chapter 20

403 21 3

one month later....

reader pov

i pulled into the driveway of marie's apartment building. i hadn't stayed the night in a couple of weeks so i brought some clothes, intending on staying the weekend. i grabbed the little bag i brought and headed up to his door. i knocked a few times. nothing. guess i should have called first. of course, if i always tell him im coming over, then ill never surprise him, right? i just settled for passing the time at rhode's house with my baby. it was a nice friday afternoon so i decided to walk. it has been around a month since i saw what i will never speak of again so i think its safe to walk again. just to be cautious, i wont be taking either of the  routes i had taken previously. i started walking.

i was walking, enjoying the subtle breeze and passing through what i thought was a peaceful neighborhood. i sighed. EVERYTIME i walk,  i see something. i dont even do it on purpose. im just walking down the sidewalk of a nice neighborhood when i happen to look in an alley and bam! same guy from the last time, only sporting some different clothes. again we made eye contact but this time....this time he was a little more ready. instead of walking at a brisk pace, i started out bolting. it had been him along with three other guys wearing hoodies. as soon as the guy saw me, he pointed. they all looked and started running after me. at this point, im glad i took up some parkour in my free time. instead of running down the street in plan sight, i weaved through alleys, effortlessly hopping fences and running through backyards. i risked a look back, noticing that it was only the guy with the purple makeup under his eyes that was following me, nearly mimicking my movements over the various obstacles. he was keeping up with me but not getting any closer.

i cut across a field and dove right through someone's shed in their backyard before jetting across the street, finally making it to rhode's apartment complex. i had just hidden myself against a wall by her door when he hopped the fence, stopping at the edge of the street. he looked around, clearly having lost me but he didnt leave, instead whistling really fucking loudly. the guys from earlier who were with him rounded the corner from where he came from just a month ago and met him across the street. he started yelling, waving his hands dramatically. he pointed in several directions and the others scattered. i thought he would just leave but that would only make me feel better. to my dismay, he started walking towards the very apartment complex i was hiding in. he went to the bottom floor first, knocking on doors. makes me feel a little bit better. i have a little bit of time before he makes it to the top floor where rhode's apartment is. i knocked on her door. a few minutes before she opened it, wearing some pajamas. she wiped her eyes and looked at me. "ill explain later. i just need inside," i said. she stepped aside and i walked in, closing the door behind me and locking it. "it fucking happened again. this time he is knocking on doors. you didnt see me. im gonna hide," i made my way through the house, putting a hand on the baby's room's door handle just as there was a knock on her door. looks like he might have gotten some info from other neighbors. shit. i opened the door quickly and closed it while she was undoing the locks. the baby was sleeping in his crib which is good. i made sure i made no noise, just leaning my ear against the door to hear what she was saying. she opened the door.

"......hello?......what the fuck! now i know for sure this isn't a coincidence. where is he?.....who are you talking about, sir? i dont know who you are or why you are here or who you are looking for. could you please leave?....dont play stupid with me, girl. i know that you know who he is. where are you hiding him?.......please leave. i dont want anything to do with any of this. you have business with him, not me. leave me alone before i call the cops......*gasp* see this? you better stop lying to me and tell me where he is or ill find him myself......please! i have a baby sleeping in the other room! i keep telling you that he isn't here.......i saw him earlier, walking down the street. me and him made eye contact and he took off running. i ended up chasing him with a few of my buddies. he was really fucking fast and really good with parkour but i still managed to keep up with him while running through the back alleys. i had almost cornered him when he cut right out of my sight. its really fucking convenient that i lost him twice in front of the same apartment building so you are gonna tell me whatever you know about him or else....(yelps)....let me go! wont have to worry about that baby no more....(whimpering) please leave us alone! i dont even know what he looks like or anything. i dont know where this guy you are talking about is!!!......i told you already, girl: he is really fucking sexy. what more do you need?.....that's not helping at all! (sobbing)......move! i search this place myself....(shuffling)....(footsteps)...."

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