Chapter 29- Promise

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Cedric's POV

We were now reaching the borders of our territory, Kaylie's breathing had been getting more forced as the time went by.

"Sweetheart, hold on, try to make your breathing steady, we are near home." I then realized all the changes there had been was because of her. My Alpha voice, the new union between packs. Soon, all of our race's packs would be united into one kingdom.

"Cedric, agh, it hurts.." she whimpered into the link and I began running at a faster rate.

She clasped tighter at part of my fur.

A couple of hours were spent in more running and calming her down, but we soon started seeing my old pack's castle's figure. I noticed a pair of pants hanging from one of the trees and linked Kaylie to get down just for a bit.

I shifted inmmediately back to my human form and managed to put the pants on. I turned to see Kaylie looking at me, cuddled in a ball on the ground and still clutching at her chest.

I ran towards her and took her small body in my arms again, running to the small crowd of people that was in the front gardens of the castle. 

-Prince Cedric!- some of them managed to bow quickly before asking what was wrong with their Princess.

-She's... changing.- there were gasps and barked orders to bring the pack's doctors.

I shifted my attention to Kaylie and put all of her in one arm, letting free my other hand so I could caress her cheek. She put one of her small hands over mine and looked at me with tears in her eyes, still managing to give me a small smile.

-Cedric... I feel... so weak... I don't know if I will make it to the whole change.- her voice cracked. The thing she didn't know, though, was that I was feeling everything she was feeling. Blame the mate bond. I was also changing, being the mate of a whole-blooded wolf.

-Don't speak like that, Kay, I need you here with me, hear me? You can't leave me, not like this, not now, not when I just got you back..- I hid my face in her neck, hoping her scent would be enough to calm the many emotions I had right now.

-Prince Cedric.- I looked up to see the familiar face of the doctor from my old pack, along with the one from Kaylie's old pack. He was motioning me to take her inside.

I nodded once and went to pick her up again, holding her agaisnt my chest for dear life.

We walked in silence towards the medical room.

-You should put her down on that bed, I'll check for any severe injuries.- the doctor informed me.

I tried not to growl when he went to raise her shirt a bit, inspecting the patched side of her, taking the bandage slowly. I held her hand firmly.

I hissed as I saw the injury she had on her side. There was a bite mark. How could she not notice the importance of it? And she said she was healing faster? I couldn't dare to imagine how worse it might have been.

Besides that, she had some scratches and bruises, small things that were now healing at a very fast rate.

-It seems that your health situation is making the change process more difficult, but nothing too severe. It must be hurting because of the extreme healing processes there must be done before allowing her to gain her powers. She must be strong to control herself.- the doctor told her the first sentence, then explaining everything else to me.

-You should let yourself rest for the next ten or fifteen hours, that will complete the healing process and will allow you to make the change one easier and faster.- he smiled to both of us before leaving the room.

I looked at her, she was still hurting, I could feel it, but she managed to smile even more widely once she was told everything would be fine.

"PRINCE CEDRIC!!" I sighed.

"What is it?" I was entirely focused on Kaylie and her condition.

"Rogues!! A lot of rogues and Dark Moon's in the area!!" I stood up immediately and stared at Kaylie, her eyebrows knitting in confusion and her body ready to spring at any moment.

-Rogues, and the Dark Moon pack...- I told her, as I watched as her eyes widened and her mouth opened to say something.

-No, I'll handle it, you stay here and heal yourself, I can't risk it to losing you again.- I stated firmly, hoping she would obey me.

She went again to protest, but I took her face in my hands and kissed her lips long and hard. She shivered and her arms snaked around my neck to press herself harder against me.

I pulled both of us apart and look at her with a serious expression.

-We all know you're a pretty fit fighter, one of the best. But right now, your condition won't permit you do much. Understand? We'll make this reach its end for once and for all.- I kissed her again and caressed her entire face before getting ready to leave.

-But promise me one thing.- I heard her angelic voice call.

I turned to her, waiting for her to continue.

-Promise you will come back to me, promise you won't go to fight Darrian alone.- she whispered, a tear making its way down her flushed cheeks.

I made my way to the side of her bed and hugged her.

-I promise I'll come back for you, have I ever not did so?- I questioned her, before pecking her in the nose.

I turned to leave the room.

"I love you, Kaylie, never forget that." I mindlinked her, making her see and feel all that she made me feel.

"I love you too, Cedric, I'll be waiting for you." 

With that, I cut the link and focused on one thing only. Getting Darrian killed.


Sweet angels, just the first part of the marathon!!

-Stardust xx.

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