Chapter 24- Lazy

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Kaylie's POV

My feet were flying across the field, my mind wondering about their next move.

We were practicing our escaping and agility skills. Guess what? I was a rogue being chased by my own pack and mate. Yay. Not.

I was panting already, I had been running for about half an hour now, without a stop.

"C'mon, kitten, my love, you can't be that tired yet!" Cedric laughed insided my mind.

"You'll see in four days!! I'll be stronger than you think!!"

"Kitten, I'll gain powers too, don't be too confident yet." I rolled my eyes.

"You are going to leave me so tired you won't be getting any tonight." I chuckled. One of my best comebacks yet, ladies and gents.

I felt him hesitate and then growl.

"EVERYONE RETRIEVE NOW! Her turn is over!" I let my laughter win over me and it was matter of seconds before I was rolling of laughter on the grass.

It was a bit uncofortable, though, I was still in my human  form and the grass irritated my skin in bits.

Suddenly I was lifted and thrown into the air.

-Ahhh!!!- I let a high-pitched scream.

I shut my eyes and felt the sparks as I landed on my mate's arms and immediately hid into his chest

-You should have seen your face!!- I heard his laughter erupt from his chest.

-You.... jerk!! You almost gave me a heart attack!! Ughh

I kept grumbling and whining and messing with him as he took me back to where everyone else was trying to contain their laughter.

They stopped immediately when they saw me in Ced's arms and worried looks took over their faces.

In a moment, we had a crowd rushing to us. Cedric's grip on me tightened.

-What happened?? Is she okay? Is she hurt??- I rolled my eyes then smiled nicely to them, grateful yet annoyed by their concern.

-Guys, guys, I'm okay... Geez I'm probably stronger than most of you- I teased and heard the protests starting to grow louder.

I chuckled and struggled to get out of Cedric's arms.

-Okay, not yet, not yet.- I winked and more protests were heard. I sighed and blocked their voices out.

"Can we just go??" I mindk linked Cedric, who seemed to be surprised by my sudden mood change.

"Is something wrong? Are you seriously okay?" he hurried towards me and checked me up and down.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just really tired and I'm getting even more tired of hearing all of these guys." I whined and jumped into his arms. which positioned my in a baby carrying position.

I let my eyelids fall over my eyes, letting myself sunk into the darkness and the peace and quiet of sleep.

"Rest yourself, my love. You will need the energy." Cedric chuckled in my mind, but I was too tired to give a sassy answer, so I just responded with and 'Mhmm' and purred at the sound of his beautiful voice.

Lazy. That's just how I felt when I woke up. 

-Had a good sleep, sweetheart?- My heart fluttered at his words, my wolf was in pure ecstasy as he drew an arm around my waist and brought me closer to him.

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