Ch. 32: I will fight for you

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Chapter 32:

Sara's POV:

"What do you mean, Moriarty is back?!" I shout at Mycroft as Sherlock and I exit the plane. "He died."

Mycroft just lets out a sigh and gestures for us to come over. He then shows us his phone which has a short, repeating video, of Moriarty's face saying,'Did you miss me?'

I frown,"This could have been made by anyone."

Mycroft nods,"Indeed, but we cannot push this off. If he is truly back, then we have a big problem on our hands."

John walks over and pulls me into a hug,"What matters, is that you and Sherlock can stay."

"For now," Mycroft interjects,"Once this threat has been dealt with, you both will be back on that plane."


Time skip:

With the news of Moriarty's message, we then retired back to the flat on Baker street to figure out what is going on. That was weeks ago and we have had no such luck. If Moriarty truly is alive, then he is keeping his head down and staying quiet. We have no leads, nothing to go on except for that one message. In all honesty, I think this is just some copy cat. They either want to just mess with us, or they are using Moriarty's name to throw us off their trail.

Oh, and the vampire murders have started up again. We started this case way back when I first joined up with John and Sherlock, but the killer went into hiding and we lost his trail. Now he has started killing again and we are determined to catch him this time.

"The killings have started up again, and now Moriarty is back. You don't think they are connected, do you?" John questions Mycroft who sits in our flat.

"I very well hope not. If Moriarty has vampires working for him then he is even more powerful than we once thought. He would be an even greater threat to all of England," the elder Holmes sighs,"We need to get this under control. For now we will assume Moriarty has no connection to these murders. You three will focus on finding the culprit and bringing him down. Moriarty will be dealt with later."

Sherlock narrows his eyes at his brother,"And why would we listen to you?"

Mycroft lips lift in a condescending smirk,"Because we have no leads on Moriarty, you would be wasting your time on him now. Also, I have Sara to keep you on track."

I glance at Sherlock,"He is right. This murderer should be our focus right now. Moriarty can wait."

Sherlock huffs but stays quiet. I roll my eyes,'It is like I am dating a teenager.'

Mycroft stands,"Well, I won't hold you. You three have work to do." John walks him out while I move toward the large map on the table that has every killing by the murderer marked on it.

"There are no patterns to these killings, completely random," I murmur,"It will be hard to track him. We will just have to wait for him to make a mistake."

John comes back and clears his throat,"Well, just a thought, but would it not be helpful to ask the man who found the murderer the last time to join us?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Sherlock shouts,"I will not work with him!"

"Well, I am not overly fond of you either at the moment," a familiar voice says,"But I am willing to put our petty bickering aside because lives are at stake."

I turn and see Tom standing in the doorway. He smiles softly at me,"Hello, Sara."

I nod,"Tom."

Sherlock glares at his older brother and comes to stand beside me in a possessive manner.

"Mycroft sent me to help," Tom tells us.

"We don't need-"

"Yes, we do," I interrupt Sherlock,"We need all the help we can get, especially someone with powers like mine."

Sherlock gives me a look of betrayal then he turns and walks to his room, slamming the door behind him.

I close my eyes and let out a groan.

"He hasn't changed much," Tom comments,"Still has tantrums like a child."

John chuckles,"Has one everyday it seems like. Try living with him."

I roll my eyes at them and make my way to Sherlock's room.

Closing the door behind me, I spot Sherlock laying on his bed, hands steepled under his chin.

I let out a sigh and take a seat next to him, running my hand through his curly locks.

"Stop," his deep voice rumbles.

I ignore him and continue massaging his scalp.

His eyes snap open and he glares at me,"Stop it! You know i can't concentrate when you do that," he hisses.

I smirk,"Because you love it."

He narrows his eyes,"Maybe so, but I cannot think when you do this. It makes me..."

"Relaxed for once?"

He gives up arguing and closes his eyes again.

I hate to see him so stressed and I know seeing Tom really puts him on edge. Being able to relax him even a little bit makes me feel a lot better.

Soon he is asleep, so I leave him and walk back into the living room. John has went to bed so it is just Tom and I.

I clap my hands together,"Okay, the baby has been put to sleep so let's get on with the investigation."

Tom chuckles and follows me out the window.


"...So, how have you been?" Tom asks as we walk through the darkened streets of London. "Mycroft gave me an update on the Magnussen situation... he told me what Sherlock did."

I let out a sigh,"I wish it had been me to kill him. Sherlock should not have had the burden. As strange as he is, Sherlock is no killer. This will weigh on him like it would any other."

"That may be true, but Sherlock is strong. He will get past it."

"I hope so," I whisper.

As we walk I feel Tom's eyes on me. I turn to him with an eyebrow raised,"Yes?"

"...Are you and Sherlock-" he pauses and then grabs my arm to stop me from walking,"...Are you two together?"

I gulp then slowly look up at him,"Yes, we are."

"Do you love him?"

I nod,"I do," I gaze into his saddened eyes,"I never planned for this to happen, Tom. I care about you and I want you in my life, so I just hope we can get past this and continue being friends."

He raises his hand to my cheek,"I care about you so much..." he pauses,"... and that is why I cannot promise that I will get past this."

I frown and try to back up but he wraps his other arm around me and pulls me in close. His eyes now filled with determination,"I will not roll over and watch as my brother claims you!" he all but growls,"I will fight for you, that I can promise." He leans in and I'm afraid he will kiss me, but I only feel his lips ghost my cheek before he releases me.

"Let's continue searching," he turns away and starts walking,"The sun will rise soon."





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