Candy Cane Grams

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From time to time, Clio and Hildegard would come to our palace to rehearse our Wassailia dance.

During one of our rehearsals, Amber took out a book from her closet.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Our burn book," she replied.

"Your what?"

"It's a book where we basically write nasty but true stuff about people from school," Hildegard chimed in.

"Here, have a look." Amber handed me the book.

I flipped through yellowed parchment pages of old miniature paintings with some disturbing captions.

Some of the captions I read were:

Princess Jun is a grotsky harlot. She made out with Sir Gilliam.

Prince Derek is a fat virgin, has a huge butt.

Princess Vivian is a fat-headed wench no one likes.

Princess Maya has a huge mouth.


As I hung out with the Plastics and appeared around them more, people began to worship me as well. I noticed girls wearing jewelry similar to my amulet and people imitating my style and talking to me more. But still, my newly earned popularity couldn't earn me Hugo.

More days passed by of watching Amber steal Hugo in dance class, dancing with Zandar, and having to endure Amber's teasing.

Eventually, Amber's antics got out of hand.

Once, in dance class, Zandar said to me as we danced,"Amber told me about your secret. Look, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I only go on play dates with women of color."

Like he ever had a play date.

I nodded awkwardly. "I need to hit the washroom."

I raised my hand and faked having to go. I continued doing this until Professor Popov began telling me to bring notes from home.


After some meetings with Clover, Robin and Mia, we had decided that the first step to taking down Amber's army of wenches was to make Hildegard, her smarter, more trusted friend, snap.

Today in school, I found a random kitchen boy during lunch. I paid him some Enchancian dough to distribute the Wassailia candy cane grams.

We sneaked up behind Khalid, who was in charge of the candy cane grams in the halls and beat him unconscious. Then, I added a candy cane gram for Amber, two for me and Clio, on which I falsely signed 'from Amber' and none for Hildegard. I tipped the kitchen boy more dough to hide Khalid's beaten body in the janitor's closet.

Later in the day in Old English class, I was pleased to see the same kitchen boy interrupt our lesson.

He carried a red sack.

"Candy cane grams!" he announced.

Hildegard looked up hopefully.

"One for Princess Leena. Four for Prince Hugo. You go, Prince Hugo! Do we have a Princess Sofia? Here you go."

Hildegard tried to object. "Um--"

"And none for Princess Hildegard. Bye."

Hildegard's face dropped. "What does your letter say?" she asked me.

I read my own writing, " 'Dear Sofia, thanks for being the best friend and sister ever'. Isn't it sweet?" I gave a sardonic smile.

"Give me that." She snatched it from my hands and looked at it in disbelief.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I lost motivation. I added pictures to other chapters. Hope you guys check them out!

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