Twenty Six.

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Trigger warning for underage drinking. Also trigger warning for extreme fluff.


Camila isn't really much of a party person, but when Dinah invites her along to a house party, she decides to go since she has a free night – Lauren is at Lucy's house for dinner, so it's not like she could use her girlfriend as an excuse.

Naturally, to get her into the 'party spirit' more, Dinah gets her drunk. By her sixth drink, Camila doesn't really care about the party – what she cares about is Lauren, and that's where she wants to be right now. With her adorable, amazingly sexy, Disney loving girlfriend.

She pulls her phone out of her pocket, ignoring the fact that it's literally midnight, and calls her girlfriend, waiting until she hears a tired hello through the phone. "Lolo! Hey! I'm at this dumb party that Dinah made me go to and it fucking sucks. You know why?"

"Camz?" Lauren murmurs through the phone. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but this party sucks because you're not here." Camila announces, making her way out of the house and staggering down the street. "I'm going to come to your house. I want you, baby."

"Well, it's quite late and I'm really tired." Lauren says, her voice extra raspy from sleepiness. God, that rasp makes Camila just want to go over more thanks to the ever more apparent ache between her legs. "Also, it's really unexpected and you didn't tell me you were coming over tonight."

"I wasn't planning on coming over, but I need you, Lo. I love you." Camila says, wandering in the general direction of Lauren's house. "I'm on my way now. God, Lo, you don't know how much I fucking want you right now."

"You sound weird." Lauren tells her, and Camila scoffs, because she's not being weird at all. She's just had a little bit to drink. "Are you okay? What happened at the party you went to?"

"It sucked because you weren't there." Camila murmurs through the phone, thanking god that the house the party was at isn't that far from Lauren's place. "I had a lot of alcohol, though. Dinah gave it to me."

"Oh, you're drunk right now." Lauren realises. "That's why you sound weird. Are you still coming over, then?"

"Yep, I wouldn't miss being with my Lolo bear. Or my Lolo lion, since you love lions so much. And your hair is like your mane." Camila laughs to herself at the mental image of Lauren wandering around in a lion onesie. "I'm outside your house, baby girl. Come and rescue your princess."

With that, Camila hangs up the phone and staggers onto Lauren's porch, nearly knocking over a few plant pots in the process. When the front door swings open and she sees her girlfriend stood in her pyjamas with Nala tucked under one arm, Camila beams and practically launches herself at her.

"Lolo," Camila lets herself take in Lauren's warmth and smiles when she feels her girlfriend gently trace circles on her back. "I missed you, angel. I haven't seen you for... for thirty days and thirty nights."

"You saw me yesterday." Lauren points out, pushing her away slightly. Camila pouts, because she wants to cuddle her girlfriend. "You smell really bad. Like beer. I hate beer. I like wine though."

"You're so- like, profound, Lauren." Camila ignores her girlfriend's complaints about her choice of alcohol. "Tell me some wonderful things about the world. Things like your soulmates theory or like galaxies. Just talk to me."

"Um... can we go upstairs?" Lauren doesn't wait for Camila's answer and pulls her up the stairs. "I was asleep when you called and I want to go back to sleep. You can stay and cuddle me if you want."

you make me sick (for being so perfect)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt