Chapter 22

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"Y/n, thank you so much for your help. That song is amazing, will you be helping us again soon?" Simon asks Y/n hopefully.

Y/n shrugs her shoulders and answers honestly. "I don't know, they were hard to work with until I disciplined them. Maybe." She says and Simon smiles.

"Well, I'll see you soon." Simon says while opening the door for Y/n.

Ally catches up to Y/n after talking to the four other girls about going back to live with them. Ally told the girls that she would think about it since she's having a great time with Y/n. The only thing she regrets, is lying to Y/n to get her to forgive her.

Y/n thanks Simon as her and Ally leave the building and enter the cool night California weather.

Normani runs out of the building behind them, wanting to get more information about the song about her. The thought of Y/n getting one of her favorite artists to record a song about her hasn't left her mind. Normani reaches Y/n and grabs onto her wrist to turn her around.

Y/n quickly pulls her wrist away and looks at Normani weirdly, Ally stops walking and turns to face Normani as well. "No touching." Y/n says while not so subtly wiping her hand off on Ally.

Ally pushes Y/ns hand away as Normani begins to speak. "Uh sorry, but I was wondering if I could, uh-"

Y/n cuts Normani off since she already knows what she's going to ask and she just wants to get out of here. "No, you can't hear the song. Bye." She says and begins to turn around again.

Normanis eyes widen and she stops Y/n again. "Wait." She says and Y/n stops to glare at her. "What do I have to do?" Normani asks while staring directly at Y/ns sunglass covered eyes.

Y/n shrugs her shoulders, obviously wanting an apology for what Normani did to her for over the past year or two. "Think about it." Y/n says leaving Normani confused.

Y/n walks away with Ally trailing behind her and Normani takes this as her cue to go back inside.

Ally and Y/n both make it to the car and Ally breaks the silence between them. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asks Y/n.

Y/n shakes her head. "There's nothing to talk about." She says simply before getting in her car.

"Are you going to work with us again?" Ally asks Y/n as she closes the door. "I know they can be annoying, but it's nice having you in there with me." She tells Y/n.

Y/n sighs and shrugs. "I don't know Al." She says and Ally smiles at the mention of Y/ns nickname for her. "But, I'll do it if you want me to, I guess it wasn't that bad." She says which make Ally smile even more.

"Really? Please help us again, the writers are so bad and the producers a-"

Y/n cuts Ally off by laughing. "I get it, I'm amazing." She says while flipping her hair over her shoulder before starting the car.


"Why does Ally get to spend so much time with Y/n when we can't even have a break for our boyfriends?" Dinah asks the group as they enter the living room to watch a movie.

Normani and Lauren shrug as Camila thinks about the question. Normani is still hung up on what happened with Y/n outside of the studio, that girl is really confusing. Instead of asking the girls for help, she decides to act like the others and pretend it never happened.

"Probably because Y/n is Y/n and our boyfriends are specks of dirt compared to her." Lauren says while turning on the television.

"Did you guys think it was bad working with her?" Camila asks while grabbing a handful of popcorn.

Dinah shrugs. "It wasn't that bad, but I defiantly wouldn't want to do it again. She's so intimidating especially when she hates you." She says while crossing her legs on the couch.

"She never said that she hates us." Camila says which Normani scoffs at.

"Y/n called Chris Brown and allowed him to say that we're talentless right in front of us, she hates us." Normani says and remembers the few moments of heartbreak she experienced after it.

"That doesn't mean anything, she did that because you were being annoying. I'm asking her." Camila says and takes out her phone.

"I'm not annoying!" Normani yells in defense of herself.

Dinah purses her lips together and looks to the side making Normani smack her arm.

Camila opens up her messages and makes a new conversation with Y/n.

Camila: do you hate us?

"She's not going to respond to you." Lauren says while watching Camila send the message. "If she does, she's going to call you out for being too straight forward." She says and just as she finishes Y/n texts back since Ally forced her to.

Y/n/n: no, I could never.

Camila shoves the phone in Lauren's face. "Suck on that, ha!" She repeats something that she saw on twitter.

Lauren rolls her eyes and relaxes against the couch. Normani and Dinah glare at Camila before disapprovingly shaking their heads.

Camila smiles and texts Y/n back, wanting more detailed answers.

Camila: why were you mean to us in the studio then? :(

Y/n instantly responds because of Ally, once again.

Y/n/n: I'm just not excited about your existence. Now stop texting me, damn.

"She said that she's not excited about our existence." Camila trails off while locking her phone not wanting to push any more of Y/ns buttons.

Dinah sighs. "I don't get why she wanted to work with us then, if she's not excited about us existing." She asks and quotes Y/n.

"Probably for Ally." Lauren chimes in from the couch.

"Or to get revenge." Normani contradicts and Camila confusedly glares at her. "Think about it, we fucked with her, she wants revenge." She says saying the first theories that come to her mind.

"That actually makes sense." Dinah adds on while leaning against her knees. "But why would her helping us be revenge?" She asks Normani.

Normani thinks about what Dinah asked her before replying. "This is Y/n we're talking about, she's manipulative, evil, and gets everything that she wants. She's getting close to Simon so she can slowly destroy us." Normani theorizes and Camila instantly denies this, but Lauren and Dinah agree to it.

"Y/n isn't any of those things! She's nice, caring, and she always bought us stuff." Camila debates while showing the bracelet that Y/n allowed Camila to buy.

"On the outside." Lauren says and pauses before continuing. "But on the inside she's the spawn of Satan." She says and everyone in the room stops talking to think about what just happened.

hello lovely people. I defiantly haven't been mia or anything like that.


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