2 | The New Normal

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Chapter 2 – The New Normal

The clouds hung dense and gray over the town, making the morning seem like the sun hadn't risen. That was what the weather was normally like in Edgewood, but as of late the dull skies had grown duller, and the cold winds colder. It was the second week of winter, after all, and it was only a matter of time before the snow began to fall.

The morning had seemed to go by too quickly the day before. After the ritual in the forest, Melissa and Cameron had walked home together, talking and laughing to their hearts' content. She'd wanted to go to his house, but she'd realized she would have to deal with things by herself.

She had gone home and had a slightly awkward early lunch with Vera. A few sentences were passed around – at some point, there was even a joke – but for the most part, the only soundtrack to the occasion was the chewing of food. She'd insisted on doing the dishes so that Vera could get some sleep before her night shift at the hospital.

Afterward, Melissa had gone up to her room and called for her Grimoire to appear. Although she'd actually wanted to read it, a part of her knew it had just been an excuse to use magic. She'd felt so much stronger and more complete after the ritual, and she was itching to do more. If it weren't for Cameron's warnings, she probably would've been running around town, starting fires and tossing cars. Well, she doubted she was skilled enough to throw a car yet, but fire she could definitely handle.

But now, on a Monday morning, after a little Grimoire reading and a long night of recorded telenovela episodes that she'd missed, she couldn't think of a moment where she'd wanted to use magic more. Maybe just a little spell that would give her the energy she needed to get through the day. Or shave a few hours off of it.

It was about seven o'clock and Melissa was busy struggling with the tedious task of fitting her enormous Chemistry textbook into her bag, when there was a quick, tapping sound at the window. She looked up to see, through the cold condensation on the window, a figure in a dark gray jacket and a beanie. The misty veil was wiped away, and knelt at the window was Cameron, who smiled and gave a little wave.

She frowned, but smiled and shook her head. She lifted her hand to the window. "Recludo."

The latch slid open and the window popped outward a little, letting in the sound of the wind. Cameron reached his fingers through the gap and pulled it back, stepping inside carefully with a cup in his hand. He eventually made it inside and, shutting the window behind him, he rolled his eyes at Melissa. "Couldn't resist, could you?"

"You know I couldn't," she sighed wistfully, and laughed afterward. "I'm sorry, but it's just... I don't know. I guess without any evil witch to look over my shoulder for, magic doesn't seem so much like a chore anymore."

"Well, just to remind you, it's not a toy either," he muttered with a slightly reproachful voice. But then he smiled and handed her the steaming cup. "I had a feeling you'd be needing this. Also, some minty freshness for after," he added, reaching into his jacket pocket and producing a few individually wrapped mints.

She took it in her hands and looked inside, seeing a swirling, caramel pool of goodness. She groaned with pleasure. Who needed an energy spell when you had the simple magic of caffeine? "Thank you so much. I had no idea how I was gonna make it through the day still standing." She sipped the coffee quickly while Cameron placed the mints in a side pocket of her bag, and then a look of confusion crossed her face. "Why are you coming through the window? Vera knows we're... you know, together."

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