Unwanted Reunion

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Present Day (10 years later)

I sat in my chair and I waited for the stylist to fix my hair.

My phone vibrated, I looked at the the caller ID.


"What is it, Lennox?"  I answered my son.

Yes I have a son, when the bastard had sex with me, we made a baby. I didn't find out until after we left the pack. I decided to raise the baby on my own, well I wasn't totally alone since Quinn fulfills his uncle duties.

"Mom, I know you're busy but... this is important."

"It better be. You know my rule against calling me before I go on stage."

"There are men here looking for you."

My eyes widened. "Did you open the door?"


I let out a sigh of relief. "OK, baby listen to me. Get as far away from the door as possible. Pretend you're not there. Don't move until I come get you OK?"

"Ok, Mom. I love you, do your best on stage."

"Thanks baby."

With that I hung up the phone. Quincy came over, a worried look on his face. " What is it?"

"People are at the house."

"You think it could them?" Quinn asked.

"No, Stryker isn't going to track me down if he knows what's good for him."

"I don't know who it is but I prefer for Lennox to stay inside until I get home."

"NERIS, twenty seconds till you appear on stage."  Said Max.

Here I go by my stage name which was NERIS.

"I'll be there."

I got up out of the chair and checked myself in the mirror. I pulled up the mask further up on my face,  and brushed my hair into a bang over one eye.

I'd been a singer for 9 years and the only people who knew what I looked like was Quinn, Zen (His Husband) and Lennox.

Everyone else that I worked with had only seen me in the mask, never without it.

I grabbed my mic and made my way to the stage.

I emerged and waved to the crowd. "What's up guys? Whose excited to be here?!"

I turned my mic to the audience as everyone screamed. 

I laughed. "OK, let's get this concert started!"

The crowd cheered and I moved on to the first song.

Song after song, I had the crowd on their feet cheering and singing along. It was awesome but I was worried about my Son, I'd have to finish this up soon.

Then after what seemed like maybe two hours, all 7 songs were done.

I signed off the concert and left the stage.

When I was backstage, I received a towel from one of the workers. "Thanks Alli."

I lightly dabbed my skin with the towel.

"NERIS, you still had the backstage meet and greet."

"How many people? I'm kind of in a hurry."

"Ugh, just five. They're some lucky prize winners or something."


I headed toward the fan room and sat at the small table. Soon the five people rushed in. I placed my water bottle on the table and greeted them with a smile.

NERIS (BoyxBoy) Where stories live. Discover now