would do in this situation. Of course it involved revenge, coldness, and people bowing at his feet, but is that too little of a so-called revenge?

But, the gods did break his life and throw him away like a rag doll. S

So...What is the sweetest revenge ever known in the history of mankind? Is it murder? Being overthrown? Betrayal?

'Tick...tock, tick...tock' The voice whispered 'You don't have a lot of time Perseus'

Percy didn't replied, he just stood there, motionless.

'Make your decision, Perseus' The voice again whispered, this time a bit harder.

Finally, after a few seconds, Percy spoke with his own voice " the sweetest...type of revenge?"

'A ....wise man.... once said' the voice momentarily paused 'success... is the sweetest revenge'

Percy grinned. Yes, he got the perfect plan formed in his head, the perfect revenge, and the perfect outcome.

The gods wouldn't even see it coming from him, because he would be a new person and a new man. A new man that is cold, ruthless, and heartless.

A new King.

They would be too blinded by their ego to see it, even if the plan was right under their noses. Yes, the perfect plan.

The voice was right. The sweetest type of revenge is success. You know why, because success involved all types of revenge; such as betrayal, murder, and many more.

Why beat yourself up? Why must you be sad? Why not pick yourself up and show everyone what you can do by being successful? And that's not all, by being successful means that you can do lots of things; such as stealing what is important to them, overthrown them, and of course betray them.

We're not exclusively talking about money or power either, we're talking about satisfaction. Success is much more satisfying reward with a much higher payoff in life and revenge was just the icing in the cake.

Yes, because of that I hereby proved that success is the sweetest type of revenge ever known in the history of mankind.

But also, have you heard the saying, that:

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