Ch.20: Case solved

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Chapter 20:

After the movie, John wakes and he joins Sherlock in a game where they write a name on a piece of paper and stick it to each other's foreheads, guessing who they are or something.

I would have stayed to watch, but Mycroft is wanting to see me.


I leave the flat and make my way to Mycroft's hidden office.

Night has fallen over London, though the city stays brightly lit as the night owls bustle around. I breathe in the spring air and smile. Though I love fall and winter most, spring is also lovely in England. I decide to speed up, so as not to aggravate Mycroft for taking so long.

"Knock, knock!" I say loudly as I enter his office.

He sits at his desk as per usual, and looks up from some papers. "Ah, Sara. I am glad you made haste," he tells me,"I don't think he would have been able to stay put for much longer."

I frown,"Who-"

I am then engulfed into a tight hug from behind. I instantly know who it is by his scent.


He turns me around and places a tender kiss on my lips. "Hello, sweetheart."


Tom and I walk the streets of London, hand in hand. He explains that he is still working on his mission but wanted to see me since it has been months without contact between us.

"And how has it been here?" he asks me.

Memories of Sherlock kissing me flash through my mind. I gulp,"...Things have been good. I moved in with Sherlock so he wouldn't be lonely, and we have been regularly going out on cases with John."

He smiles,"That is good to hear. I am glad that you are keeping an eye on my brother when I cannot."

I wave his words away,"I'm really not needed. He is a grown man and has taken care of himself before," I say.

Tom shakes his head,"You help my brother more than you know. Both you and John."

My phone starts to ring.

I release Tom's hand to answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey, Sara."

I frown,"Greg?"

"Yeah. Sorry to call so late, but I'm going to need you to come down to the station."

I close my eyes and let out a groan when he tells me why. Tom frowns,"What's wrong?"

I end the call and shake my head. "I shouldn't have left them alone," I grumble as I pull Tom after me.


"Wakey-wakey!" Greg says loudly as he enters the room that holds Sherlock and John.

Tom and I follow him in and watch as the two drunks both grimace at the sound. John slowly lifts himself off of the ground and holds his head,"Oh my God," he groans in pain.

Sherlock is flat out on his back, fast asleep on the bench of holding cell Greg put them in. The two stupidly went on a case while drunk and got themselves arrested.

"Get up," I tell them,"You are both lucky Greg likes you, or else this would be all over the news and you would be staying here overnight."

John blinks, squinting from the brightly lit room. "Sara?"

"What a couple of lightweights!" Tom jeers.

Greg joins in,"You couldn't even make it to closing time!"

Vampire on Baker street ( A Sherlock fan-fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora