Stop Kidding Yourself

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Jason's POV

Yet again i sit in Calla's room, making sure Cole doesn't do anything stupid what Calla would scold him for when she wakes up, if she wakes up. I'm beginning to think she won't, and by the look in Cole's eyes, he's thought it too. She hasn't opened her mind link to him since her first spasm, and i'm starting to get worried. Its been nearly a month and nothing has happened. Even Matron has her doubts, but she doesn't voice them. Everyone is giving up, everyone but Max, who stupidly gave himself to the rogues to help Calla. 

I sat next to her bed, watching her ribs rise and fall. At least she was breathing. I didn't know if she could hear me, but i needed to get some things off my chest.

"Calla? I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, could you listen hard for me?" i say quietly.

"We need you to fight your hardest. we need you to live. Even if you don't get through this, the rogues of the area are going to attack anyway, and we need your brain and powers to survive. Its our only hope. So please, wake up soon. Wake up, my stubborn, adopted baby sister. Please. wake up" i say, basically whispering from the lump forming in my throat. I watch as her finger twitches once. I sigh, getting up from the chair, closing the door of her room silently, as if she was sleeping. 

"Stop kidding yourself, Jason. She's not coming back" Cole said from behind me, making me jump.

"So your giving up on her? Your mate?" i said angily, i can't believe he just said that.

"I'm just telling you what i think" he said. He wasn't himself. He was still under drugs from his last attempt to hurt himself. His eyes were dark, and pain filtered through. I couldn't believe he was in his right mind to say all these things. 

"Your full of drugs. You wouldn't say these things if you were in your right mind. You are still under the drugs. Go get some rest. Calla will be ok." i said sturnly. I pushed his shoulder round, but he caught my hand angrily.

"Don't touch me." Cole growled, pulling his fist back, getting a good hit on my eye. Guards come and restrain Cole, placing his arms behind his back and pushing him to the floor. He starts to scream out insults at me, trying to escape, but the guards hold was firm. Matron came out of her room, looking to me, then shaking her head at Cole.

"Don't worry, your majesty, it was Cole. I think he is feeling the pressure. What do you wish to do?" Matron called into the room she had come from. Queen Aurora came out of her room, dressed in a long nightgown and looked over the site in front of her eyes.

"Take him down to the dungeon, he can't hurt himself as badly there, and he can't hurt others. Keep a eye on him" She commanded to the guards. The guards nodded and dragged a angry Cole away. 

Matron took me into the medical room, getting me some ice and sorting out my bruised eye. We were sat silently, watching each other working. 

I heard Calla through the wall, she let out a earpinching scream. Something she hasn't ever done before. I push Matron into Calla's room, to see Calla sleeping still. I went to her side and brushed the hair from her face.

"Calla? Are you ok?" i said gingerly. I watched as she shifted her weight a little, opening her eyes to look at me. A wide grin opens across my mouth. She's awake. She survived. I start to cry, and she weakly rubs away a tear. I look at Matron, who smiles. She's going to be ok. 

"Get some sleep. I'll come back tomorrow. You must be tired" i say. She nods and gets comfortable under her duvet. I start to walk to the door, but her whimper stops me. I turn back to her.

"Where's Cole" Calla asked, her voice hoarse from misuse. I swallow.

"At the moment he is in the dungeons. He went a bit mad you see, he kept saying you weren't coming back. He tried to harm me, so your mother put him down there to calm down" i said softly. She nodded, although i could tell this was alot for her. 

"Jason?" she said, just as i was walking away again.

"Yes?" i said surprised that she wasn't asleep yet.

"How long was I out for?"

"About a 5 and half weeks. You were in a coma. How did you survive?" i asked, curious and berwildered. 

"My powers fought it off. They reacted with the pain, and took it in to myself as another power. I know have the power to case pain, but also releave it" she said calmly. I was amazed. I got up, leaving the room to go to my own. As i got under the duvet, all i could think of was how Calla was alive, and it made my heart skip a beat thinking that she might have heard what I had said to her.

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