5 | Accidentally, Maybe

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A/N: Pause for a moment and vote for this chapter. Thanks! 

Chapter 5 – Accidentally, Maybe

The doors of the school had burst open only a few hours before, students rushing out of the building like a tidal wave. It made sense that they would leave much quicker than the other days; it was finally the end of the school week. But for Landon and Sam, there was still a little work to do before the fun began.

The pair stood side by side somewhere on a border of Edgewood, their jackets zipped and buttoned against the cold evening air. The moon was already on the rise in the sky, split down the middle into light and darkness, but the half that was illuminated shone feebly as it was hopelessly concealed by the clouds that hung over the town.

"Did Cameron text you back yet?" Landon questioned, watching his breath form a wispy, white mist before his face. He had his hands stuck deep in his pockets, and bobbed on the balls of his feet. He glanced at Sam's phone with a frown. "It can't be taking this long."

"No, I think he's waiting until-" The phone buzzed in Sam's hand. He pressed the center button on the keypad, and then smiled. "Yep, I was right. He didn't want us to call too soon, in case it seemed suspicious. It's been half an hour now, though, so go ahead."

Landon nodded quickly, and pulled out his own cellphone. He hit a single button, followed by the green key, and then placed the phone against his ear. After a few seconds, a mischievous grin crossed his face. "Anson, dude, I've got a bit of a problem here."

His brother's disinterested voice replied, "And what exactly makes your problem my problem?"

Landon rolled his eyes and started walking forward, hunching into his upturned jacket collar. "My problems became your problems when I sold my car to buy your food, kiddo, so don't get fresh with me."

"Geez, alright," he groaned into the phone. "No need for the guilt trip. What do you want?"

Landon smiled. He'd had a feeling that would hook him. Now for the line. "Well, speaking of cars, I've kinda got a flat out on Compton Avenue, and I think the jack and the spanner are down in the garage. Mind bringing 'em here for me?"

Anson scoffed. "It's Cameron's car. Why not just call him to be your grease monkey?"

Landon's eyes widened a fraction. He hadn't considered that question. He looked up uneasily at Sam, who gave him a look that told him to think of something. He turned back to his walking, racking his brain. "Um... That's the other problem. I dented Cam's car."

There was a short silence. Landon listened intently, becoming worried that it'd been the worst lie in existence, before there was a long sigh. "I'll be right there. Make sure no one's out."

And sinker. There was a faint tick, and the line went dead. Landon brought the phone in front of himself and frowned. "He bought it."

"Well don't act so surprised," Sam chuckled, lifting his phone as it buzzed. He pressed a few buttons. "Anson is on his way outside. Cameron's gonna follow him to the garage."

"Probably pestering him with a bunch of questions," Landon said with a sly smile. He looked around the street, which was deserted. There had been a guy in a red hooded sweatshirt and a pair of a shades loitering around earlier, but he had walked off around the corner after a while. "Which means he'll be here just about... Now."

There was a small gust of wind just in front of the street sign and, as though he'd slipped through some sort of invisible veil, Anson appeared. He spotted Landon and Sam, and started walking over to them. Upon reaching the car, he dropped the jack and the spanner beside the back wheel. "So which tire did you pop?"

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