Chapter 13

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Kendall clenches her jaw as she glares at the girl sitting on the couch in front of her. "I just-uh- don't get why you forgave her Y/n." She says to Y/n while running her hands over her face.

Kendall got home from her modeling trip and heard, from Shay, that Y/n stupidly forgave Ally. Y/n tried to explain to Kendall why she did it but Kendall isn't having any of it. Kendall believes that the girls hurt Y/n way too much, even though Y/n won't admit it, so they shouldn't be allowed back into Y/ns life.

Y/n sighs before speaking. "She seemed truly sorry, Ken. Ally said that it was the other fours fault, not hers." She says calmly not wanting to anger Kendall anymore.

Ally stayed at Y/ns for a few hours after they became friends again. They watched movies and did all of the normal things that friends did. Y/n even showed her one of her new songs, which Ally loved.

"So, she's blaming it on the others?" Kendall asks Y/n with an eyebrow raised and not believing any of it.

Y/n nods her head. "She said something like two of them forced the other two to do it." She stops talking to think if that sentence made any sense. "Then she said that she was the one who didn't want to do it, but the four of them forced her to." Y/n finishes while stroking Cocos coat of hair to help keep her calm.

Kendall nods her head and sighs. "Fine, if you forgive her then I guess I can too." She says giving up on the argument. The only reason why Kendall did this is because the decisions that Y/n makes aren't her decisions to make and as much as Y/n made the bad choice, she has to respect it.

Y/ns eyes light up. "Really?" She asks excitedly with a smile growing on her face. Truthfully, Y/n wasn't expecting Kendall to side with her. She thought that Kendall would do the complete opposite.

Kendall nods her head and flashes her best friend a smile. "Really. Now let's go get some ice cream, I'm hungry." She says as her stomach growls.

Y/n stand up from the couch and removes the dog from her lap. "You know me so well." She says while walking towards Kendall.

"I'm going because I'm hungry." Kendall says while opening the front door for the both of them.


Normani descends down the stairs only to be met with lots of yelling coming from the living room. Before she could run back upstairs, Dinah calls her into the room.

"Normani!" Dinah yells while walking out of the room. Her fists are clenched by her sides and her jaw is tightly clenched.

Normani gulps. "Yeah?" She questions her best friend as she grips onto her wrist.

"You'll never guess what Ally did." Dinah growls while pulling the girl into the room where the other three are. Dinah sits down on the couch with Normanis wrist still in her grasp.

"Tell her what you did." Lauren growls at Ally who's shaking in her seat.

"I didn't do anything!" Ally yells at Lauren. "I did what Simon told me to do." She says while gripping onto the arms of the chair that she's sitting in.

"She became best friends with Y/n." Camila informs Normani just above a whisper with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Simon said to make her forgive us! Not just you!" Dinah yells while standing up from the couch and letting go of Normanis wrist.

"Why do you care?! You don't even like her!" Ally yells back while standing up from her chair as well, not caring that Dinah is much taller than her.

Dinah clenches her jaw once again and sits back down on the couch knowing that the girl has a point.

"Why do any of you care?! All of you don't like her! All you would do is complain about how horrible being with Y/n was but be nice to her so she would buy you stuff! I was the only one who actually did stuff with her!" Ally yells at the four girls who all flinch at Ally's yelling.

"Maybe if Y/n wasn't so annoying we would actually like her." Lauren mutters from her seat on the couch, not caring about Ally's opinion.

Ally shakes her head. "I'm done with you Lauren. I'm not going to stop you from attacking Y/n anymore, do what you want. But when Y/n does the same thing to you that she did to Camila, don't come running to me." She says before walking out of the room.

"W-where are you going?" Camila asks Ally, scared that she was going to leave for forever.

"To Y/ns house." Ally says while angrily grabbing her coat and her phone. "Call me when you are calm again." She says before leaving the house with a slam of the door.

Lauren rolls her eyes at Ally before standing up from the couch. "Whatever." She says before going back up into her room.

how was everyone's thanksgiving (if you celebrate it)?



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