7 | Reckless Abandon

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Chapter 7 – Reckless Abandon

"Honey, could you check the oven for me?"

"In a sec," Melissa said as she leaned closer to her mirror, carefully applying a barrel of lipstick to her puckered lips. It was an interesting shade called coral-based peach colorburst that would apparently go well with her skin tone. At least that was what the rep had told her; she didn't know much about makeup.

Christmas Eve had finally come, after what had felt like the longest year of Melissa's life. Despite how small a family they were – her father had had no siblings, and all her grandparents were long gone – they'd always been a very festive one. After her parents had died, though, and so close to the holidays, it just didn't seem right anymore.

But this year would be different. They'd had some time to mourn their loss, and even though it would be a while before they were completely okay, they could at least enjoy the holidays. Especially now that they had new people in their lives to spend them with.

Other than her lips, and a little blush and mascara, there'd just been her hair to take care of. She hadn't done much with it ever since she'd gotten it changed to a wavy look, but for this occasion she'd wanted to get a bit creative. So, after a series of online image browsing and an informative instructional video, she'd managed to place her golden curls in an up-do with side-swept bangs.

"There," Melissa uttered with the last coral stroke, and placed the cap on the lipstick barrel. And just in time, too; Anson and his brothers were probably on their way over already, and they still hadn't finished setting the table. She tossed the colorburst onto her bed and shot out of the room.

The flowy, flappy feeling of her dark blue dress would normally be an unfamiliar one – she rarely every wore dresses, or even skirts. But as she walked through the upstairs hallway, she couldn't help but add a little strut to her legs, reveling in the freedom. Sure, she had stockings on, but it was all the same to her. She grinned to herself, hoping it looked as good as it felt.

A flight of stairs later she was in the living room, which look considerably festive. Holly trailed along the rail of the staircase and the cornice above the window. A pepperberry wreath hung on either side of the mounted flat screen, and a fairly large Christmas tree, graciously gifted to them by a down-street neighbor, was nestled in a corner in bobbles and tinsel.

Melissa rounded the bar counter of their semi-open-plan kitchen and headed for the oven. She donned the pair of oven mitts that were on the countertop, and wrestled open the large oven door. After dodging the steam that billowed out, she reached inside and pulled out the pan, upon which lay a sizzling roast turkey.

"Oh, that's perfect," Vera exclaimed as she stepped into the room, attaching her left earring, her short, dark hair framing her face. She was in a dress herself, down to the knees and bright green. Almost the same shade as Anson's eyes, actually, Melissa mused to herself.

"Yeah, Dad would be proud," she said with half a smile as she placed the pan on a wooden board atop the counter. Her father was always the one to make the big meals in the holidays. She opened a drawer beside her, and took out a large, two-pronged fork, as well as a carving knife, and placed it on the board beside the turkey.

"Did you make the mince pies last night?" Vera asked, a stack of placemats in hand. She began arranging them on the kitchen island in front of the chairs that surrounded it. "Because now would be a terrible time to start."

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