Chapter 64

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Normani watches Y/n walk out of the bathroom in only a towel with her hair still a little damp. She watches Y/n bend down to her suitcase and take out a t-shirt and underwear. Normani gasps as Y/n drops her towel like it's nothing, and being the polite women and she Normani covers her eyes with her hands.

Y/n turns around to Normani after hearing her gasp. She looks at Normani who's laying in the bed with her hands over her eyes but she's wearing a smile on her lips, which reminds Y/n of that money emoji. Y/n finishes putting on her lace underwear before walking over to Normani and removing the pillow from over her face. "It's nothing you haven't seen before babes." She tells Normani with a smirk before leaning over her to grab her shirt.

Normani is trapped in a bliss while viewing Y/ns body. She reaches her hand up and runs her fingers along Y/ns back while Y/n reaches for her shirt.

While snatching her shirt, Y/n looks back at Normani, who's wearing a smirk on her lips, before standing up straight. She slips her shirt on before jumping on Normani and connecting their lips.

Y/n took Normani by surprise but she instantly kisses back anyways while running her hands on Y/ns back for a moment before trapping her hands in Y/ns hair. Normani breaks the kiss after thinking of a good question to ask Y/n. "Tell me how you feel about me." Normani commands Y/n while regaining her breath from their kiss.

Normani's words take Y/n by surprise. She thinks for a moment before speaking so she can say the best words that she can think of. "Whenever I look at you I get this warm feeling in my gut and when you touch me or look at me my heart can't control itself." Y/n pauses for a second. "I can't call it love, but I like you a lot Mani and unless you screw me over like you did last time, these feelings aren't going away anytime soon." Y/n tells Normani while grasping onto her hand.

Those words causes a release of tears to flow out of Normani's eyes. "Baby." She whispers before pulling Y/n down into her and wrapping her arms around her as tight as she can. "I love you so much." She says against Y/n's head. "I won't ever hurt you." She says for the hundreth time today.

"I know." Y/n tells Normani while cuddling into her more. She closes her eyes against Normani's skin and finds herself falling asleep in the matter of minutes.

It took a little while for Normani to realize that Y/n fell asleep since Normani was on her phone. She takes a selfie of her and Y/n even though she's sleeping. Then, she sets that picture as her homecreen.

Normani goes on Twitter and looks at the trending topics. She sees that her and Y/ns shipname is one of the trending topics. Since she's curious Normani clicks on the link.

Everything was positive for the beggining. The problems started raising when Normani got further into the tag. Her heart swelled up reading some of the racial slurs that people were calling her and death threats that fans were giving her.

Normani scrolls away from these posts but only finds more. She starts reading them and letting the devilish words go into her brain and manipulate the way that she thinks about herself.

So many tweets told her that she didn't deserve Y/n, which was true. Normani becomes addicted to looking at these hate messages for a few minutes. She doesn't even know that tears are forming in her eyes.

Y/n shifts in her sleep causing her face to cuddle deeper into Normanis neck. Normani looks down at Y/ns face then immediately looks back at her phone.

The one tweet that sent her over the edge was a tweet from a Y/n and Lauren shipper. The fan told Normani, indirectly, that she should get back to working in the fields and let Y/n and Lauren date. The tweet was also accompanied with a photoshopped image of Normani doing something inhumane.

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