{part two}

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     It was dawn. It had to have been morning due to the sun seeping through the windows in the distance. Patches of light made their way into the abandoned building. With a yawn, Kylie woke herself up and oddly enough, her body wasn't damaged anymore.

     What happened last night? Did the strange men fix her? And if they did, how was it done?

     How was a good question; her body looked as if she was never hurt and she didn't feel the pain when she moved.

      Her jaw wasn't even broken. How could that be possible?

     Kylie turned her head toward the right side of her and found that no one was there. What happened to them?

     In that moment, all she could think about was all the queries that scorched in the back of her mind. Where did they go? Were they all still alive?

     The anomalous man slowly walked around the corner. His hands were covered in blood. What was he doing? He unlocked the chains and said, "Come. Your turn."

     My turn? For what?

     Kylie stayed on the ground; maybe it was better not to leave anywhere with him. She looked at the way they came in and wanted to bolt to the door. But what if that wasn't a good idea? It made her second guess that decision as she thought that maybe nothing was really a good idea. The men could come after her, kill her.

     But what if she was going to die anyway?

     The man noticed what she was trying to do as his now deformed face stared her down. "No."

     Her eyes met his. "Why? What are you doing to me?"

     The man didn't answer.

     Why was it so hard for him to tell her what was happening? For him to explain why they were there? Where they came from? Why they want the women? And where everyone else went?

     Kylie hesitated on going, but she couldn't sit there forever. She also couldn't make a run for it; the alien was too strong and probably would beat her to it. It made no sense to leave. The lady would probably die either way, so what was the point of trying?

    She stood and the man escorted her around the corner.

     Where she was originally located was somewhere in the middle of the building. There were random machines and coveter belts that looked like it hadn't worked since the beginning of the 1900s. There was an open area, near the wall where she was being held, and it had old tables that had metal bases and a wooden top. Some of them were on wheels.

     However, on the other side of the corner, it was completely empty of machines and tables. Instead, there were columns holding the roof so it didn't collapse, and a few wooden chairs that had broken legs. A few stood on all four, but you could tell it was fragmented due to the leg not being straight, like the others. The brick walls were the same in the other room; old and moldy. There were some that were painted, but the paint was scratched up and already worn out.

     Like the other room, there was trash and dust and ash and broken metal pieces scattered around the floor. In this area, it didn't even look like a tornado hit. It looked worse. Maybe a hurricane flew by in here?

     There were various doorways leading to other sections of the factory. She followed him into one of the entrances on the right. Out of nowhere, a light from the ceiling came on that illuminated the entire room. Medical beds and gurneys were in the room; blood stained the sheets as some dripped onto the floor.

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