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"I guess, um, that you can lay out on my bed or something?" Lauren pushes open her bedroom door and switches the light on, waiting until Camila has walked past her to close the door again. "I'll take my sheets off so if we get paint on it I'll just go on my mattress and my parents will never know."

"Your inner troublemaker coming out there, I see," Camila teases her girlfriend and helps her strip the sheets from her bed. "You go and get your paints ready, I can deal with this."

Lauren walks over to where she keeps her paints as Camila finishes tearing Lauren's sheets off, and she organises the colours she'll need and gets out a brush. She turns back to Camila and rocks herself on her heels. "I can put a movie on while we do this. Tell me what movie you want to watch."

"I don't care," Camila replies, "put something Disney on. Like Frozen or something."

Lauren walks over to her DVD case and pulls out The Lion King 2, and Camila figures she'd tuned out after hearing the phrase 'put something Disney on'. But whatever, Camila is probably going to spend more time talking to Lauren than watching the movie.

Lauren plays the movie and then walks back over to Camila, her paints and brushes ready. "Um, here's a pillow you can rest your head on... and yeah, I'm ready to paint now."

"Okay." Camila nods and pulls her shirt over her head, handing it to Lauren to put somewhere, because she knows that the older Latina hates mess on her bedroom floor. Then, she reaches behind and unclasps her bra, handing that to her wide eyed girlfriend.

Lauren stays completely still, her cheeks bright red and her eyes trained on Camila's chest, and the younger Latina blushes in embarrassment, because she can't gauge Lauren's reaction from her expression.

Lauren fiddles with her fingers and finally tears her gaze away from Camila's chest. "You're- um, you're really beautiful, Camila."

"Thank you, Lo." Camila bites down on her bottom lip and lays down on her stomach. "Come on then. Make me your canvas."

Lauren stays still for a moment, as if she's thinking over what she just saw, and then nods, picking up her paintbrush. She sits down next to Camila and the younger girl knows she's started painting when she feels something cool on her back.

"Does that feel okay?" Lauren asks as she dips her paintbrush back into the pallet. "It's not uncomfortable, is it?"

"It's fine." Camila assures her. "It actually kind of tickles."

Lauren laughs. "Hopefully it's a good tickle because this is going to take me a while."

"Can we play twenty questions while you paint?" Camila asks. "I want to learn little things about you."

"Uh... okay then." Lauren hums in thought for a moment. "Are you excited to turn seventeen?"

"I guess so." Camila responds. She hasn't really thought about her birthday much yet, since it's not for another few months. "Are you excited to turn eighteen?"

"Yes, because I will get my dragonfly tattoo." Lauren replies, shifting a little to get a better angle to paint. "And maybe another tattoo somewhere else, but I haven't thought about that yet. But I'm going to get my dragonfly tattoo. Have you made any more music lately that I can listen to? I listened to your cover and it was wonderful, your voice is really unique and beautiful."

Camila laughs. "I have a few other covers that I could send you if that's what you want."

"Yes please." Lauren says, muttering something to herself to do with the paints before continuing. "What's your favourite song right now?"

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