Chapter 18

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Y/n arrives back at her house just as the sun begins to rise in the horizon. The songwriter was at the studio longer than she intended to, so she was running on few hours of sleep. Y/n tiredly makes her way into her house trying her best to ignore her dogs who jumped all over her in excitement, which she immediately felt bad about.

Ally rubs her eyes as she stretches her arms over her head, she looks to the side and sees Y/n standing there with her eyes partially closed. "Y/n." Ally's raspy morning voice calls out for the girl.

Y/n looks up from the floor and looks at Ally, who had formerly been sleeping on the couch. "Mhm?" She asks while placing her coat on the ground since she was too lazy to hang it up.

Ally watches Y/n as she advances towards her. "You okay?" She asks the obviously tired girl.

Y/n sighs as she falls beside Ally on the couch. "Tired." She mumbles into the couch while her dogs attempt to jump up on the couch beside her.

Ally leans forward and gently rubs Y/ns back, remembering that it was a way to calm Y/n down. Y/n smiles softly into the cushion while relaxing against Ally's touch, even though she swore that she wouldn't get too close to the woman again.

Soon enough, Ally hears the faint breathing sounds coming from Y/n. Ally smiles and decides to take a few pictures of the girl since she looked adorable. A few pictures were posted to Instagram and twitter but most of them, including a video, were posted on Ally's snapchat. Ally completely forgot about how no one knew that her and Y/n we're friends again, which could lead to some future problems.

Ally molds herself into Y/ns side and decides to take another picture of them. Ally pretends that she's sleeping, but it's obvious that she's not, and takes the picture on her snapchat. She captions the picture with a few hearts and a smiley face emoji before posting it. After posting the picture, she finds herself falling asleep besides Y/n.


To Victoria's delight, she comes back to Los Angeles only to see Y/n became friends with Ally again. Her situation was very similar to Kendall's, but she found out about the new friendship through Ally's snapchat. Victoria thought she could leave for only a few more days, but of course that's when Y/n messed up.

Victoria enters Y/ns house using her spare key and finds the two singers cuddled up together on the couch. Their position has changed since earlier in the morning, Ally was now on top of Y/n. Victoria shakes her head and pulls Ally off of Y/n, which wakes her right up. Before Y/n could wake up, Victoria places a blanket over Y/n to keep her warm.

Ally rubs her eyes after being waken up so viciously. "Victoria? What do you-" Ally gets cut off by Victoria when she drags the woman into the garage.

"How did you find where Y/n lives?" Victoria asks Ally, which takes her off guard for a second.

Ally furrows her eyebrows and rubs her eyes once more, still not recovering from her wake up. "Uh Simon tracked her phone." She answers truthfully and yawning after she finishes talking.

"Why are you here?" Victoria asks immediately after Ally answers her, she's enjoying the power that she currently has.

Ally stretches out her arms while she talks to Victoria. "I apologized to Y/n a few days ago, and we're friends now." She says with a small smile forming on her face.

Victoria skeptically eyes Ally. Y/n messed up big time allowing Ally to come back into her life, but knowing Y/n she wouldn't listen to the wise words that Victoria would tell her. Victoria sighs and rubs her temples with her finger tips. "If Y/n forgives you, then you're alright in my book." Victoria says which causes Ally to take a breath of relief. "That doesn't mean that I won't be watching you." Victoria says but stops her threatens after Y/n tiredly steps into the garage, since she heard voices coming from in here.

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