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Almost a week had been by since I had been staying at the Krypton's. My pack had joined, as there was enough room for one per room. I still didn't have my motorbike, and I was determined to get it back today, no matter how much Cole said it was dangerous. I was going to ride my motorbike! I walked downstairs, from having my hair done. It was now dead straight, and i loved the look loads. Cole was in the kitchen and he knew where I was off to. 

"Don't even think about it" he warned, not taking his eyes from the coffee he was drinking, and was facing the other way to where I was. Curse my stupid scent. 

"Seriously?" I said, pretending to go upstairs, but turned quickly, running for the door. Ha ha! Like he was going to catch me now. I opened the door, running for the grass on the garden. I heard a chair swiftly move, and heard Cole's distincive footsteps behind me.

"Calla. Get back here. I told you no!" he said, sounding like a father. Not my father. My father would welcome me to do this. 

"never!" i laughed, shifting and running. I heard him shift, then some others. I guessed it was Jason as he started to talk to me through pack frequency. 

"Calla, where are you going?" he asked. 

"I'm going to rescue my bike" i laughed. he laughed along too. Cole had nearly caught me, when I ran into the forest, and hid in some tree roots. I had been sure to mix up the paths. He sniffed around for me, and I sped out, giving me time to get to the House, shift, and get onto the bike before he had got to the house and turned human. I started the bike, and he glared at me.

"Not funny Calla, get off the bike." he scolded. I revved the engine, laughing. "I'm warning you, Calla. Don't make me come over there". Even he was laughing now. 

"Is it dangerous because there's the Bane pack around, who are interested in me, and I might go on their territory, meaning you can't stop me. And plus, I'm not marked. So they can mark me?" i asked. 

"Yes Calla. I don't want you getting into the wrong hands" he said, reaching out. 

"I won't. You forget, I could fight you and take you down. i was a field agent. Alpha. Best there was. I'll be fine" i said, laughing as a made hand gestures. 

"If you leave, i'll be forced to bring you back and mark you" he said sternly.

"Yeah, like you would get to my neck. I would have you pinned" i laughed sarcastically. Before he could open his mouth to object, I had zipped off into the forest road, riding on my bike. I saw a wolf in the forest trees, racing at my side. Cole. I laughed and waved. He gave me puppy dog eyes and started panting. i laughed more. I slowed down, coming to the dead end of the road. As i was turned around. I saw a wolf sit down in front of me. Cole. I couldn't get my bike around him. The road was too narrow. I glared at him, getting off the bike and walking it past him as he moved around, letting me through. 

He shifted to human, walking along side me. He grinned at me. I couldn't help but laugh. We walked my bike back to the house, and I placed it in the garage next to Cole's car. As I walked back into the kitchen, Cole started to talk.

"You do know i'm going to have to mark you right?" he said, his eyes turning black at the very thought of it.

"Wanna bet?" i challenged, even though I felt my eyes go black too. My wolf wanted this. His wolf wanted this. He growled, picking me up, placing me over his shoulder. I screamed laughing as he placed me down in his room. 

"I'm not forcing you, but would you like the horrible Bane family to mark you?" he said. "I know you want this Calla, and I definitely want this" he said, only inches away from my lips. I chuckled, then kissed his lips on slightly, so his eyes went fully black. He picked me up again, placing me up against the wall. He kissed me passionately. I couldn't hold back any longer, and I let my wolf take over. He kissed down to my chin, going to my neck, working his way round, looking for my marking spot. I let out a yelp when he found it, and he smirked against my skin. I knew this was the time to act. I could feel his cold teeth against my neck, going to mark me. I swiftly moved his chin up to my lips, and we kissed for a little longer. He tried again, working his way down to the mark. he did it quickly, so I had no time to react. I enjoyed playing around with him. I knew he liked it. 

I yelped softly as his teeth sunk into my skin, and my emotions get mixed with his. I could felt his passion. His lust. I felt my blood run down my neck, as he licked it away, healing my wound. He kept murmuring and I caught what he was saying. 

"MINE"he chanted, kissing the mark once it was healed. I knew that the mark would go away if i didn't let him mark it again, and I was marked for two weeks until the mark faded, when another would have to be made. For the permanent marking. The next one wouldn't be so easy, as my wolf would be on my side at that time, now she can sense when he wants to try mark her again. But until then, she will want to be with him. 

"Next time you won't be so lucky" i whispered, sending shivers down his spine. 

"Next time I will, and I have you fully mated" he gleamed. After the second marking, the two wolves will find it extremely difficult to not keep their hands off each other. I will be carrying a child, as female wolves get pregnant on the first mating almost instantly. I shuddered. That would be awful, sitting around, waiting for a child, unable to fight. I would be house bound. I walked out the room, only to feel my wolf pull me back. 

I kissed him some more, unable to stop my wolf. She had drained me. I walked out after that final kiss, and went to my room ,where I knew Cole's mother, who I now knew as Naomi, would be waiting to ask me where I had been. I blushed as she looked, her face in the shape of a O when she saw the mark on my neck. 

"I'm so happy for you!" she beamed hugging me tightly. "And now you have a date for the party" I looked up, confused. 

"What party?" 

"Oh the party we have every year. It's like prom, but more formal and more like a ball. We invite all the packs from the area. The Banes are coming" she beamed. "But I need to get you a dress! Come on! I have my dresses i've been waiting for my daughter to try!" I was now classed as her daughter. We got to her room, her own room, the one she kept for her clothing. She had a dress rack out in the middle of the room, full of her dresses she had used for this party. Some from when she was as young as three years old. Most were my size though. I tried on many dresses, but only one did me and Naomi agree on. A beautiful beige gown that wasn't too much but still would make me look the best at the ball. The gown had flowers down the gathering, and had many layers. It was beautifully amazing. I felt beautiful in it.

Next was Naomi's turn. She picked out a navy blue A frame gown, with one strap and diamonds encrusted down the side, making her look like the night sky. It was totally her. Tomorrow was the Ball, and I was ready. My mark was beginning to fade. As a Alpha, my mark faded in the day, in case I needed to link two packs together quicker than a Beta or Omega. This meant I was free game tomorrow. I was doomed. Cole's father had welcomed the devil's pack into his home. A pack like Cole's. No sisters and only a mother. Of course they were aloud to bring dates from school and the human world. I didn't feel too outnumbered. After all, I was all interesting to them, and none of them had mates, I was going into the deep end now. I was taking the biggest risk ever. Being marked again, by another Alpha. 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------well comment, vote and fan me. The picture at the side is Calla's dress, beautiful isn't it? I except advice as long as it isn't mean, so go ahead, i could use some constructive criticism. Let me know what you think. My readers are inspirational! Paige x

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