{part four}

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     The sound of high heels hitting a metal surface woke Kylie. It wasn't like the movies where her face showed an alarmed expression. Instead, her head picked itself up slowly as it dangled over her body. She was still strapped to the bed in the small room that the aliens dragged her to.

     Her eyelids tried to open as best they could, but she was still drowsy.

     The door opened and revealed a petite woman; long blonde hair, long and sharp red nails, pencil skirt and a white blouse. The stranger had a pair of glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose. The bright red lipstick on her mouth smudged a little as she wore a wide smile.

     The woman looked down to a clipboard that she held in her hands. "You must be Kylie Anderson," she said. Her voice was smooth as silk, and made Kylie quiver with fear.

     How did she know her name?

     Why was this lady here? Why wasn't she like the others: desperate, in pain, wanting to escape such a prison?

     The woman walked further into the room, staring at Kylie in silence. She was observing her movements, her body. Her eyes went from Kylie's head down to her abdominal. "You're probably wondering what's happening right now, am I right? Why I'm here, why you're here, why this is happening to you." The clipboard was put on its side as she held it with both hands, in front of her torso. "I can't say much because it's too early in the process. What I can say, though, is that this is going to a great cause."

     "Yeah, and what cause is that?" Kylie finally spoke. She didn't have the energy to fight physically or verbally. The only energy she had left was enough to find some answers.

     "I'm afraid I can't tell you that either."

     "Then how am I supposed to trust you?"

     The woman got closer, enough to breathe on Kylie. "Well, you don't have to trust me." She gave another grin and left the room.

     Kylie's teeth clenched together, her fists tightened as they turned white. "Gah! What are you doing to me? Let me out of here!" She shook herself, trying to escape the straps that forced her to be motionless.

                                                                     ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

     Kylie laid on the bed, her back against the mattress. She stared at the metal ceiling, her hands behind her head. All she wanted was life to go back to normal. How could this be her future?

     "They're using us for colonizing, you know," she heard. Kylie turned her head to the right side of her, staring into the window on the other side of the room. The other woman laid on her bed, too, in the same position as Kylie.

     "Huh?" she said, sitting up. "What do you mean?"

     The woman gave Kylie a glare. "The invaders . . . we're being used to breed."

     "How do you know?"

     "How do you not know?" A moment passed by until the stranger realized that Kylie had no idea. She sighed and looked at the ceiling again. "It all adds up. The ashes falling to the ground, the C-section . . . they're recolonizing the earth."

     "But . . . why?" It was the only question that remained burning in the back of her mind. What was the motive to do all of this? Just because they could? Because they wanted to destroy more people?

     "Because our home planet was demolished. We began looking for a new place to live and this was it." The blonde woman went up to the window. "We saw that there were beings here already, so we became you. Studied you for centuries. Befriended you."

     "Why now?"

     "Because your people turned on us. We were granted peace, but when we wanted to live here, your so-called government wouldn't allow us to walk freely among you."

     "So you just decided to take over?"


     What she was being told made sense. The conspiracy theories were correct: Area 51 had to have been real. They lived there, were probably studied on. The government became their allies until they screwed them over. "So what about you? Who are you?"

     "I'm the Queen, Kylie. I thought you would've figured that out by now." The woman gave a bright, devilish smile. She walked away as Kylie got up to slam her hands against the glass.

     Kylie continued banging her palms on the glass, trying to get the attention of the blondie.

     "It's not gonna work," said her neighbor. "We're dead already."

     Kylie sunk to her knees, tears streaming down her eyes. The thought of giving up angered her more. How could these people think of such negative things? But fear allowed them to cower away. And she wasn't going to let that happen. A rebellion had to start.

     She stopped crying and her expression immediately turned to angst. "We're not dead, not yet we ain't."

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