Smile For Me

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I sat down at the house drinking a cup of coffee. My ears was then assaulted with the sound of  Quinn yelling. 


"Yes, Quinn."

"Why'd you reveal your identity and not tell me? I had to find out on twitter." He pouted.

I stood up, my over-sized sweater sliding down my shoulder.  "I'm sorry bud, I just kinda forgot."

Quinn glared playfully, while rubbing stomach. "By the way, what's with the old lady curlers?"

I slipped my hands into my pockets of my sweatpants. "Assistant says I have to do a photo shoot. The photograper wants me to have curly hair for it."

"Why didn't just curl it at the set then?"

"My hair can't hold a curl for shit. By the time the curling iron leaves my hair it's gonna be straight again. " I sighed. "So the hair stylist suggested the curlers and then we'd reinforce the curls on set." 

"Oh, you look mad uncomfortable."

"I am."

"Woah." Zen mumbled, before he started to snicker. Then just flat out laughed. "You look like my Aunt Merida." 

I shuddered as I pictured the hellish woman, with her bright red lipstick, that one nightgown -which she always wears- and large curlers. Once she brings you in for a hug you're trapped against her sweaty fat folds until her husband frees you. Which he does after laughing at you for an hour. 

"Don't compare me to her." I yelled. 

Zen laughed again before wrapping an arm around his husband. "So..what's with the old granny curlers, Aunt Merida?"

I glared at Zen as he snickered. "It's work related stuff."

All of us turned to face the door when the door bell sounded in the house. 

"I'll get it." I mumbled

I walked to the door sighing heavily. Looking through the peephole I saw my Assistant standing there. I slowly opened the door. "Sup, Sheila."

"Hello Mr. Neris." She said tapping her pen against her clipboard.  

"Come in and please call me Ian." 

"S-s-ure." She dragged. She slowly stepped into the house. Her eyes skimming over the list on her clipboard. "Are you almost ready to go? The photographer wants us to be there an hour and a half ahead of time." 

I threw my head back and groaned. "But it's so early."

She gently tapped my back with her clipboard. "Go get ready or the photographer will be mad."

"Fine." I mumbled. 

I ran upstairs and quickly changed into black jeans and a white t-shirt, since I'd taken a shower earlier. I grabbed my phone, keys and my leather jacket. 

I skipped down the stairs back to Sheila. 

As Sheila and I were about to leave, I heard a small whisper of my name. "Mama."

I turned and saw Len. I walked over and kissed his forehead. "I'll be at work Bud. I'll see you later tonight ok?"

"Sure, Have a good day."

"I will Bud." I said blowing a kiss at him as I walked out the door. 

I hope to get this photoshoot over with, I hate pictures. 

NERIS (BoyxBoy) Where stories live. Discover now