All Of Me - Part 1

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Stryker P.O.V

I pulled up on the sidewalk of Calvin's (or Ian as he calls himself now) house.  

I have to admit, I'm a little attracted to him but I can't lose sight of the reason why I'm here in the first place. To make him forgive me and come back so I can gain the Alpha title. And the way I'd do that is by getting the kid to like me. 

After he's come back and I get the title, maybe in a year or two I'll leave him. I grinned to myself.

I approached the door and knocked slowly. After waiting for almost ten minutes, the door slowly creaked open.  

Quinn stood in the door way, his hand on his stomach which was very swollen.

"You're pregnant?"

"No,  I swallowed a watermelon." Quinn mumbles, patting his stomach. 

I glared at him a little before covering it with a large smile. I slowly leaned over and looked in the house behind whilst asking; "Is, uhh, Lennox home?"


I just stood there dumbfounded, so he's not gonna explain why?

"Do you know where he is?" 

"With Ian."

I kind of stared at him, hoping he'd give more details but he didn't. 

"Do you know where?" I asked, shoving my hands into my pockets. 

"Work, that's about as much as I know." 

"Oh, ok." I mumbled although I didn't believe him. Those two assholes told each other everything, there's no way he didn't know where he was. I released a slow breath. 

"Well, It's sad that I missed him. I was planning to take him to the movies today.  He wanted to watch Storks and I got us tickets."

"Oh, well...another time." Quinn gave a tight smile. "I've got to go now, bye." He slowly closed the door. I stared at the wooden door, before turning and walking back to my car. 

I cursed under my breath as I drove back to the pack house. 


A couple hours later I pulled up to the pack house and  hopped out of my car. 

I strolled up to the house. 

The minute I walked into the house, I heard screams. I ran to the living room where the noise was coming from. 

"What's wrong?!" I yelled, looking around frantically.

I saw all the girls and a few guys sitting on the ground and in the overcrowded couch surrounding the TV. 

The Gamma's daughter Milani pointed at the TV. "NERIS is singing tonight."

I rolled my eyes. "All that noise over a singer?"

Milani looked offended. "NERIS isn't just a singer, he's an inspiration to people everywhere. Have you ever heard him sing? His voice is so enchanting it just pulls you in."

After hearing Milani say all that I got kind of curious, as to who this NERIS was. 

"Now ladies and gentleman. Everybody's favourite singer NERIS!" The TV announcer. 

A man with long wavy hair and a face mask stepped out waving to everyone. 

"Why does he wear a mask?"

"We don't know but it makes it all the more interesting." Milani mumbled, to which I snorted in response. 

"So what is this a talk show appearance or something?"

"Yeah. His fans sometimes request him to do covers of popular songs, so he appears on shows like these and he does them." 

I sat there for a while listening to this interview with the host basically trying to figure out NERIS's identity, and he was getting no answers. 

Soon I got bored and stared to leave but when he opened this mouth and started to sing I froze. 

I slowly turned back around towards the couch to see the tv. He was sitting on a stool in front of a mic and singing. His voice was mesmerizing and very familiar.

"When the days are cold 

And the cards all fold 

And the saints we see are all made of gold

When your dreams all fail

And the ones we hail are the worst of all 

And the blood runs stale

I wanna hide the truth 

I want to shelter you

But with the beast inside there's no where we can hide

No matter what we breed 

We still are made of greed

This is my kingdom come, this is my kingdom come."

The camera zoomed in on his face and he looked up right into the camera. Using his hand to push his hair back as he sung the next lyrics. 

"When you feel my heat,

Look into my eyes 

It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide

Don't get too close. 

It's dark inside

It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide."

I stared directly into his eyes and I felt hypnotized, like he was all I could see and hear. 

Although there's something about him that bothers me. He seems to familiar.

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