Rejection.... Hurts.

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It's been a month since the incident. Although Stryker didn't really talk to me, he made it clear he wanted nothing to do with me.

He'd go out of his way just to terrorize me and it was getting on my nerves.

Speaking of Stryker, he should be here any second. He always shows up around this time.




I felt someone shove me from behind.

I turned and glared at Stryker. He smirked.

"What are you looking at, slut? You've got something to say?"

My lip twitched as my anger boiled. I closed my eyes and let out a slow breath. I turned around and continued walking.

I felt myself being shoved again.

"You can't ignore me."

"Fuck off, Ass Wipe!" I yelled, whipping around to face him dropping my books in the process.

He growled but said nothing.

I picked my books up and made my way to my locker switching my books for my music folder.

Making my way to Music class I looked around for Quincy. 

As if on cue, Quincy came running. "Calvy!!!"

I opened my arms and hugged him. "Hey, Quinn."

Quincy pulled out of the hug and waved a large lollipop in my face.

"Look what I got!"

"Where'd you get that?"

"I got it. For Calvy."

I took it from him, smiling. "Thanks Quinn."

Quinn kissed my cheek, and entwined his fingers with mine. "Let's go Music!"


As soon as I walked into class the teacher called my name. "Calvin Hunter."

Mr. Malik looked up from his tablet and saw me walking in. "Mr. Hunter you're late for my class but right on time for your music presentation. Get up here and present the song you chose."

"Sure." I pushed up the sleeves of my shirt and grabbed my guitar which I kept in the classroom.

I took my place on the stool in front of the class. I cleared my throat and tuned my guitar.

I thought about the song I choose, it was mainly because it made me think of Quinn, who was once a broken person but recently I've been having a personal connection to this song.

"What song have you chosen?"  Mr. Malik asked.

"Tears and Rain by James Blunt."  He nodded and typed it on his tablet.

"Why?"  He asked

"When I hear this song I think about the struggle of someone I treasure." I said smiling at Quincy who sat behind Stryker.

"OK, begin."

I started strumming the chords to the song. The whole class was quiet and kind of eager to hear me sing. I mean this was the most I'd ever said to anyone at school in four years.

"How I wish, I could;
Surrender my soul
Shred the clothes that become my skin;
See the liar that burns within my needing

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