{part three}

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     The woman was tied to a chair, cowering away, watching the strange man dissect someone. She didn't know who the person was, but they told her that she was next. They also said that was forced to watch.

     Kylie saw the alien take the person's intestines and hung it around his own shoulder, like a souvenir. The terror in her eyes made her wonder why the man was cutting the person open, why they were fascinated by the human anatomy.

     The man turned around, showing his deformed, alien face. He gave a wide smile like he was some crazy scientist.

     Then she woke up. Her eyes opened slightly as fatigue crept into her body. Once she was aware of her surroundings, she realized that she wasn't where she had been in the last . . . however long it had been since the invasion.

     The room still looked like it was part of the factory; walls were worn out, the ground was full of dirt, ash, trash, and broken metal pieces. The ceiling was torn down; when you looked up, instead of seeing a wall, it was the sky.

     It was dusk, so it was getting late but the sun was still there, shining its glorious rays on the earth. The sky above was a blanket of mixed colors: blue, orange, purple, even a light pink. It was beautiful. There were few stars shown, as if they hung themselves against the canvas of the atmosphere.

     For a moment, everything was okay. For a moment, she forgot about the invasion and the creepy humanoid, shape-shifting aliens.

     And then she realized what happened during the last few days, or however long it had been.

     When she turned herself around, toward the back of the room where a door was, there were women sitting and laying on the ground. There was at least twenty, but not all of them were just sitting or lying down, waiting for the world to end. There were a few walking around, in search of some sort of thing that might help them escape or understand what was going on.

     Kylie walked up to the women and found Lucy, trying to unlock a door. "Do you have any idea why we're in here?"

     "Probably to keep us close to nurture their babies," Lucy answered, looking at her new friend. "Good morning, by the way. Or well . . . night, whatever."

     Kylie gave a nod and continued looking at the scene. They probably weren't going to get out of there. It was impossible to find a way out. They were hostages.

    It was quite strange that the women were impregnated and then basically tossed away like they weren't mothers to the child. But Kylie saw what came out of her.

    It wasn't a child.

     It was a monster.

     Not what people would think and say that it was a demon; a demon infant would be a piece of cake.

    The thing that came out of her stomach was an alien.

     Noises came from the distance, and then a large floating structure appeared over the room the women were in. Lights irradiated around the spaceship. Part of the group coward away, huddling beside each other, frightened. The other part of the group were badasses, wanting to find out what was going on.

     Instantaneously the door unlocked and a large group of aliens walked through the door. They didn't look like men anymore.

     Their bodies were formed into their original selves: their arms were long and muscular, they had four fingers with sharp black nails coming out of their fingertips. They walked on their hands and knees, of course, but their legs were different. Instead of looking like human legs, theirs were thick and well-built, and they stood on what looked like three "toes," but had a fourth one hanging from the back of their ankle, what might had been their heel.

     The bodies were scrawny and each were tall in length. The color of their skin was grey and patches of red covered their entire body. Their heads were something both extortionary and petrifying; they were oval shaped with spikes sticking out of their faces, curved horns coming out of their cheeks and bending toward their mouths. Their mouths were shaped liked what you carve into a pumpkin with; pointy edges going across their face. Long fangs hung out of their mouths. On top of their head were curved horns pointing upward.

     They grabbed the women as they struggled, and walked toward the middle of the room. Kylie included. In the blink of an eye, everything disappeared. It faded as the suspense continued. What happened while they were there?

     The room began to fade.

     All Kylie saw was black.

     She blinked twice and found herself in a small, glass room. Her hands touched the glass in front of her. Frantically, she looked behind her. There was only a small bed with no blankets or pillows, and a bucket off to the side. On the other side of the windows were rooms that looked exactly like hers.

     Women appeared in them like her; frightened, hysterical.

     In front of Kylie was a hallway with a metal floor. It went around the entire area, circling the glass boxes.

     On the other side of the hallway were more rooms, having more females put in them one at a time.

     The screams of terrified people penetrated through Kylie's ears, but slowly stopped when she noticed a door open from down the hall. Many of the aliens scattered around, grabbing various women from—maybe—random quarters. One of them went in front of Kylie, opened the door and dragged her out as she tried to refuse.

     She struggled, trying to free herself. Kylie hit the alien in the head and ran the opposite way.

     Bad idea, she thought. Instead of getting away, like she wanted to, another freakish alien ran toward her, tackling her onto the ground. He sat on top of her, opening and closing his large mouth, breathing in her face. The first alien took her wrists and the second one got off her, grabbing her ankles. Kylie squirmed around, but she couldn't get out of their grasp. In fact, their grip got tighter.

     They dragged her down the hall, through the doorway where they came in. It was the same route where they were taking the others.

     Down the hallway, where darkness crept around all the corners as the lights from the ceiling weren't lit and the only ones that were came from the floor, the creatures made a right down another area with many doors. They put her into one room which was barely empty. It was incredibly bright, blinding Kylie almost, and they put her onto a standing bed, strapping her to it. The second alien left the room, and the first came close to the woman.

     He stared into her eyes.

     She thought that he would've let her go or did something good, but she was wrong. He put some sort of contraption in her mouth, and opened it wide.

     He got closer, to a point where she could feel his breath linger on her skin.

     His mouth opened.

     His long tongue was placed into the back of her throat, inserting a seed.

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