I'll Show you

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Calla's POV

I woke up, still weak and tired from my coma. I wanted to try out my powers, and i knew exactly who i was going to try them out on. The only man who had caused me all this misery and pain the last few months. He was going to pay. I carefully got out of bed, walking slowly to my closet. I put on some old clothes, some holey camouflaged cropped trousers, and a black vest top. I put my hair in a messy bun, and headed confidently downstairs, not caring who was there. In my mind, i was walking with revenge. In actual fact, i was walking like a drunken person from the lack of use of my legs. 

"Good morning" i said, walking into the kitchen, moving quickly to thr fridge, and getting my breakfast. Everyone looked up, giving me a strange look which changed to panic when they registered it was me standing there. 

"Calla! What are you doing out of bed?!" My mother said disapproving. Apparently in her eyes i was a weakling. I was the next queen and a Alpha female of a pack. I am no weakling. 

"Well could you blame me for wanting to walk around after months of being in a coma?" i said, irritated. I lost my appetite, and left my breakfast, walking to the door. 

"Where are you going?" Cole called out. I turned quickly, unbelieving that he could sit there, laughing with the pack, but not understand where i was going. I wanted revenge. 

"Out. I want to try my new power. And I know exactly who to try it on" i said, smirking as i turned again. I heard someone moved, and i panicked. I turned swiftly, to see all the males coming to stop me. That's what it would take to stop me doing something. About 10 males from our pack consisting of about 2000 males. I didn't want them to touch me, or catch me. I reached out instinctively, hoping for fire to sprout from my fingertips like before. But instead, horror happened. 

All 10 males, including Cole, dropped to the floor, writhing in pain and screaming. The Pain i thought. I needed to stop it, but i couldn't. It was killing them. I couldn't stop. 2 minutes to 3. 3 minutes to 4. I couldn't move from shock. The males were too weak to move now, and their mates were screaming at me to stop. I turned, running out the door, my eyes watering from the confusion i was feeling. I ran to the forest edge, and slid down a huge oak trunk. 

When i was confident that i wouldn't break down, which was after about a hour, i left, walking further into the forest, knowing that Ren was watching me closely. 

"Oh Reeeennnnnn. I know your watching me. Why don't you come out? Come play by my rules" i said innocentely, adding a bit of venom in my voice. Soon enough, the brown haired rogue stepped out from behind a tree, smiling as he went to lean in front of a tree opposite me. 

"So what brings you to my part of the forest, Princess?" he smiled, clearly relishing the moment. 

"I wanted to show you something. Something you might be very interested by" i said, smirking. He lifted a eyebrow, and stepped forward a couple of steps. 

"And whats that?"

"Come closer. I'll show you" i said, drawing him closer. When he was close enough, i channeled my mind into pain and soon enough, he was on the floor writhing in pain. I walked up to his body, bending down to whisper in his ear.

"That's for killing my son" i channeled more pain into him, making him scream out.

"That's for hurting Jason" I boosted it up another notch.

"That's for killing my father" i said. I pushed it up one more, making it agonisingly painful. 

"That's for making me go into a coma" i whispered, getting up and walking away, breaking the pain. He sat in a heap, sweating and breathing deeply. I could swear he was crying, but with the amount of sweat he gave off, i couldn't tell. I just stood there, smirking at him. 

"What do you want from me?" he cried out. I walked forward again, making him flinch at my speed. I lifted his head up, making his eyes meet mine. 

"I want revenge. And I got it. Anything else you can offer me? My beautiful Ren?" i said sweetly. He looked my at me, hatred filling his eyes. But soon that attractive, crooked smirk came back. "What?" i said, confused.

"I have something you need. Come along now, princess. I promise you can walk away freely after, that is if you still want to" Curiosity got the better of me and i followed Ren to the rogue house. I went through to a room, with a huge TV. He started fumbling around with a load of DVD's, and found one, placing it in the DVD player. A image came on the screen. I gasped as i saw Cole, my mother, Naomi and Tyler, sitting in a room, from the angle of what appeared to be a hidden camera. 

"Yes. I see. Well i must go sort that out. I'll talk about that later, Cole" my mother said, walking out the room. 

"I can't believe you! That girl hasn't done anything to you! She's in a coma upstairs and your down here, doing that!" Naomi shouted. I'd never heard her shout. She sounded, so scary, to her usual kind self.

"I was going to tell her! Honest! But I couldn't after she did that stupid thing. I'm moving on mum! She's not going to survive and i'm moving on!" he shouted back. What did he mean, moving on?

"You talk like she's dead! She's still alive in there! What if she wakes up, and your off with that stupid girl, doing god knows what?" Naomi shouted. what girl? I was crying now, but i couldn't peel my eyes from the screen.

"She will never know. I can't do that to her. She's my mate! I will always treat her like it!" he shouted back.

"What happens when she finds out? Which she will! That girl gave birth to one of your children! And your off with another girl, some girl from the village. What's she like then? Blond? Tall? Just your taste? Everything your mate isn't?" 

"I'll make sure she never finds out! I don't even get to see little Lily when she's here! She's all cooped up and she's always asleep! She's not just some girl! She lost her mate. I make her feel whole again. I love Calla! I do! But Cara needs me more at the moment!" he shouted. Naomi pushes pile of papers on the floor, and leaves the room. The TV goes blank, and Ren looks at me. 

"How could he do that?" is all i can say. I am not a weakling. I am not. I stop the tears, and look at Ren. "I'm not going back. Don't make me go back. My mate doesn't love me. Don't make me go back" i say into his shoulder. I did wonder why Cole didn't get up and see me this morning. Why he wasn't in the room with me this morning. 

"You can stay here. We will get you your revenge. Your still the princess, but you can train with us. We'll toughen you up for the fight. We can make you look amazing" Ren said. I looked up at him, and smiled. 

"Alright. It's a deal. Tell me what i have to do. Cole isn't getting away with this, and plus, it gives me time to prefect my powers. Cole isn't the only Alpha in town. When he messes with me, i bite, hard. Oh Cole your in for a treat" 


Sorry for the late download. Had writers block. Like the twist? If you didnt understand, Cole cheated on calla, told his mother, and the rogues filmed it. What will Calla do now? OOOOO its so tempting to write another chapter but i havent got time tonight. Happy reading guys!

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