Come on! Let's Go Kill Some Giant Rabid Ninja Huskies!

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Jason's POV

I couldn't believe what had just happened before my eyes. At first i thought it was a dream. I pinched myself but I was awake apparently. I gulped, trying to rub away my widened eyes. They felt stuck like that. My little adopted sister, Calla, who was all lonely and crying, now had all these powers. She didn't need me anymore. I had chosen for our pack to stay joined to Cole's as we had become friends, and anyway, Calla still needed us. She needed help with the twins.  I watched her as she sat silently in the front of the car, looking forward. She looks troubled. I felt really bad. I could have reacted better than I did. I gulped down a lump threatening to choke me and spoke up.


"Mmm?" she replied. I sighed, this would be harder than usual.

"I was just wondering how you can do all those things. It kinda scary." i said shyly. She turned around to look at me, glaring. I gulped again. The glare turned into a smile which turned into a laughing fit.

"Your scared of me?" she laughed. 

"Um. Yeah. You've gone all super werewolf on me. What am I supposed to do now?" i laughed. She smiled, showing me the conversation was over, even though she didn't finish the question. I chuckled to myself, earning some strange looks from the guys. We were so caught up in our own little world, we had forgotten where we were going, and why. 


Unknown POV

I walked through the forest, my pack right behind me. I know she's around her somewhere, i thought. immediately the pack split in directions, sniffing for a scent. I growled when we picked up nothing. I knew she had been here. We couldn't miss her. She was our secret weapon. She had what we needed. I sniffed the air, smelling petrol close by. I listened closely, hearing the sound of a engine. I tuned in my wolf hearing, listening to who was in the car. 

"Your scared of me?" a girl laughed. That's all I needed. I knew it was her. I howled loudly, making my pack fall in. 

"Stay in formation. I'm going for the girl. You fight of the others in the car. She will be well protected, she is the only princess that is gifted after all. Do not fail me, or i'll have your head!" i commanded. The pack followed as we ran through the trees to the road, so we could get a visual of the car. I lunged into the air, landing right in front of the car. The pack surrounded the car. A boy started to get out. The driver. I seized my opportunity. No regrets. This was it. The princess would be under my command.


Calla's POV

I screamed as I giant wolf landed in front of the car. Others came from around the trees. Their colours differed from each other. A Pack. A Werewolf pack. Cole started to get out of the car. 

"Cole! What are you doing?" i hissed to him. 

"We are on their territory, we need to show them we mean no harm" he reasoned. I nodded nervously. Cole got out, going to close the door. The huge black wolf what was in the middle of the road ran forward, pushing Cole out the way, leaving the door wide open. I screamed Cole's name, but it was drowned out by growling in the back seat. The boys were growling.

"Come on, guys! Lets go kill some giant rabid ninja huskies" Jason shouted. They all got out the car and shifted. 

The black wolf stuck its head in the car, grabbing my shirt and pulling me out, even while I was screaming. I screamed for anyone. I screamed Jason's name, but he was shifted and fighting. I looked behind, seeing not one wolf able to fight. It was a ambush. But why take me and leave my children in the back seat of the car, unprotected and easy snacks. We went into the forest, and i look back at the now extremely smaller car. I heard Cole shout my name, and I shouted back to him, which made the wolf growl. He started to run, then let go of me, making me fall into a tree. He ran away, leaving me alone. he came back human. 

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