The Proverbial Unrest

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It takes courage to grow up,

And be who you really are.

Saturday, 1st September, 1973

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Saturday, 1st September, 1973

Platform 9 3/4 , King's Cross, London, Great-Britain

Summer had gone way too rapidly for Eleonore's liking. She had spent the entire two weeks in mid-July with Lily at Freefolk house swimming, laughing and shopping in the most nearby town. Her mother actually had grown quite accustomed to the red head and liked to tease the girls by joking that she might have invited the Potters for dinner.

Gisila actually liked the idea of more people at the house. She would never tell her daughter but as much as she enjoyed her solo time with her husband, she had missed Eleonore terribly. It didn't help that every time she arrived back at the platform, her daughter had grown half a foot.

Gisila and Casius Darensbourg had to face the consequences. Their girl was not a little girl anymore, she was a young woman now. Her long hair had grown darker- almost midnight black and it nearly passed her waist. She passed her mother's shoulders in length. Her baby fat had disappeared and instead, her curves had arrived. She had a shapely figure and a wasp-waist.

Her high cheekbones could cut flesh, which made her eyes only more intense. Her piercing green orbs underneath those long, fluffy eyelashes were the reason she could stare so intensely. Her eyebrows were thick but perfectly shaped. She wasn't just flawless in her bone structure, her skin was like silk over glass and she radiated an intelligent beauty.

She was a teenager turning into the kind of girl women would love to hate. She was nearly an adult, but so young that she still had the exuberance of youth.

Her father would tell her every day how much she was turning into the beauty of her mother. Her mother's only response was that she was never as beautiful as Eleonore was.

Horror had stretched upon her father's face when Lily and her went shopping and arrived back home in -he had to think what his daughter called them- high wasted skiffy jeans. Skiffy jeans, yes that was the term. The kind that stuck onto her lower area like a second skin. Even he knew how many eyes both girls would attract and his stomach knotted in response when they asked how he liked the new clothes.

Casius Darensbourg knew that the giggles of his daughter and her friend did not have anything to do anymore with school or music, they were past that age- he knew they talked about boys now. He had heard them mention a certain Quidditch Captain named David Hamblin and when Eleonore told him she would apply for the Quidditch team, he almost send a letter to Albus Dumbledore demanding him to invite him to watch every practice and solid game.

"Was it really necessary to wear those jeans?" Casius Darensbourg mumbled, looking at his daughter who had a mischief smile upon her full lips.

"What's wrong with these jeans?" She answered, placing her hands in her waist. "They're comfortable."

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