Ch.37: Of course!

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Chapter 37:

Sara's POV:

We are currently in a cab on our way back to Baker street. A dead silence fills the car.

Tom clears his throat,"Did you find anything?" He asks his brother.

Sherlock doesn't look like he is going to answer so I elbow him hard in the side. He grits his teeth in pain and sends me a glare before speaking. "Nothing new, except for the mangled body. It was torn apart, shredded, much different compared to the others which had minimal damage other than their throats being ripped out."

I put my hand to my chin, thinking. "We had assumed the murderer was a ripper from the start."

Tom nods,"One that was in the early stages. He still has coherent thought, and maybe even a reason."

I turn to him,"Reason? You think he has a meaning for all of these murders?"

Tom looks out the window of the cab we are in, deep in thought,"At first the killings seemed like the usual work of a vampire losing his mind... but for this to have gone on for so long, there must be a plan of some kind. ...Unless this is a different killer from the one we first were hunting."

Sherlock suddenly gasps. I turn to him and see his hands steepled under his chin, his eyes wide. "Of course! A different killer!"

The cab stops outside 221b and Sherlock rushes out and into the building. Tom and I follow after paying the cabby.

"Is this a copycat then?" I question as we enter the flat.

Sherlock is sitting at the new desk John recently bought and is typing away at his computer.

"I don't think so," Tom hums, his hand on his chin as he paces around the room,"It can't be a coincidence with Moriarty's return, and the loss of blood from the victims was never made public. No, this vampire was recently turned into a ripper. The other would have long been dead, no vampire can be cured after they turn ripper. They only last a few months after the first stages occur, then they eventually go insane."

"You right. We had just assumed that the ripper was able to keep the cravings at bay when he disappeared," I murmur.

"What kills them in the end?" Sherlock questions, pausing his typing.

"They will die of dehydration actually," Tom explains,"This happens much in the same way as it does with rabies. The victim will physically not be able to eat or drink for fear of drowning," he explains,"Before the time of death, they often leave dead bodies still containing their blood. They will kill even though they cannot feed anymore. Most are found dead in pools of their victims blood."

Sherlock stares at his computer in silence, completely still for once.

"So we know this isn't the same vampire, but that doesn't help us," I say with a frown,"In fact, it makes this situation worse. That means that Moriarty, or someone else, is indeed behind these ripper attacks. We do not know who or what is behind this, and that is very worrying."

Tom nods,"Your right. We still cannot track the ripper, and we have no leads as to who is behind this."

Sherlock has a brooding look,"...If this is Moriarty, he would have made himself known by now. He likes to play games, he does not wait and watch us fail."

"So you think this isn't Moriarty?"

He shakes his head,"I don't know for certain, but if it is, it's very unlike him. What we do know is that this is not just a vampire turned ripper, the odds of that happening only a few years after the first attacks are almost none. Rippers are rare, yes?"

I cross my arms and nod.

He is right. This is no coincidence, someone is doing this on purpose and is using the ripper as a facade. Everything about this case feels wrong. If this is Moriarty, he is acting out of character and that is very worrisome.

The door to the flat opens and in walks John. He sends Tom and I a smile and sheds his coat. "How is the case going?"

"Awful." We all answer.

John nods and walks to his seat with a smile,"Good, then I haven't missed much." He sits and I proceed to fill him in on our latest thoughts.

Sherlock meanwhile goes back to impatiently flitting around the room, searching for any clue we could have possibly missed.

John rests his chin on his hand,"...So this ripper, he is slowly going insane? And Moriarty may be behind it?"

I nod.

"Then shouldn't we be search for an insane person?"

I frown,"What do you mean?"

He clears his throat,"Well, so far you haven't been able to track him because his movements are too random. That could be strategy, but it would also make sense to assume that a person losing their sanity would become more and more daring. Moriarty is also unpredictable, but he should be getting bored soon," he stands and walks over to the map of london which has all the victims place of death marked on it. "Which are the newer killings?"

Tom walks over and points them out. John nods. "Have you noticed these are centered around more public areas?"

Sherlock appears next to them, causing John to jump back in fright.

"Of course!" Sherlock exclaims as he stares at the map,"When the murders started they were often bodies taken to deserted buildings, now they are being found in common apartments, even public buildings."

"As he loses his mind he becomes less caring of hiding the bodies," Tom joins in,"He will only become more reckless."

"Or he is trying to get our attention," Sherlock murmurs.

"Well, now we have somewhere to look," I say as I walk to the map,"If we focus on more populated areas it should be easier to locate him and anticipate his movements, maybe stop him before he kills again."

Sherlock turns to me,"Call up Lestrade, tell him everything. He needs to dispatch officers to these areas and then get back to me once he finds something."

I nod pull out my phone to make the call.

I spot Tom patting John on the back with a wide smile,"Well done, Watson. We might make a detective out of you yet."





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